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Max and Chloe Growing Apart
Max and Chloe breaking up
After a few sequels with different characters and powers, Maxine Caulfield is back in the hero's seat in Life is Strange: Double Exposure. While the game itself is a new story for Max in a different place, with different people and different powers, it acknowledges the original Life Strange events.
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These acknowledgments come as backstory information for Max and don't affect the new story in any major way. Still, because both this game and the original had player choices, it raises the question of what is canon and what isn't, especially regarding Chloe Price, since the original game was all about saving her. So, what happened to her?
For now, only the first two episodes are out. If more information is revealed on Chloe after the full game is out, we'll update this article accordingly.
What happened to Chloe?
What happened to Chloe? Partially above you. Because Double Exposure doesn't know how you interpreted their relationship or how you ended the original title, you'll have a conversation with another character, Safi, where you both talk about a girl with blue hair whose picture you keep in your wallet.
During this conversation, You will make two choices about Chloe. You will have a choice Be the authentic conclusion to their story During your game together.
First, you will make a choice Whether Max and Chloe were friends or high school sweethearts, Giving them a more romantic context. Then, you get to choose Whether they get separated (or break up, if you go with boyfriends) or Chloe dies.
In other words, Max and Chloe will Either have gone their separate ways before the events of double exposureor Chloe will die at the end of the original game.
Max and Chloe Growing Apart
If you choose it Max and Chloe were friends and that Chloe survived the first gameMax will say They became road trip buddies for a while, but they drifted apart Because the way they process things is just different, which ultimately leads to falling.
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suppose, Max's answer is very vagueSo there's not much else to say about picking these picks together. You can assume it's for reasons like the break-up, or maybe because Chloe had romantic feelings for Max that weren't reciprocated or just something else – it is. Open to interpretation.
Max and Chloe breaking up
If you choose it Max and Chloe were cute and Chloe survived the first game, Max will talk about how they dated for a while but they broke up because Max was stuck in the past while Chloe was thinking about the future.
However, interacting with Max's stuff reveals more information. Chloe shows signs of insecurity in Max's power, fear that Max can potentially reverse time again and again Unless she gets what she wants out of the relationship – although we have no reason to believe Max actually does that at any point.
You can also view old messages between them, Some of which address the power position we just mentioned. They also showed some of their daily life as a couple. finally, You can find the break-up letter from Chloe to Max And some things Max kept from Arcadia Bay.
This scenario also shows Max's trauma from the events of the original game and Blame for not saving Arcadia BayEven if only for a moment.
Chloe's death
finally, If you tell Safi that the girl with the blue hair is dead, this is the result; Whether she was a friend or a high school sweetheart. Things are a little more straightforward here, viz Max tells Safa that he lost his friend or girlfriend Before proceeding.
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Later, in Max's room, you get to see a photo of Chloe, and Max begins reminiscing about some of their interactions in the original Life is Strange.
This is also the meaning of the decision Everyone from Arcadia Bay is great. You get messages on your phone from some of them, like Max's parents and Chloe's mom, furthering this scenario a bit.
What should you choose?
Ultimately, you should go with whichever option you finished the first game with or whichever option feels right for you, of course. That said, we want to give you tips on the game's story and premise Whichever choice feels more organic to maximize on double exposure events.
From a narrative perspective, We recommend you select the 'Beloved' and 'He's Dead' options. Double Exposure isn't worried about using Chloe, as it has its own story going on, so it fits well here to properly close out the events of the original game.
A break-up, while not a bad idea, Doesn't feel well executed, and just gives things an awkward conclusion – Many fans agree.
Although Max mentions some crime in Arcadia Bay, He also seems good about it after mentioning it. It's strange to see him at peace with everyone who died because he chose a woman who dumped him later.
Meanwhile, A backstory where Chloe died still gives due weight to how Max behavesBecause she's still moving on from such a loss, she doesn't have to throw the whole town under the bus.
yet, These events do not play a major role in double exposure And mostly serves as Max's backstory.