Best Class Combinations For Co-Op

Key Takeaways

  • Build a diverse party lineup in
    Baldur’s Gate 3
    to handle various challenges and enemy resistances effectively.
  • Pair specific classes for optimal combat and exploration synergy, such as Warlock + Wizard for massive damage potential.
  • Experiment with different class pairs and subclasses to find the right fit for your preferred playstyle and party dynamics.

Whether players are looking to try and replicate a classic Larian Studios “Lone Wolf” challenge or are simply looking to optimize the core of their party lineup, there are many things to consider when creating a character in Baldur’s Gate 3. The game throws many challenges at the players, ranging from simple combat to nuanced “roleplay” encounters to stealth and basic skill checks.

With that in mind, players should try and cover as many bases as possible. A good combination will be capable of dealing with most of what the game has to offer. Given the many variations of enemy resistances and immunities, damage types are also a beneficial thing to keep in mind. Here are a few classes that pair well when adventuring together.


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Updated December 2, 2024, by Hamza Haq: Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the best games to play in co-op, as not only is it an incredible experience solo, it’s slower, methodical pace and turn-based combat makes it accessible to non-gamers, giving them a chance to enjoy Larian’s take on a D&D campaign. In a co-op campaign, synergizing with your partner is key, especially for parties that aren’t taking any NPC companions along for the ride. Fights are much, much easier for duos that can shore up each other’s weaknesses.

16 Warlock (The Fiend) + Wizard (Evocation School)

A highly explosive combination of mages.

Wyll and Gale

While this pair might be somewhat riskier than others, it has massive damage potential. Warlocks are known for their Eldritch Blast, dealing devastating attacks from a safe distance. And should enemies come closer, Armor of Agathys can do a stellar job of both defending the Warlock and dealing retaliatory damage.

Evocation Wizards are amazing at offensive spells, having access to different kinds of elemental damage and a certain amount of utility. Together, the two can quickly dispatch multiple enemies as long as they pay extra attention to their positioning.

15 Fighter (Battlemaster) + Rogue (Thief)

A versatile pair that can get almost anywhere

Laezel, Asterion

While this pair relies heavily on physical damage, they are a very potent pair both in and out of combat. The Battlemaster excels at taking control over the battlefield, disabling and weakening enemies with their Maneuvers while dealing a decent amount of damage.


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Meanwhile, the Thief can freely move around the battlefield, taking out the higher-value targets with their great burst damage. Out of combat, the Thief can also lockpick both doors and chests, so exploration is made that much easier for both of them.

14 Cleric (Life Domain) + Druid (Circle of the Moon)

Heroes never die!

Shadowheart, Halsin

This pair has so many sustaining abilities that it is going to be quite a challenge to bring them down. The Circle of the Moon Druid has access to stronger Wildshapes, allowing them to be a reliable frontline, soaking and dealing great amounts of damage.

Both the Druid and the Domain of Life Cleric have access to healing spells and can keep up each other’s health pools quite easily. The Cleric also has access to some great damage spells, and the Druid’s Wildshapes allow them to easily infiltrate through the many nooks and small passages in the game.

13 Ranger (Beast Master) + Wizard (Abjuration School)

Great physical damage, supported by defensive magic

Ranger, Wizard

This pair nicely complements each other’s strengths, uplifting both of them in the process. The Beast Master Ranger can deal great damage while also having access to a bulky Pet that can be a decent tank for the party.


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The Abjuration Wizard, much like in D&D, focuses on defensive spells. They are capable of defending both themselves and their party members, giving the Ranger plenty of space to work with and rain down arrows from a relatively safe position.

12 Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline) + Fighter (Eldritch Knight)

A weapon thrower and a spell slinger

sorcerer and lae'zel in baldurs gate 3

The Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer is inherently hardier than the other subclasses, and with access to Metamagic, especially Quickened Spell, this class can obliterate enemies in any encounter. Additionally, as a Charisma-based class, Sorcerers can easily serve as the face of the party, with the ability to persuade, intimidate, and deceive in equal measure.

While a traditional Fighter would work quite well in this party, an Eldritch Knight gains the ability Weapon Bond, which allows any weapon they throw to return to them after landing. Combined with Action Surge, this allows Eldritch Knights to spec into a Throwing weapon build, one of the most powerful in the entire game.

11 Bard (College of Valour) + Cleric (Tempest Domain)

An one man army and their cheering squad

volo and shadowheart in baldurs gate 3

The Tempest Cleric is the star of this show, gaining access to some truly spectacular thunder and lightning spells that can turn tough encounters into a cakewalk when handled correctly. In particular, Chain Lightning (obtained at level 5) will be the class’s bread and butter well into the late game. It is a Concentration spell that can be recast to deal full damage without expending a spell slot on the subsequent casts. On top of this, the Tempest Cleric’s heavy armor proficiency means that they can comfortably stand on the front lines and throw spells and melee attacks for days.

Bard’s College of Valour class subclass allows the already overpowered class to become even better at supporting the Cleric via Combat Inspiration. At level 6, these Bards gain the Extra Attack feature, allowing them to support the Cleric in melee combat. At later levels, the Cleric’s weapon damage starts to fall off, and the Bard begins to excel in this role, forcing a slight role change and a shift in party dynamics.

10 Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) + Sorcerer (Wild Magic)

A holy warrior paired with an unstable magic powerhouse

Paladin - Oath of Vengeance + Sorcerer - Wild Magic

Not everyone likes an overly-obsessed Paladin, but it is hard to argue with their methods. Alone or in a team, they are an impregnable fortress that runs over anyone they come across, especially if that unlucky soul turns out to be undead.

On the contrary, Sorcerers are considered to be on the squishier side, though their incredible magical damage more than makes up for it. And so, the Sorcerer can comfortably wreak havoc from a distance, while their companion focuses the heat on themselves.

9 Barbarian (Wildheart) + Bard (College of Lore)

The power of a swinging greatsword, backed by an epic soundtrack

Barbarian - Wildheart + Bard - College of Lore

A good Barbarian is both the party’s meatshield and a devastating meatgrinder. They can take most enemies head-on, though they can be suboptimal when it comes to long-ranged combat. That is precisely where the Bard can pick up the slack. They bombard enemies with damaging spells and use their disabling abilities to control the flow of battle.


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The pair is also well-equipped to deal with out-of-combat threats, capable of holding a conversation as well as shoving around large objects.

8 Rogue (Arcane Trickster) + Monk (Way of the Four Elements)

This pair has more than enough tricks up their sleeves

Rogue - Arcane Trickster+ Monk - Way of the Four Elements

On the surface, the pairing of a Rogue and a Monk might seem to lack magical utility. The trick, though, is in the subclasses. The Arcane Trickster, as the name implies, allows Rogues to cast a good number of spells, including great utility options such as “ Tasha’s Hideous Laughter” and “ Mage Hand.”

The Monk, on the other hand, can do a great job of covering the elemental damage needed against particular enemies. On top of that, the two are amazing at stealth, and can go pretty much anywhere they please.

7 Warlock (The Fiend) + Ranger (Beast Master)

A darkness synergy duo

Warlock (The Fiend) + Ranger (Beast Master) bg3 team comp

Warlocks and Rangers have surprisingly deep synergy in Baldur’s Gate 3 due to the Warlock’s ability to see through magical Darkness using the Eldritch Invocation Devil’s Sight and the Ranger’s ability to summon Darkness anywhere on the field not only from the Darkness spell but also from the Dire Raven summon.

The only requirement to make this class combination work in co-op is to choose the Beast Master subclass for the Ranger. At lower levels, Rangers gain the Darkvision and Warlocks obtain Darkness. Combined, this means this duo can use the Warlock’s Darkness spell to wreak havoc while all their enemies are blinded. When the Ranger reaches level 11, their Dire Raven gains the ability to create a cloud of Darkness at any location it flies, making it very easy to blind enemies en masse.

6 Barbarian (Wildheart) + Cleric (Tempest Domain)

Centered around reverberation gear

Barbarian (Wildheart) + Cleric (Tempest Domain) bg3 team comp

On a base level, Barbarian and Cleric mesh perfectly. Barbarians like to charge into the middle of the fight, weapons swinging. Clerics are healers first and foremost and help keep the Barbarian alive after their rampage is over. Having at least one healer in a duo is always a good idea.

For even more synergy, the ideal Barbarian subclass for this duo is Wildheart Barbarian, who gets access to Tiger Heart. The Cleric can go Tempest Domain and lean fully into the Reverberation mechanic, gathering and equipping all relevant equipment as soon as possible. Reverb Clerics have the ability to quickly get 5 stacks of Reverberation on their enemies which can render enemies prone very easily. Wildheart Barbarians love this effect because this way they can build purely for damage without worrying about safety at all. As an added bonus, Tempest Clerics get Heavy Armor proficiency and access to some incredible AoE spells which shore up the Barbarian’s weaknesses.

5 Paladin (Oath of Devotion) + Druid (Circle of the Land)

Incredible survivability, paired with great spells and damage

Paladin - Oath of Devotion + Druid - Circle of the Land

This pair is fairly popular among Dungeons and Dragons players due to their natural survivability and great utility options. And it translates well into Baldur’s Gate 3. The pair can be devastating on the battlefield, dealing various types of damage. On top of that, both classes barely have to worry about their HP, with the Druid’s Wildshape healthpools and healing spells and healing from the Paladin.


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Outside of combat, Druids can be stellar navigators. They can infiltrate all kinds of places with their more mobile wild shapes, such as a Cat.

4 Wizard (Conjuration School) + Ranger (Beast Master)

For when players really don’t want to touch their enemies

Wizard - Conjuration School + Ranger - Beast Master

While this pair doesn’t have too much survivability on their own, their summoned allies more than make up for it. With the Ranger’s Companion and the Wizard’s various Conjuration spells, the pair can attack enemies from a safe distance with almost leisurely ease while their pets engage their enemies in melee.

And should things go awry, the pair have enough utility and control spells to get them out of sticky situations, with various disabling and even enemy-controlling options. All in all, this is a fun combination to start fighting enemy hordes with players’ own small army.

3 Warlock (The Fiend) + Monk (Way of the Open Hand)

Who needs a Long Rest anyway?

Warlock - The Fiend + Monk - Way of the Open Hand

The Warlock is a great, self-sufficient class that is great at almost any range. With Eldritch Blasts, distant enemies are barely a problem, and their Pact Weapon can take care of anyone who gets uncomfortably close. Meanwhile, the Monk is an absolute machine in melee, with their high Dexterity-based AC and a flurry of devastating blows.


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Another unique quality of this pair is their great utilization of the Short Rest. Both classes get back a lot of their resources and equally benefit from frequent rests. With the Warlock’s Charisma and the Monk’s Dexterity, there is no door that can hold them off for too long.

2 Cleric (Knowledge Domain) + Fighter (Champion)

The best healer with one of the best martial classes can conquer pretty much anything

Cleric - Knowledge Domain + Fighter - Champion

The cornerstone of any good party, this combination can easily brave the countless perils that the game has to offer. Almost classic in a way, this pair is incredibly efficient and straight to the point. In addition to the obvious fighting capacity, the Cleric can also provide great utility. Access to such useful spells as “ Speak with Dead” can help players with various investigation scenarios.

While fairly simple, Fighters are great at what they do, and the Battle Master in particular offers a lot of great Maneuvers for players to use to their advantage.

1 Barbarian (Totem Warrior) + Wizard (Enchantment School)

Raw power, coupled with limitless utility

Barbarian - Totem Warrior + Wizard - Enchantment School

Like David and Goliath, these two have pretty much all their bases covered. The Barbarian, fortified by the spiritual essence of Totem animal spirits, stands as an indomitable force on the front lines, resilient and robust. Conversely, the Enchantment Wizard navigates the subtleties of magical manipulation, exerting control over the minds of adversaries.


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This collaborative approach seamlessly integrates raw physical power with sophisticated arcane influence, crafting a tactically versatile pair that navigates encounters with both strength and finesse. Whatever the Barbarian might lack, the multi-purposed Wizard can easily cover, and vice versa.


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