Black Ops 6: All Zombies Intel Locations

The small town of West Virginia, Liberty Falls, is engulfed in a violent zombie outbreak, and players must answer Requiem's ​​call to battle the undead hordes. Black Ops 6And also unlock some secrets that may lead to salvation, or their undoing.

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Black Ops 6 Zombies: 6 secrets found in Liberty Falls

Players can uncover many secrets in Black Ops 6's Liberty Falls map, including teasers for what Richtofen will become.

inside Black Ops 6 zombies On the map Liberty Falls, players can find a total of 18 pieces of zombie intel. These can range from audio logs, documents, and artifacts, all of which tell their own story to better enhance each Zombies player's collection of mysteries. For those looking for every zombie intel in Liberty Falls, a complete collectibles guide can be found below.

All audio logs on Liberty Falls

Audio Log #1 – Quantum Mechanical Failure

Quantum mechanical failure

Go through Riverside and go to Ollie's Comics, found on the far left. Inside this shop, there will be a Quantum Mechanical Failure radio in the display window.

Audio Log #2 – Conspiracy Theorist

Conspiracy theorists

Go to Washington Avenue, where on a table with an ashtray next to the Speed ​​Cola Perk Machine, players can find a Conspiracy Theorist Radio.

Audio Log #3 – A lit match

A light match

After activating the SDG generator in the church and talking to Doctor Panos, players can go to the groundskeeper's yard, where a one lit match radio can be found, next to the woodpile behind the house.

Audio Log #4 – House Josiah Built

The house was built by Josiah

At the back right of the cemetery, near the armor wall-by, players can find a radio manufactured by House Josiah.

Audio Log #5 – The Scientist and the Moonshiner

The scientist and the moon

Head up the stairs to the second floor of the Motor Lodge Motel, where inside Room 202 behind the jet gun crafting bench, players can find The Scientist and The Moonshiner Radio to the left of the open pizza box.

Audio Log #6 – Limited Run

limited run

Find and collect all 9 Aetherella figures with the jet gun, and after completing the Aetherella Easter Egg, players can go to Ollie's Comics where the limited run radio will be on the desk by the blue door.

Audio Log #7 – Steel Mountain Rescue

Steel Mountain Rescue

Outside the bowling alley and on West Main Street, players can go through a broken Liberty Falls transit bus to find a Steel Mountain Rescue radio on top of a bench litter.

Audio Log #8 – Bear Witness

bear witness

Enter the Dark Aether Church, where on the wall behind the Melee Macchiato, players can find a Bear Witness radio on a bench next to a bunch of flowers.

Audio Log #9 – Money Talk

Talks about money

After opening the bank vault at the Savings and Loan Bank, players can go inside where there will be a Money Talk radio on the left of the floor.

All documents in Liberty Falls

Document #1 – We only take cash

We only take cash

Get the Mangler Cannon support weapon which can be bought for 1,250 Salvage, or from a defeated Mangler, and then use it to shoot the black and gold cars found around Liberty Falls. A document that we only accept cash will be randomly ejected from the trunk of the car.

Document #2 – Politics, Politics

Politics, politics

Use loot keys from Manglers and Abominations and open lock boxes found inside the bank vault for a random chance to pick up a Politics, Politics document.

Document #3 – Good People

good man

In the backstreet parking area of ​​Riverside, go behind the VHS store, look through the open window, and shoot the three VHS tapes on the shelf to drop a Fine Man document.

Document #4 – Final Issue

The last issue

Opposite Quick Revive in the top left corner of Olly's Comics, players can interact with white cardboard boxes filled with comics to pull out the final issue document for their collection.

All Artifacts at Liberty Falls

Artifact #1 – Limited Transdimensional Gateway Device

stg tool

Progress through the Liberty Falls Main Quest in the LTG device “The Alamo”, on the roof of the Savings and Loan Bank.

Artifact #2 – Etherella Statue

Use the jet gun to collect the 9 Aetherella statues that can be found in Liberty Falls.

Artifact #3 – Etheric Bowling Ball

Minigame Bowling at Liberty Falls

After teleporting to Mr. Picks' bowling minigame, pick up the bowling ball and throw it at the zombies in the bowling lanes.

Artifact #4 – Thrustodyne Model 23

Crafting a jet gun

Get the Jet Gun, either via the Mystery Box or as a free craftable craftable for the Liberty Falls main quest.

Artifact #5 – Mr. Pix's Misplaced Bowling Shoe

There are 5 pairs of Mr. Pix's bowling shoes that can be shot to get this collection.

There is no reward for getting all the Zombie Intel in Liberty Falls.

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October 25, 2024

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