Complete Final Fantasy 14: Hildibrand Questline

While Square Enix's Final Fantasy 14 Best known for its emotional main stories in expansions like Heavensward and Shadowbringers, the game still features many sidequests that contribute heartily to the world of Eorzea. Perhaps the most infamous and hilarious of those supplemental questlines is that of Inspector Hildibrand Manderville. Often supported by her eccentric “Agent of Inquiry” soundtrack and devoted Miqo'te sidekick Nashu, Hildibrand embarks on a variety of detective-style adventures in each expansion. Final Fantasy 14 contains some of the most insanely ambiguous situations. In short, it's a sharp detour from the more dramatic and serious narrative of the main story, and players have embraced it wholeheartedly.

Hildibrand Adventures has an extensive questline Final Fantasy 14 Which starts as A Realm Reborn, and not only offers a lot of wit and laughs but also some surprisingly cool rewards, including access to powerful weapons. Hildibrand is making her grand return in the Dawntrail expansion, so if you're trying to catch up all the way to her latest shenanigans, you need to know where to start.

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Fun things to do in Final Fantasy 14: Hildibrand side quests, ranked

Hildibrand has a long series of hilarious side quests in Final Fantasy 14, and these are some of the funniest moments yet.

How to Complete the Hildibrand Questline in Final Fantasy 14


In the Adventures of Hildibrand questline Final Fantasy 14 One that isn't immediately available when you first start your journey in Eorzea. Accessing it requires a certain amount of overall progress with your character and the main story. Pre-requisites for unlocking the Hildibrand questline include:

  • Pick up at least one combat job at level 50
  • Complete the level 50 quest “Ultimate Weapon” (respawn an area)

After those objectives are completed, head to Ul'dah City – Nald's Steps and find a Hyur NPC named Wymond at (X:9.8, Y:8.7). Talk to him to start a level 50 quest called “The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen”. This is the opening quest that begins Hildibrand's adventure, and the first arc contains 21 level 50 quests that you can start during A Realm Reborn. Some of them offer unique rewards such as the iconic Manderville Dance Emote, Wind-Up Gentleman Minion, and the classic Manderville Glamor Outfit.

You will need to purchase and download each to access the latest arcs of the Hildibrand questline Final Fantasy 14The expansions, which currently include Heavensword, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, Endwalker, and Duntrail, also include many other post-MSQ activities for players.

Each expansion of the game has its own pre-requisites for starting the next arc of Hildibrand Adventures, which are outlined below. One exception is the Shadowbringers expansion, which does not feature the Hildibrand questline arc. Dawntrail will launch the “Inconceivably Further Hildibrand Adventures” arc in patch 7.15. As with previous expansions, you will need to complete the Dawntrail main scenario questline.

Hildibrand Arch (by extension)

Starting the Quest and Pre-requisites

More Hildibrand Adventures (Towards Heaven)

Pick up the level 60 quest “A Gentleman Falls, Rather Dhan Flies” from Nashu at (X: 5.9, Y: 9.9) in the pillar area of ​​Ishgard. – Unlocked by completing the “Heavensword” main scenario quest (level 60)

More Hildibrand Adventures (Stormblood)

Pick up the Level 70 quest “A Hingan Tale: Nashu Goes East” from the Conspicuously Inconspicuous Man at (X:10.6, Y:9.8) in Kugane. – Unlocked by completing “Stormblood” main scenario quest (level 70)

Somehow More Hildibrand Adventures (Andwalker)

Take the Level 90 quest “The Sleeping Gentleman” from Excitable Youth at Radz-At-Han (X:11.8, Y:11.2). – Unlocked by completing “Endwalker” main scenario quest (level 90)

Unexpectedly More Hildibrand Adventures (Dawntrail)


In addition to quests, the 'How Further Hildibrand Adventures' arc in Endwalker gave access to a series of relic weapons from the expansion, also known as 'Manderville Weapons'. While they no longer serve as viable gear with the addition of the Dawntrail's wargear, they remain one of the most popular sets of relic weapons for glamor purposes.

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