All Mutations in Fish (and How to Get Them)

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while fishing FishYou may have noticed that some of your catches have a different appearance and cost a little more than usual. This is due to a special feature applied to the mutation in all fish.

Mutations not only increase the value of the catch but also affect its appearance Roblox the game But of course, many of them can only be obtained by using a special fishing rod and meeting certain conditions. Here's a detailed rundown All mutations in Fish And how to get them.

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All mutations in FISH

fish fish

Mutation is an RNG-based effect Fish. Players may notice that their catch has already mutated during the reeling phase. For example, with the electric mutation, fish acquire an electric aura.

It is also worth noting that each mutation increases the value of the fish. And the higher the bonus, the harder it is to get. For your convenience, here is a list of all available mutations Fish:


Price bonus




0.5x value


1.1x value

autumn (season)

1.25x value


1.3x value

burnt out

1.3x value


1.3x value


1.3x value

It got dark

1.3x value


1.45x value


1.5x value


1.5x value


1.5x value


1.6x value


1.9x value


1.9x value


1.9x value


1-2x value (depending on overall catch weight)


2-2.5x value (depending on overall catch weight)


2x value


2x value


2x value


2x value

the moon

2.5x value


2.5x value


2.5x value

Solar flares

2.5x value


3x value

spring (season)

3x value

was revived

3.5x value

the abyss

3.5x value


4x value


4x value


4.5x value


6.5x value

Mutation events in fish

FISH mutation

One of the main ways to achieve the desired mutation Fish Fishing is done during random events when day and night change. Some of them increase your chances slightly, while others increase them significantly.

  • A night of light – increases Sparkling catch rate by 10%.
  • Shiny bounce – increases Brilliant catch rate by 3%.
  • Mutation growth – Increases the chance of being caught Fish with mutations by 15%.

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Mutation fishing rods in fish

Phish player

within a few rods Fish Increase the catch rate for certain mutations. In addition, some mutations can only be obtained by using suitable rods when fishing:

  • King's Rod – A great option for large or giant mutations.
  • season rod – The only way to get seasonal mutations.
  • Phoenix Rod – Increases the chance of getting the Scorched mutation.
  • No-life rod – Increases the chance of getting the hexed mutation.
  • The haunted rod – The only way to get a scary or sinister mutation after the Halloween event.
  • The Midas Rod – Increases the chance of getting the Midas mutation.
  • celestial rod – The only way to get celestial mutation.
  • Voyager Rod – Increases the chance of getting fossil mutations.
  • The trident rod – The only way to get the Atlantean mutation.
  • The legendary rod – Increases the chance of getting a legendary mutation.

Other methods of obtaining mutations in fish

Fish NPC

In addition to the methods described above, Fish Offers players many ways to get catches with different mutations, and by combining all these methods, you can fish more effectively.

the magic

  • the abyss – Increases catch rate by 10% for Abyss mutation.
  • Noir – Increases catch rate by 10% for albino and dark mutations.
  • blessed – Increases catch rate by 2% for sparkling and shiny mutations.
  • Mutated – Increases catch rate by 7% for fish with a mutation.
  • disgusting – Increases catch rate by 20% for transparent mutations.


Rating NPCs living in Moosewood can increase the cost of your catch and apply random mutations. Fish. Fortunately, bonuses from server events apply to this NPC.

Also, players should visit the Chiseler NPC on the Ancient Isle. With his help, you can transform the amber-mutated fish into a reanimated or pure mutation.

Treasure chests

These chests when players find the corresponding treasure maps, and among all the possible drops from the chest, you can get a fish with a unique sunken mutation.

Nuke explosion

When using Nuke, all fish in the blast area get a nuclear mutation Fish. This effect lasts for 30 minutes, after which players will no longer be able to get a nuclear catch.



September 1, 2006

Roblox Corporation

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