Aerodactyl Pre-Guide (Decks, Tactics, Counters)

Pokemon TCG Pocket New X introduced a range of Pokémon, with Aerodactyl X standing out as a control card featuring a controversial ability. Before its launch, some Pokemon Pocket Players hoped it was the META-breaker they'd been waiting for, thanks to its potential to disrupt an opponent's evolution lines. However, now that it's here, it's hard to say it lived up to the hype. Still, we believe that a decklist with Marshadow and Primeape is the sweet spot for Aerodactyl ex, allowing it to unlock its full power – which, to be honest, isn't all that impressive.

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Aerodactyl East Card Overview

Aerodactyl pre ability in Pokemon TCG Pocket.

  • HP: 140
  • ATK: 80 DMG
  • stage: one (evolved from old amber)
  • Weakness: Lightning
  • capacity: Primeval Law = Your opponent cannot play any Pokemon from their hand to evolve their Active Pokemon.
  • Energy requirements: An energy of any kind to retreat. Two energy for attack (one colorless and one combat).

Aerodactyl ex is one of the latest former Pokemon to join the pocket. This is a Stage One card that evolved from Old Amber, an item card. Once played, Aerodactyl ex blocks Evolutions in your opponent's active position, forcing them to use the Bench for Evolutions instead. The problem is that players rarely use the active spot to develop their main DPS, which makes Aerodactyl's former effect somewhat pointless. However, this ability makes Aerodactyl primarily a control-oriented Pokémon, designed to disrupt and delay enemy tactics.

The perfect deck for Aerodactyl East in Pokemon Pocket

The perfect deck for Aerodactyl X in Pokemon TCG Pocket.

Works great on Aerodactyl ex Counterattack deck with Primeape and Marshadow. This trio benefits from the opponent's early attack, as both Primemap and Marsado deal more damage when the team is injured. To replicate this setup, you'll also need the Promo-A Mankey. (See the table below for more details.)

Aerodactyl east deck detail




Aeroductally East


Impedes the enemy's development

Old amber


Enables Aerodactyl ex's Evolution

Mankey (Promo-A)


Prepares Primeape to deal additional DMG



Injuries cause additional damage



Playing after a knockout takes 100 damage



Increases attack damage

Professor's research


Draws two cards

poke ball


Draws a basic card



Heals Pokemon



forces the enemy to retreat

How to play Aerodactile ex effectively

hitmonlee and aerodactyl ex pokemon in tcg pocket.

Here are some notes to keep in mind:

1. Aerodactyl ex can intercept from the bench

Once you play Aerodactyl ex, whether it's on the bench or active, your opponent won't be able to evolve their active Pokemon. They can still retreat and continue to evolve from the bench, but if timed right, Aerodactyl X can force them to use extra energy and delay their entire strategy for a turn or two.

2. Don't build a deck around Aerodactyl East

While its control archetype has potential, Aerodactyl ex is not a game-changer. It is best used as part of a comprehensive strategy rather than the core of one. Its role is to provide a barrier and buy time to move forward in Evolutions.

3. Compensation for Aerodactyl ex's Blow-100 DMG

Cards like Giovanni are essential to support Aerodactyl ex decks. Its two-energy attack, 80 damage from Land Cross, is often not enough to take down enemy Pokémon. Having a backup plan is important, especially when your opponent has a tanky active Pokemon. (In the Aerodactyl ex & Primeape decks discussed in this guide, Marsado and Giovanni help cover the deck's damage limits.)

How to counter Aerodactyl ex

Strategy-wise, to counter the effects of Aerodactyl ex, bench the Pokemon you want to evolve. Retreat cost can be a downside in some situations, but since most strategies already involve developing primary DPS on the bench, it won't hinder your overall strategy too much.

If you're looking for a strong counter to Aerodactyl ex, go with Pikachu ex. It's a quick-build lineup that relies on basic pre-Pokémon, meaning you won't need to evolve your primary damage dealer.

In general, pre-Basic Pokemon like Moltres X, Articuno X, Zapdos X, and Mewtwo X are great counters to Aerodactyl X, as they negate its effects. You can also use cards like Hitmonlee to snipe a passive Aerodactyl ex.


Despite the rise of the Aerodactyl X deck Pokemon Pocketof the metagame, cards still struggle to secure a significant portion of the META. There are two main reasons for this: 1) its ability is easy to counter, and 2) current META decks like Pikachu East are strong against it.

We recommend the Aerodactyl pre-deck for players looking to explore new synergies. However, if you're playing competitively or aiming to participate in tournaments, this Pokemon won't be the winning bet you need. Still, it remains one of the most important cards in the less-popular control archetype Pokemon Pocket.

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