Best friends in Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader is an epic CPRG where players explore a large area of ​​space and fight various xenos, heretics and demons. Helping the player fight against these threats is a selection of companions that can be taken on missions. Each companion has slightly different skills and abilities, ready to tackle whatever obstacles come in the player's way.

Players choose from a selection Ten friendsEach with individual purpose and alignment. A maximum of five companions can be taken on missions, and choosing which ones to take depends largely on the player's mission and preferred playstyle. fight in rogue merchant is more about strategy than brute force, and deciding which friends to take can be the difference between success and death.

Updated 4 October 2024 by Andy Chapman: Warhammer 40k is growing in popularity and slowly transitioning from a niche hobby to a mainstream IP. With the release of the critically acclaimed video game Space Marines 2More people than ever are looking for a grimdark sci-fi setting. This rise in popularity has only helped the other 40k video games. With the recent release of Rogue Trader's new DLC, Zero ShadowsThis fun CRPG has seen a surge of new and returning players. This article has been updated with additional entries including secret companions from the base game and an exclusive new companion in the DLC.

14 Incendia Basal-Chorda

fanatic and devotee

Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader - Every fellow, ranked portrait of rogue trader Incendia chorda

  • Homeworld: Imperial World
  • Origin: Ministorum priest
  • Archetype: Solder / Master Strategist

Incendia Chorda is one of two other evil merchants who compete for power in the Coronas expansion. She rules with an iron will and is a devoted follower of the Lord-Emperor. She is staunch in her beliefs and ruthless in the execution of her duties. She is a strong supporter of the players and one of the three secret recruit friends.

To recruit Incendia into Rogue Trader's retinue, players should not send food to Footfall in the early game. Also, in time great justice quest, players must accompany either Incendia or Vladaym Tocara and be Iconoclast-fanatic, which will allow players to transform Chorda.

13 Heinrich Van Calox

Interrogator of the Inquisition

Curious Henix in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

  • Homeworld – Imperial world
  • Origin – Accepted Psyker/Biomancer
  • Archetype – Warrior

Henriks Van Calox, an investigative interrogator, can be recruited early in the game during the Quest for Trouble. The Inquisition is the Empire's secret police and is tasked with rooting out all heretics and xenos threats from within.

Henrix is ​​a powerful psyker and a loyal believer in the Empire. His archetype of warrior makes him a useful member to take on missions, and he can be effectively used as a front-line attack alongside Abelard. His role in the Inquisition means that he doesn't approve when an evil merchant moves into heretical activities or sides with xenos.

12 Marazhai Aezyrraesh

Drakon of Kabel of the Raving Tempest

Marazhai in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

  • Homeworld – Unknown
  • Origin – unknown
  • Archetype – Warrior/Assassin

Marazhai is a member of the Eldari race known as the Drukhari, a cruel and corrupt people who take great pleasure in the pain and suffering of others. From their city deep within the webway known as Commoragh, they raid real space to find more victims for their dark pleasure.

Marazhai can be recruited during Act 3 of the game when the player finds himself in the dangerous city of Drukhari. As a companion, Marazhai is a fun addition to the retinue because he is, unlike almost all of the other companions, essentially an evil character.

11 Calligos Winterscale

Strong willed and bloodthirsty

Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader - Every friend, ranked picture of Caligos Winterscale at war

  • Homeworld: Imperial World
  • Origin: Noble
  • Archetype: Warrior/Arch-Militant

Calligos Winterscale is one of two other evil merchants who call the Coronas Expanse home. He is the opposite of Incendia Chorda and is loud, loud, and an enthusiastic hunter. He lives a full life and has a legendary reputation as a warrior; Quick to fight and quick to brag. He reigns as the undisputed head of the Winterscale Dynasty.

Calligos Winterscale is also one of the three secret recruit friends. To bring Winterscale into the Rogue Trader's retinue, players must choose Heretical dialogue options during their first meeting and later during their encounter with the Elder.

10 Yerlit Lanavis

Exclude the Aeldari

Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

  • Homeworld – Voidborn
  • Origin – Aeldari
  • Archetype – operational

Evil merchants are a rare breed within the Empire. Created to be a vanguard during the Great Crusade, their role was to discover humanity's new strongholds and be the first point of contact. Within this role, they are given special perks that few others in the Imperium have. This includes working with xenos.

Yrliet is an Aeldari sharpshooter that the player meets on Janus, one of the sovereign worlds. As a partner, he is ideal for backline defense, taking out enemies no other partner can reach. Yrliet's unique ability, in My Sights, can be very useful when an enemy needs to be hit perfectly.

9 Jai Hedari

Black market trader of Xenos tech

Jae in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

  • Homeworld – Imperial world
  • Origin – Cold Merchant
  • Archetype – Officer

First met in Footfall, Jae Heydari meets the evil-type friend in the game. If she is equipped with Bring it Down she can be used like Cassia! Talent, which gives an ally an extra turn. Combine it with Move Move! Talents, which give an ally extra movement points, are an important part of combat strategy.

Jae Heydari is a charming and shy fellow who is loyal to the empire rather than profit. She will often let the evil merchant know when there is potential for financial gain in a situation.

8 Cruel Uralon

A warrior of destructive forces

Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader - Every fellow, a ranked portrait of a brutal, darkly inspired Uralon word bearer

  • Homeworld: Unknown
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Archetype: Officer / Master Strategist

Uralon the Cruel is a Chaos Space Marine and Dark Apostle of the treasonous Word Bearers army. As the first Astartes army to fall to the forces of destruction, the Word Bearers are renowned for their fanatical following of Chaos Undivided. Dark Apostles serve as the priests of the heretic army and are some of the most devout beings in the galaxy.

Uralon the Cruel is also one of three secret recruitable companions available to players. To recruit Chaos Space Marines into the Rogue Trader's retinue, players must complete The call of the shore search

7 Ulfar

Space Wolf and Skald

Ulfar Space Wolf in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

  • Homeworld – Deathworld
  • Origin – Space Marine
  • Archetype – Soldier/Arch-Militant

This friend is found later in the game in Act 3. Ulfar are powerful members of the Adeptus Astartes or Space Marines, the elite fighting force of the Empire of Mankind. When the player first meets Ulfar in the mission, Fury in Chains, he is being held captive by the Drukhari. Whether to release him or not is up to the player.

As a companion, Ulfar is good as a backline form of defense, as is Sister Argenta, and can work well as a pair with Cassia or Yerlit. At this point in the game, most players will include the Sister of Battle in the group, unless they want a space die in the retinue.

6 Idira Tas

A psyker diviner in the service of House Valancius

Idira in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

  • Homeworld – Abandoned world
  • Origin – Rejected psyker
  • Archetype – operational

Idira is the main psyker companion in Tlass Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader And can be a useful heavy-hitting option for containing players. Her Psychic Shrike can make short work of low-level enemies, while her Lightning Arc attack from the Psychic Staff Chain hits enemies within close range of each other.

As a psyker, she is susceptible to daemonic influence, and her approach to situations can often veer towards the more heretical side. If heretic playthrough is preferred, Idira is a perfect companion.

5 Pascal Hanuman

Magos of the Adeptus Mechanicus

Tech Priest in Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader

  • Homeworld – Forge World
  • Origin – Tech-Priest
  • Archetype – operational

The tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus are the main source of technology in the 41st millennium and work to preserve and discover ancient human technology from the Golden Age. They are an independent faction in the Empire and are essential to the continued running of the Galactic Empire.

Pasqal Haneuman is the technical companion to Rogue Trader and is encountered very early in the game. He can be useful for debuffing groups of enemies and can be surprisingly effective in combat against single enemies. He is best used to increase lore or technical knowledge while interacting with the world or NPCs.

4 Kibelah

Evil Merchant Shadow and Blade

Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader - Ranked image of Kibellah killing every fellow, genestealer cultists

  • Homeworld: Voidborn
  • Origin: Death Cult Assassin
  • Archetype: Bladedancer/Assassin

added to rogue merchant In the DLC Zero ShadowsKibelah Bloodspawn is the top assassin in the Web Death Cult. These mysterious assassins, living within the bowels of the starship, are guided by the Emperor's Tarot, who reveals their goals through the oracle. As a powerful melee warrior, Kiballah offers strong close-range attacks and can deal massive damage to multiple enemies at once.

Kibelah is soon recruited into Rogue Trader's retinue after initiation Zero Shadows DLC. He offers unique abilities and attacks and works well with Abelard as a frontal attack character.

3 Sister Argenta

Sisters of War of the Adepta Sororitas

Sister Argenta in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

  • Homeworld – Imperial world
  • Origin – Ministorum priest
  • Archetype – Soldier

The Adepta Sororitas, also known as the Sisters of Battle, are a religious sect of warrior nuns dedicated to eradicating heresy throughout the Empire. They fight with such fervent zeal that their faith can manifest miracles, such as escaping enemy fire and surviving unscathed.

Sister Argenta is a strong addition to the Companions rogue merchant. With her powerful ranged attacks, she is well placed where she can take out enemies before they have a chance to advance. She works well with Cassia as a dual backline form of defence.

2 Abelard Werserian

Seneschal of the evil merchant

Abelard in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

  • Homeworld – Imperial world
  • Origin – Naval officer
  • Archetype: Warrior

Abelard is the first companion player to be encountered in the opening section of the game. Due to his varied attacks, he can be the most useful to contain, especially in melee. Abelard is a front-line companion and ideal for blocking enemies and attacking head-on.

He acts as the seneschal or right-hand man of a rogue trader and is very set in his ways. He introduced players to the world rogue merchant and various inhabitants of the ship. He is also fiercely loyal to the Von Valancius Rogue trader dynasty that the player leads.

1 Cassia Orcelio

Heir to the Nevis Nobilite House

Cassia in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

  • Homeworld – Unknown
  • Origin – Navigator
  • Archetype – Officer

Cassia is a companion that is met at the beginning of the game and acts as Rogue Trader's navigator. Navigators are powerful psychics who are essential for long distance travel across the galaxy. They can navigate the perilous tides of warp space, aided by the Astronomican's light on the sacred terra.

As a friend, Cassia is one of the best. She can be used as an excellent sniper and can be used with various psyker abilities, but her main use is with Bring it Down! Talent, which gives an ally an instant extra turn. This can be vital when a single enemy must be taken down or when a friend is near death and needs to defend himself.

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