Best Liberty Falls Training Venues

Black Ops 6 It's a return to the classic wave-based Zombies mode that players have loved for over a decade, and one such map is Liberty Falls. in Black Ops 6map of Liberty Falls, players will want to rely on the classic strategy of zombie training, which will see them gather zombies in clusters before leaving the lead on their rotting corpses.

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Liberty Falls is one of the easier Zombies maps and has many open areas that allow easy access when it comes to training. However, there are some spots that are better than others and other spots that are great training spots for more challenging endeavors. Black Ops 6 corpse

7 the alamo

The bank has several lanes on its rooftop

The Alamo falls to freedom

The Alamo is one of the riskiest places to try and train zombies because of the three lanes through the skylights. The Alamo has a fairly open space, but some obstacles and lots of zombie-spawning windows for risky play. However, the Alamo is a place far from friends and operators.

The Alamo has a few things that put it at an advantage. First of all, there's an ammo crate for filling ammo and Der Wunderfizz machine for easy perks after round 25. There are even better escape routes, as the Alamo has a couple of zip lines that can be used to get out if things get too much. having hair

6 Fuller's Liberty Lens

Box area with limited escape but quick spans

Fuller's Liberty Lanes in Liberty Falls

Fuller's Liberty Lane is already an iconic spot because of how players abused its location with a water valve on the wall for a jet gun that served as a god mode spot before a myriad of patches. Glitches aside, Fuller's Liberty Lanes can be a tough place to train, but it's not without its rewards.

Fuller's Liberty Lens has some tight spans that make zombies cluster easily. They are going to be quite difficult to herd like sheep because of how they spawn all over the place, but with the huge square section in the lanes, players experienced in zombie training shouldn't struggle much unless there are a lot of monglers and. Abominable things are born.

5 The top of the mountain

A church area where vaulting over cars confuses zombies

Mountain Falls in Independence

The Hilltop area is packed-a-punch around the forecourt and graveyard next to the church, and it's a doozy of a place. The Hilltop can really benefit from an abundance of abandoned cars, but players will definitely have to destroy the cars to prevent the Manglers from exploding and causing more damage and stun while walking past them.

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What makes Hilltop a great location is not only its location near Pack-a-Punch, weapon upgrade stations, tier 3 armor, and ammo boxes, but the fact that players have the ability to vault and take cover. Players can continuously manipulate zombie pathing to line up cars by mantling them on top. If things get too difficult, vault down to the west main street.

4 Hill Street

Two buses make for easy training obstacles

Hill Street in Liberty Falls

Hill Street is quite simple and must be dealt with in a linear fashion in which players run in a figure 8 shape to navigate around both buses on the street. Hill Street can be a bit of a tight squeeze when there are too many zombies besides special and elite enemies, but rotating buses helps keep these enemy types clustered.

Hill Street is a decent place from which players can escape, as stairs lead them to the riverside, bank doors, or rooftops for the Alamo. With so many ways to escape in tight pinches, players are in for a good time on Hill Street.

3 river bank

Easy obstacles and beautiful scenery

Falls on the banks of the river in freedom

When facing the motel in Spawn, go right to reach Riverside, a delicate section of Liberty Falls paved with running fields. Riverside benefits from having few obstacles to confuse zombie pathing, such as buses and some cars. Riverside also has some telescopes that, if activated, can stop zombies from tracking players making it a quick and reliable way to regenerate health from damage.

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Outside of escaping, Riverside behaves as a decent place to train zombies due to its open space and abundance of obstacles that stop more zombies than players. There's a weapon here, a unique laser beam trap with Aetherella, and an ammo box nearby.

2 East Main Street

Spot fresh from spawn with an easy circle

East Main Street in Liberty Falls

East Main Street is the first location players will encounter outside of Spawn, and it's definitely worth searching down for its zombie training potential. On East Main Street, players can find themselves running from zombies up the stairs of the motel, or around the large oil tanker between the pay and pump and the motel.

East Main Street may lack decent routes for perks and armor, but its ammo box means players are constantly ready with offensive weapons as they train zombies around cars and around pumps and pay tankers.

1 West Main Street

Thick lane and ramp escape for training

West Main Street in Liberty Falls

West Main Street is one of the best places to train, especially if the players keep the avenue off Liberty Lane and Bank. There will only be a few places where zombies can spawn, and players can easily guide them up and down the streets of West Main Street to keep their bullets safe from death in their backs.

West Main Street has long and narrow lanes to battle, as well as a ramp of obstacles that can be crossed if things are getting a little too hectic. West Main Street is quite a place for zombie training, and its long lanes make the abominations obsolete due to their slow speed.

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October 25, 2024

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