Dynamax Bulbasaur Max Battle Guide (Max Monday) in Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO's Max Out Season introduced a brand new mechanic called Max Battles. Max Battles appear on the in-game map Objectives are Power Spots, which can be used to trigger the dreaded Max Battle bosses – Pokemon that are capable of Dynamaxing or Gigantamaxing, or Max Particles, which are used to trigger this transformation in battle.

To help celebrate this new mechanic and give players more opportunities to interact with Dynamax Pokemon, Pokemon Go The Max Out season has introduced a recurring event called Max Mondays starting during November 2024. Max Mondays are essentially the Max Battle version of Spotlight Hour, in that they are a one-hour event featuring a target Pokemon that will appear in all nearby available Power Spots. Everything you need to know about preparing for the Bulbasaur Max Monday event and the battle against Dynamax Bulbasaur is covered in the guide below.

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Pokemon GO Max Monday: Dynamax Bulbasaur Max Battle Guide

dynamax bulbasaur pogo

in pokemon go, Bulbasaur Max takes place on Mondays November 25, 2024, and will run between 6pm and 7pm local time. During this one-hour period, all nearby max battles on power spots throughout your in-game Pokemon Go The map will be overrun with Bulbasaur bosses, meaning trainers have the best chance of going up against this monster and capturing it on repeat.

Pokemon GO Bulbasaur Weaknesses and Resistances

in Pokemon GoBulbasaur is a grass and poison type specimen. Because of this type of combination, Bulbasaur is resistant Grass, Water, Lightning, Fighting, and Fairy types samples, so players should avoid bringing them into such matchups. But even Bulbasaur is weak Flying, Ice, Psychic, and Fire types – So trainers should implement such models in their team to go against Bulbasaur whenever possible.

Bulbasaur gains increased strength in sunny and cloudy weather due to the weather boost mechanic – so trainers should take this into account and avoid battles in such locations if possible.

Dynamax Bulbasaur counters in Pokemon GO

In Max Battles, Trainers are limited to using Dynamax Pokemon, which significantly limits the amount of counters available when going up against Max Battle bosses. Thankfully, there are some very solid options to consider when trying to counter Dynamax Bulbasaur, which are outlined below.

  • Dynamax Charmander / Dynamax Charmeleon / Dynamax Charizard They are some of the best Pokemon to bring with you due to their fire typing and ability to use the powerful moves of this trait.
  • Dynamax Scorbunny / Dynamax Raboot / Dynamax Cinderace Charizard are also suitable for the same reasons, making them some of the best options to consider.
  • Dynamax Beldum / Dynamax Metang / Dynamax Metagross Has a Psychic dual-typing, which enables them to deal super effective damage against Dynamax Bulbasaur.
  • Dynamax Falinks Having a pure fighting type, which Dynamax Bulbasaur is weak to, makes it a very strong counter.
  • In case none of the other counters are available to you, common types like Dynamax Skwovet, Dynamax Greedent, Dynamax Woolo, and Dynamax Dubwool More careful work can be done.

Pokemon Go Bulbasaur Tag


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