The “comic relief” is a story quest quest Hi Kitty island island adventure For this you need to get three blue power crystals in the rainbow rock. Due to the place of power crystals, it's impossible to start your quest to start your quest. You must build your friendship's level with characters around Island Evil. It unlocks many tools that are pivital to reach the blue power crystals, which lie to the depths of a rainbow rock.

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Comedy relief orchuro
How to unlock and complete
Before you sink in the sea before you sink in the sea, you have some actions to complete. Hangddone can only be found only a character that is required to start the “comic relief” allegedly to start the quantity. Unfortunately, if you don't have Open Or enough StaminaYou will not be able to meet him.
Here's how “Comable relief can be unlocked:
To get the snoroc on, to reach Friendship with level Kumer. Complete the “deep diving the story quest to get the craft plans of the snorocked. You can 2x angotot, 10x rubber, And 2x sparks.
If you have Five steamina apple slicesYou can have a craft Steamina apples At any craft table. Talk to CHARACOT once you have five stimina apple slices to get craft plans for the steamina apple. It is recommended Two steamina apples Before starting the “Kamane relief”.
Once you have snorkels and fairly steamina, from the northern route Dive Dive from the northern path. You will find the comedy club with a quick trip mailix closest. Go in and speak Hanging.
Now you met hangden, you need Level 6 friendship with him. Hangyoden likes the burning materials (2-mind). You can find its craft feast Drowning in the chest in the chest in the chest.
How to meet “the comic relief” here:
Your first action is Find the goods of hanghongWho is the Back to comic hall.
Then you have to find all three pieces of Mermaley. Fortunately, if you “Track the progress of the comic relief,” Qvest Guide takes you straight to Mammirmed Tiara, Armor, and tail.
Return to hangddodden, then meet with a chakifier in Mormifier On the other side of the resort gate (See your map for a place).
You have to find Three Blue Power Cristel In the rainbow rock. If you mark the quest, the section of crystals will be highlighted on your map.
Return all blue power crystals in Mariedfire, then return to the comedy Hall.
Where to find all the blue power crystals
Blue Power Cristol locations
As mentioned, blue power crystals are in three different places on rainward rock. You can refer to Image over For the precise locations of power crystals. You need enough stamina to swim down the bottom of reef. If you do not have two stimina apples, then you can use Steamina Recharge Forz that is the maneumer Level 8.
Mermaley is equal to the outfit that makes your character a quick swimming, which you start looking for strength crystals.
Blue Power Cristals are located in the following:
Sadin ship
Kalp mangolarly
Noul near the dork on the gumstone miles
Blue Power Cristol # 1
Is one to get the easy power crystal Underwater underground by the mountain. If you look closely at your map, you can see a dock on the south side on the South South South South South South South South. Your sensor is equipped, in a small southwest, and depth of dock. You will rest in some pink cries to some pink ocean sponns.
Blue Power Cristol # 2
The second power crystal cake is located in the lashing floor. There is a quick trips mailbox on the north part of the camel, but if you want a power crystal, then go to the Menuard. If you drink enough depth, you will find the idols where you need to go. Follow them, and you will eventually find the power crystal.
If you look at the map, the power of the power is in the corner of the crystal l-shaped wall.
Blue Power Crystal # ((Sudamine Solution)
The last power crystal why do you need extra steamina. You have probably noticed the door ship already, especially if you received a burning material schemes. You need to swim all the way down the bottom of the ship. There will be a open that leads to one Pashi.
Circle at the back of the ship, and you will get a minor ship mailbox.
How to solve the solutions of the sun
Sun-solutions are beautifully straightforward. I will notice the power crystal on top of the mast, but you can't get it unless you use Red block.
Activate the red block by climbing up the stairs. Use air current to protect you up.
You can try and glide for the crystal to the mast, or you get towards Rock with the second red block.
If you have done the latest, activate the block to start another Air current. Then take the reply and take the power crystal.
Don't forget to get the chest to rob your chest to get a classic pirate hat.

Hi Kitty island Courage: Location in Mapat Gad (Lasist Qvest Guide)
Hello Kitty is a weekly quest that is a weekly quest that players ask for trying to find a unique mout.
Comic reliefs showed questions and answers
Best answers to hang
Once you put Pystol Pestol Crystals, you have to give Flear for the Show of Hangyodine To me to wash my. So, return to the comic hall. There are two other things that are required to start the “comic relief” first.
Hangydodon has a stage frour, and he asked you Make him coffee To calm her. Whether it doesn't matter what makes you coffee, so make a single more spending material. Use a coffee machine in the bar on the comedy hall. Give it to hangddodden, and he asks you for help with your program.
For this part, you need to answer the hanging of hanghudone. You were given a lot of choice, but here you have to choose:
Joke |
Pry line |
You call fish without any eyes? |
Healing |
What did the second-feeder say when you give him a happy birthday? |
Thanks for sediment. |
Why sticking to Shark salt water? |
Because mineral water is very expensive! |

Life simulation

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