Creating your character is often one of the most exciting parts of a TTRPG. However, this can also be one of the hardest parts. There are many options and many ideas. And even if your character doesn't survive, Call Of Cthulhu is no exception.

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Creating your explorer to go out and find the cosmic horrors plaguing the world can be a lot of fun, but there are a lot of decisions to make. Thankfully, there are some tips not in the handbook that can help you make those choices a little easier.
Discover your strengths
Get good at something
There are many decisions that go into making an investigator for Call Of Cthulhu, including skills, equipment, and personality. But one thing that makes this decision easier is your character's ability score.
Whether it's random or not, the dice rolls you make for each ability will show you your investigator's strengths (and weaknesses). See what those scores add up to before taking the next steps. They can often point you in a direction.
It can be fun to play against certain archetypes: a physically intimidating professor, a silver-tongued bruiser, etc.
Master your skills
Get specific
For many, the next step is to discover the skills that your researcher will bring to the lecture table. While each of these can be useful, it can be more fun and useful to differentiate your character by specializing in those skills.
Knife-skills instead of fighting, carpentry instead of mechanical repair, etc. You'd be surprised how specific skills can come in handy when you're in the middle of a scenario. Also, playing a particular character can be more interesting.
Know your settings
Horrors on the map
One thing you may not think about when creating a character for the first time is your setting. Whether it's a pre-made scenario or a homebrew, it can be important to get a sense of where your explorers are traveling.

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The 1920s, 60s, or another time period entirely can each generalize different skills and languages, and it can also flavor how your character is perceived. A brief summary of the setting can go a long way.
Don't forget discretion
A horror beyond your understanding
The only way to lose an investigator in Call of Cthulhu is not to take physical damage. As with any cosmic horror, madness is just around the corner. Psychic damage taken from your sanity score can lead to the untimely death of your explorer.
Take into account your character's Intelligence score, which (multiplied by five) is your character's Sanity score. This is the maximum amount of psychic damage and should be as much a priority as your health points.
Movement counts for a lot
There is no shame in running
You're sure to run into an encounter with a monster or some ruffians during your adventures in Call Of Cthulhu. While fighting them is one way to get out of trouble, it might not be a bad idea to run away from more deadly encounters.
Your move speed is the size of characters compared to their Strength and Dexterity scores. Depending on how they relate, your movement score will determine how quickly you move away from what you need to run from. Keep each of these in mind when you're honing your character ideas.
Consider your weapon
When things get hairy
It is the same with movement. Sooner or later, you are bound to run into some trouble. While it can be beneficial to run, sometimes it's easy enough to fight your way through your explorers' problems.
Consider what your explorer's go-to weapon is as you collect your materials. Keep the weapon's damage output in mind, but only if it can be easily concealed, makes sense in the setting, and is easily carried around. You want this to be a benefit, not a hindrance.
This can happen during character creation or even on your journey.
Credit rating helps
Bills must be paid
Your researchers come from different walks of life. Some may have only the clothes on their backs to support them in their work. Others may come from wealthy families or even have a company that bankrolls their adventures.
A credit rating score can also do a lot of good in a short game of Call Of Cthulhu. Buying supplies, bribing a guard or renting a hotel room for the night can be as easy with high CR.
Make connections
Making friends along the way
Not an explorer's island. As part of your background, you choose the people or organizations your character has connections with. Depending on the scenario, these people can save lives.
Maybe you've been selected by a select group of researchers, or your boss has sent you to deal with some of the problems wrapped up in the scenario. Whatever it is that connects you to these people, try and relate it to the task at hand.

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