Blackbird's growing secret


  • Blackbird is a mysterious character in a piece that contains the ability to use the two of the two of Satan's fruit capabilities at once.

  • Chapter 1183 debated the principle received by Bubbed by the Bubbed by the Bubbar.

  • Blackbird's Connection D xebeec makes a special Devil thriving.

Air characters mysterious martial de. Are very conspiracies and frightened as teachers. A piece The series of the galamic character is a series of people who objected to suspicious morals, and who is a major example of a person who fitted it. Although the Blalebird is just like loving and horrible.

Was presented in his early stage A piece The story, but then from then, his growing appearance is shown in a unique way, which he is only foreigners showing each. Fans thought they have the idea of ​​his power but Chapter 113 Distribute the greatest theory about him, so break the secretory of her, and break up the secrets of Blackbabbad and break so much of them.


How a piece Chapter 11 1238 promotes one of a series

Blashbird is one of the largest mysterious mysteries and Chapter 118 has been rebuked by one of the oldest principles!

Everything knows about Blackbudd

The Marshall's confirmations teaching the facts

First appearance

A piece2 Chapter: 26 “I promise to fight in this city”

Date to say

March 2, 2002

Story income


Fans are always aware that the blackbird is in a non-blow and a fantastic world A piece. As long since his first appearance, he is very many, and about years, it's clearly as the countered, but it is similar in the same time. He is a very charismatic person who is a dream to become king of the world.

It is a person in favor of the person who is in favor of this person who can use two devil's fruits at the same time, and it is earsned to be able to do more home. For this, the argument has never been revealed, only his body unresident unusual unique weirdly unique weirdly unique weirdly unique weirdly uncomplicious weirdly unique weirdly uncomprehensively allows him to do. It was always assumed because he also ate the pulley to the pulse fruit that hit him too many bodies, which have many connections.

However, chapter 11388 misleaded this theory that it is really cents that probably make it unavailable to give it power. Because of this, the most popular pressures have proved to be falsely described by describing their odd powers. Instead, the most probable thing is that her body in unique and homes include many souls on it, which is several times.


One piece: First chapter 11388 is the biggest memory?

Very Charnchise's admirers to be one of the best people in the entire series to see that it is really the case.

Possible Optional Blackbird principles

Other principles that interpret the roof

Most of the entire members of the Blackbird is most believed that DJdderry is in the DJddori rock in the cliff. Xebec. Although the Pirate king's dream is in the entire world, only 2 characters want to be 'King of the World'; Rock D. Xebec and Marshall D. Teach

Although there is a little bit of cliffs, there are many connections that he shares a blackbird. The most obvious that she used to be a blackbird of Rosal Rosal time, like a robbery, as flexible. Considering the fact that the flagships of Blackbird is in view of the fact that two villages have a relationship between two villages.

The captain of the rock, a ambitious, was to be “the King of the world.”

Sauni, Blackbird and Rocks represent Lafi and Roser's light to the light, only the pirates with the same goals. Many fans are Lobiodard's son who will judge from the age of character. Because of this, Blanetbird is the Blathboard that the Blathboard was synonymous that he gave him to use a majorized fruits.

In any case, the most important theory is now designer, what was not the user of Yama Yami in his time, which eventually passed from Blashbuth. This is a special type of devil fruits, depositing fans think that the fruits were transferred to the overwhelming parts. Blashbard always wanted this fruits for himself, your fruits will not be steadfast in the way you get.

This tells the fact that Blashbard may have been a protrobe on the Blashbard rock, in some vaguely meaning of the word. According to his wish, the next generation passed, the rocks passed as a king of the world through Lobbird. Or, it can be discovered that Blabebar is the rock of the blabored, because all the non-corporal events secretly knows.

Anyway may be the case, it is clear that Blackbird and the Rocks D. Xebec is that it provides family power that describes the formerly abnormal powers. Their equality rains and said that the body of Blasabird's body as a 'odd' and in his first presence.

A piece Can be stream in the cranch.


Dragon Stall: Super Burnave Goak?

यद्यपि गोकु सजीलै एकमा सब भन्दा आईकननिक र प्यारी एनिमेड एनिमेड एनिमेड एनिमेड एनिमेड एनिमेड एनिमेरोनिर्गहरू छन् कि ड्र्यागन बलले उनलाई बर्बाद गर्दछ।


A piece

Release date

October 20, 1999.


Fuji TV

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