Adorable pre-evolution designs for Pokemon fans Vulpix


  • A Pokemon fan artist created a Vulpix pre-evolution called Mikon, which was praised by the community.

  • Artist qobrosii also designed the Fire/Poison-type Mega Charizard Z and Electric-type Vulpix variants, showcasing their creativity with fan art.

A Pokemon A fan artist recently created a pre-evolved plan for Vulpix, turning the already adorable fire-type creature into an even cuter baby. Baby Pokemon was introduced in the second generation Pokemon Games with Pichu, Cleffa, Togepi, and others, and have become very popular in fan art, especially for fans who want to come up with unique pre-evolutions of famous critters.

Vulpix is ​​a Fire-type Pokémon originally introduced in the first generation of games in the franchise, but it can only be obtained in Pokemon BlueWhere it can be captured on routes 7, 8, and Pokemon Mansion. While Vulpix never received official pre-evolution, it evolves into Ninetails when exposed to the Fire Stone. In the seventh generation, Vulpix gained an Alolan version, an ice-type monster with white fur, which could evolve into the same type of Ninetales when using the Ice Stone.

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Now, a prolific one Pokemon A fan artist named qobrosii shared his latest creation with the community: Mikon, a pre-development for Vulpix. As a baby, the critter looks like an adorable little fox, lighter and less fur than Vulpix. Interestingly, Mikon only has three tails, considering that Vulpix has six tails, and Ninetales, as its name implies, comes with nine tails. Kobrosi's artwork was admired by others Pokemon fans, receiving over 450 upvotes.

Vulpix Pre-Evolution Pokemon Fan Art

This isn't the first amazing artwork qobrosii has shared with the community. Last month, for example, a fan designed a possible Fire/Poison-type form for Mega Charizard Z. The artwork was heavily inspired by the Gen 4 Pokémon Zygard, and envisioned a third alternate Mega Evolution for the popular Charizard. The Creator was waiting Pokemon Legends: ZAThe release of

Earlier this year, other fans also created interesting takes on creatures like Vulpix. Back in March, for example, a fan reimagined Vulpix as a brown fox with adorable yellow eyes inspired by the real-world Canadian marble fox.

Another great example of an alternative take on a popular critter was the electric-type variant for Vulpix. In this new form, Vulpix had short dark brown fur with some yellow spots and a lightning bolt-like symbol on its forehead. The cute monster also had a distinct tail, which resembled a dark cloud. Hopefully, other fans will continue to imagine different forms for Vulpix while Nintendo doesn't unveil different versions or new developments for the iconic fire-type fox.



Pokemon is a franchise that needs no introduction. One of the most successful media empires in history, Pokémon has spanned games, television, movies, manga, merchandise, music, and more.

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Satoshi Tajiri

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