Best Armies For Town Hall 11 In Clash Of Clans


  • Electro Dragons are powerful but vulnerable to distractions like Air Sweepers.
  • Zap Dragons take down Air Defenses effectively using Dragons and Spells.
  • Queen Charge Hybrid combines Hog Riders and Miners for a versatile attack.

Town Hall 11 brings lots of new additions to players in Clash of Clans. For defense, it provides them with the blustery Tornado Trap and the game-changing Eagle Artillery, which has an incredible range and can obliterate an army if not dealt with. To combat the increased strength on defense, players get access to new troops, Electro Dragons and Ice Golems, the invisibility spell, and a powerful new Hero, the Grand Warden, as well as the ability to train Super Troops.


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With so many new and exciting inclusions for Town Hall 11, it’s no wonder that players find it hard to know which armies are the best. For those unsure, these are the best army strategies and how to use them for Town Hall 11, incorporating new unlocks and taking into consideration how easy each attack is to execute for players looking to get a perfect 3-star.

Updated on January 22, 2025, by Mehrdad Khayyat: Clash of Clans is still one of the most popular RTS games on mobile and Town Hall 11 is one of those massive steps that many players get stuck in for a long time until they collect enough resources to upgrade buildings and fortify their village before stepping into the next Town Hall level.

Due to this long presence in Town Hall 11, players will need to find a bunch of killer army formations, as they will face a lot of battles while grinding for resources. However, not all armies require a long analysis of the opponent’s base. Some armies are just strong enough to crush the base and achieve victory.


Dragon Spam

Best For Stealing 2-Star Wins

  • 13x Dragon
  • 10x Lightning Spell

Although achieving a perfect win is the goal for every player, sometimes scoring a 1-star or a 2-star win is also great, especially if a player is only hunting for resources or doesn’t have enough time to craft an attacking strategy.

Dragon Spam is one of the best ways to secure a win in Clash of Clans. All the player needs to do is stack Dragons and Lightning Spells into the deck. Once the battle begins, drop the Lightning Spells on the opponent’s Eagle Artillery if they have one. Once Eagle Artillery is destroyed, deploy all the dragons along a line quickly. Wait for the defenses to target Dragons and then deploy all the heroes. If the opponent doesn’t have an Eagle Artillery, save Lightnings for aerial defenses.


Valkyrie And Dragon Party

A Mixture All Heavy Damage-Dealers

  • 2x Electro Dragon
  • 2x Dragon
  • 10x Valkyrie
  • 2x Healer
  • 1x Golem
  • 3x Giant
  • 5x Wall Breakers
  • 1x Barbarian
  • 10x Lightning Spell

While featuring a wide variety of features, this deck is quite easy to use. First off, make sure to take down the opponent’s Eagle Artillery using the Lightning Spells. Now try to find a way inside. For this, drop Golem and support it with a Healer. then drop the Wall Breakers to open up the path inside. Now drop all the Valkyries to get to the inner side of the walls. Deploy the single Barbarian too.

Now focus on another part of the map and deploy Dragons and Electro Dragons along with Giants and the remaining Healer. Now, when it comes to heroes, deploy with either of the groups that are closer to the Town Hall, as they should help to get rid of it as soon as possible. If Grand Warden is available, make sure to use immunity ability just before the toxic bomb detonates after destroying the Town Hall.


Electro Dragon Spam

Easy To Use But Inconsistent

  • 8x Electro Dragon
  • 4x Balloon
  • 4x Rage Spell
  • 2x Freeze Spell
  • 1x Poison Spell
  • Stone Slammer, 1 Electro Dragon, 3 Balloons, 2 Freeze Spells (Clan Castle)

Electro Dragons shoot lighting, which bounces between buildings within one tile of each other, allowing them to damage multiple buildings with a single attack. It’s no wonder then that an army made up of mostly E-Dragons is a powerful force. However, their slow attack and movement speed make them vulnerable to Air Sweepers, but these can be dealt with by Freeze Spells or by using Lightning Spells to destroy them.

The strategy is simple. Players pick a spot they want to attack from, which is ideally the closest point to the Eagle Artillery. They deploy the King on one side and an E-Dragon on the other to clear outside buildings, which creates a funnel into the base. Then, they send a few balloons in to trigger Seeking Air Mines, followed by the E-Dragons, a Stone Slammer, and the Grand Warden with the Eternal Tome and Rage Gem equipped. Dropping Rage and Freeze Spells at key moments helps the E-Dragons to tear through the base. However, E-Dragons can be easily distracted and taken out if overwhelmed, making this strategy inconsistent.


Zap Dragons

Strong And Easy To Use

  • 10x Dragon
  • 6x Balloon
  • 1x Electro Dragon
  • 2x Rage Spell
  • 1x Freeze Spell
  • 4x Lightning Spell
  • 2x Earthquake Spell
  • Stone Slammer, 7 Balloons, 2 Freeze Spells (Clan Castle)

Zap Dragons use regular Dragons and Balloons, paired with Lightning and Earthquake Spells, to destroy Air Defenses. Two Lightning Spells and one Earthquake Spell will destroy an Air Defense, and two Air Defenses will typically want to be taken out. It’s best if the Air Defenses furthest away from the Eagle Artillery are destroyed, as the Dragons will be deployed closest to the Eagle Artillery, allowing them to take out the other two Air Defenses with the aid of Rage and Freeze spells.


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First, the two Air Defenses are destroyed, and then a funnel is created using the Barbarian King and an E-Dragon. After this, the Dragons, Balloons, Stone Slammer, and Grand Warden with the Eternal Tome and Rage Gem are sent in – Balloons first to trigger Seeking Air Mines. Rage and Freeze Spells are deployed to aid the Dragons in destroying the remaining two Air Defenses, the Eagle Artillery, and other key defenses. If executed correctly, the Dragons will wipe out the base.


Queen Charge LavaLoon

Powerful But Difficult To Master

  • 5x Healer
  • 2x Lava Hound
  • 16x Balloon
  • 12x Minion
  • 2x Super Wall Breaker
  • 1x Baby Dragon
  • 3x Rage Spell
  • 1x Jump Spell
  • 2x Haste Spell
  • 1x Poison Spell
  • Stone Slammer, 7 Balloons, 2 Freeze Spells (Clan Castle)

A Queen Charge is one of the most popular strategies, regardless of a player’s Town Hall level. It involves pairing five Healers with the Archer Queen, helping her to eliminate a chunk of the base herself, including Clan Castle Troops and key defenses such as the Eagle Artillery. An equipment pairing of Invisibility Vial and the Frozen arrow is ideal for this. The Queen Charge is followed up by a second wave of attack. In this case, it’s a combination of Lava Hounds and Balloons. This army composition is particularly effective against bases that are well spread out, as the Queen can eliminate certain compartments without being overwhelmed, while the Lava Hound and Balloons can clean up the remainder of the base later.

Using the Barbarian King and a Baby Dragon to create a funnel and placing a Jump Spell or Super Wall Breaker will get the Queen into the base. Supporting the Queen and Healers with Rage Spells and Freeze or Invisibility Spells helps her to destroy the Eagle Artillery, Air Defenses, and Air Sweepers by herself. Once she has done some of this, players deploy Lava Hounds in front of Balloons and the Grand Warden, equipped with the Eternal Tome and Rage Vial, to clear up the rest of the base. Haste Spells are useful to speed up the Balloons, allowing them to reach defenses quicker and helping to reduce the chance of running out of time. Overall, it’s a powerful strategy, but it has a lot of moving parts and takes practice to master.


Queen Charge Hybrid

Versatile And Dominant But Takes Time to Perfect

  • 5x Healer
  • 13x Miner
  • 13x Hog Rider
  • 2x Balloon
  • 2x Baby Dragon
  • 2x Super Wall Breaker
  • 1x Archer
  • 1x Jump Spell
  • 1x Rage Spell
  • 2x Invisibility or Freeze Spell
  • 2x Heal Spell
  • 1x Poison Spell
  • Flame Flinger, 7 Hog Riders, 1 Rage Spell (Clan Castle)

Queen Charge Hybrid isn’t the easiest to execute, but it’s powerful at a range of Town Hall levels. Instead of a combination of Lava Hounds and Balloons following up the Queen Charge, this army involves a 50/50 split of Hog Riders and Miners. Both these troops can bypass walls, allowing them to quickly clear up a base. Plus, they complement each other nicely. The Miners target any building and can deal with defending Heroes and Skeleton Traps, protecting the Hog Riders as they rush towards defenses and destroy them. The addition of the Flame Flinger adds another layer of destruction. It should be deployed in an area that has little protection from X-Bows, and if there’s a Mortar or Hidden Tesla that pops up, a Baby Dragon is used to eliminate the threat, allowing the Flame Flinger to take out a corner of the base on its own.


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Players can then funnel the Queen and Healers into the base using the Barbarian King and a Baby Dragon, granting her access with the Jump Spell and/or Super Wall Breakers and supporting her with Rage and Invisibility or Freeze Spells. The Hog Riders and Miners, sent in alongside the Grand Warden with the Eternal Tome and Life Gem and supported with Heal Spells, can clear out what’s left of the base with ease. Because of their fast movement speed, there’s also less risk of a time failure. This strategy takes time to get used to, but once mastered, it results in a reliable army composition for higher Town Hall levels as well as for Town Hall 11.


Mass Witches

Easy To Use Spam Attack

  • 4x Ice Golem
  • 10x Witch
  • 10x Bowler
  • 5x Wizard
  • 1x Rage Spell
  • 4x Freeze Spell
  • 4x Bat Spell
  • 1x Poison Spell
  • Log Launcher, 1 Ice Golem, 1 Yeti, 2 Archers, 2 Bat Spells (Clan Castle)

With access to Ice Golems at Town Hall 11, players unlock a powerful new strategy involving Witches, Ice Golems, and Bat Spells. The strategy has lots of variation, but the general idea involves identifying where the splash damage defenses are located in the base. The key ones are Multi-Target Inferno Towers and Wizard Towers, which can be frozen using Freeze Spells and then overwhelmed with masses of troops. As with any attack at Town Hall 11, it’s best to attack from whatever side is closest to the Eagle Artillery.

The attack involves deploying Ice Golems first and then the three Heroes, Log Launcher, Witches, Bowlers, and Wizards behind. With a funnel on either side, the troops should enter the base and cause carnage. The trickiest part is placing the freeze spells on the Multi-Target Inferno Towers and Wizard Towers at the right time so that they can be destroyed before they deal with the hordes of skeletons the Witches are summoning. Once the Multi-Target Inferno Towers are destroyed, the Bat Spells can be deployed away from any Wizard Towers to clear up a portion of the base on their own. This is a powerful army that is easy to get good with.


Valkyrie Spam

Best Spam Deck For Achieving Easy 3-Star Wins

  • 32x Valkyrie
  • 10x Lightning Spell

Valkyrie is the best troop to ever exist in Clash of Clans, and this deck is proof of that. It’s insane how powerful Valkyrie is and how a massive number of these units can crush an entire clan pretty fast.

Similar to the Dragon Spam deck, make sure to destroy the opponent’s Eagle Artillery using all the Lightning Spells, and if there is no such thing, use the spells to clear the path toward the enemy’s Town Hall.

Now start deploying the Valkyrie units, but don’t do it all at once. If the opponent has a series of buildings outside the wall, use a few Valkyries to get rid of them, so that the next Valkyrie targets the structures inside the base and breaks through the wall. Again, deploy the Valkyrie units in waves, but don’t allow the gap to become too long. Almost half a second gap between each deployment is ideal.

Once all Valkyrie units are deployed, drop the heroes on the deck and then use their abilities whenever needed. If Grand Warden is among the heroes, make sure to deploy among the last wave of Valkyries, so that his ability can help Valkyries stay alive for a longer period, especially when they are targeting the town hall.

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