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Where to get secateurs on the bright side
bright edges Runescape is the latest title released by Andrew Gower, the creator of the incredibly popular MMORPG, promising hundreds of hours of gameplay from the classic title and plenty of new professions to master. Many of these professions will be familiar to Runescape players, such as Chef or Fisher, bright edges Seeks to distinguish himself with his own unique professions such as minefighter, watchperson and detective.
Forager, early occupation introduced on the bright side' The tutorial allows players to collect materials that occur naturally around the world, which are used as crafting materials by other professions such as alchemists. Foraging does not come without a cost, however, requiring players to acquire foraging tools such as secateurs in order to gather certain grassy items. Learn where to get secateurs with this guide, the first piece of foraging equipment players can acquire.

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Where to get secateurs on the bright side
Secateurs are the first piece of equipment you can get starting at Forager Level 2. It can be simple. Purchased by talking to Ella in the Forager's Warehouse on Old Street EastLocated directly east of the town square. Pruning shears don't come cheap, however, costing players 13 silver and 200 copper to acquire.
Players just starting out on their journey may not be able to afford secateurs once they reach forager level 2. To earn money, players must use their profession to gather or craft valuable items and sell them to appropriate NPCs. around the world Some ways to earn currency include:
occupation |
method |
the guard |
Chef |
Fisher |
fodder |
the alchemist |
An easy way to earn money is to level up the chef profession, and sell bacon sandwiches to the head chef for a profit. Bread and raw bacon can be bought from Kevin's Ingredients on Stone Street Just off the training ground, and Cooked in the kitchen of The Delectable Dab next door. Buying a loaf of bread and a piece of raw bacon costs a total of 400 copper, but selling a cooked bacon sandwich to the head chef earns players 460 copper.Giving players a simple way to earn money while upgrading their chef profession.
What are bright edge secateurs used for?
Secateurs are required to gather some advanced materials as part of the Forager profession. The earliest foraging items requiring Secateurs are Creamy Wallplants at Forager level 2, which can be combined with Brown Kelp to create 20% healing potions by level 2 alchemists. White periwinkles available to gather at Forager level 4 also use secateurs, and level 4 alchemists use them as part of a 5% Hopeport experience potion recipe, increasing the amount of experience gained for 2 minutes.

- issued
- November 6, 2024
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