Each themed collection in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Pokemon TCG Pocket Lets you collect hundreds of different Pokemon cards, build them into decks, and battle NPCs and other players. While collecting is the primary focus, TCG Pocket's battle system works like a physical card game, but with more focus on mobile optimization.

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As you collect cards from different regions and card packs, you'll gradually fill out your collection, and work towards special themed collections. These collections reward you for collecting certain sets of Pokemon, and allow you to track your overall progress in the game. Below, we'll go over everything you need to know about theme collections, including how to complete them all.

Updated on December 17, 2024: We've updated this article to include every new themed collection added with the Mythical Islands expansion.

What are themed collections?

A themed collection for the Genetic Apex expansion, featuring card packs of Charizard, Mewtwo, and Pikachu.

A themed collection is a mission of sorts Rewards for collecting themed groups of different Pokemon cards. You can find themed collections by selecting Missions from the home screenThen select dedicated Themed collection button at the bottom of the screen.

Most will take themed collections Any variation of a named PokemonWhich means any art of the same Pokemon will count towards that themed collection. However, some collections are required The specific art of a cardSo you need to get that specific difference to calculate.

Every Genetic Apex themed collection

Full art versions of the original starter trio of Pokemon cards including Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle from the Genetic Apex expansion.

Here's a collection of every Genetic Apex theme, the cards it requires, and the rewards you'll get for completing it.

The name of the collection



First choice

Any Bulbasaur

Any Charmander

Any Squirtle

12x Wonder Hourglass

2x shop tickets

1x Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)

Electabuzz and Magmar

Any Electabuzz

Any Magmar

12x Wonder Hourglass

2x shop tickets

1x Emblem Ticket (Genetic Apex)

Viridian Forest

Any Cateripie

Any metapod

Any weeds

Any cousin

Any Pikachu

12x Wonder Hourglass

2x shop tickets

2x Emblem Tickets (Genetic Apex)

Pidgey Squad

Any Pidgey

Any Pidgeotto

Any Pidgeott

7x Symbol Ticket (Genetic Apex)

A day with the family

Any Nidoran (Female)

Any Nidorina

Any Nidoqueen

Any Nidoran (Male)

Any Nidorino

Any Nidoking

14x Emblem Tickets (Genetic Apex)

Pokemon of ancient times

Any Aerodactyl

Any Omanyte

Any Omastar

Any Kabuto

Any Kabutops

20x Emblem Tickets (Genetic Apex)

Legendary flight

Any article

Any Zapdos

Any Moltres

17x Symbol Ticket (Genetic Apex)

Triple power

Any magneton

Any dodrio

Any Dugtrio

Any Exeggutor

12x Emblem Tickets (Genetic Apex)

A big Snorlax nuisance

Snorlax (#250)

Any weird

Any bellsprout

Any Venonat

14x Emblem Tickets (Genetic Apex)

Visiting the Kanto Region

Any Doduo

any spear

Any Haunter

any ratta

Any Jynx

Any Tentacool

Any Grimer

24x Wonder Hourglass

5x shop tickets

4x Emblem Tickets (Genetic Apex)

Gym Leaders of the Kanto Region

Erica (#219)

Misty (#220)

Blaine (#221)

Koga (#222)

Giovanni (#223)

Brock (#224)

Sabrina (#225)

Lt. Serge (#226)

24x Wonder Hourglass

5x shop tickets

8x Emblem Tickets (Genetic Apex)

Different journey, different growth

Any Bulbasaur

Any Ivysaur

Any Venusaur

Any Charmander

Any Charmeleon

Any Charizard

Any Squirtle

Any Wartortle

Any Blastoise

22x Emblem Tickets (Genetic Apex)

Safari area

Any Tauros

Any Kangaskhan

Any Chansey

Any Rhyhorn

Any Scyther

Any slowpoke

Any Doduo

Any Pinsir

Any Exegcute

Any Dratini

Any Dragonair

12x Emblem Tickets (Genetic Apex)

Category: Mouse Pokemon

Any Sandshrew

Any Sandslash

any ratta

Any Raticate

Any Pikachu

Any Raichu

3x Emblem Tickets (Genetic Apex)

Pokemon Super Express

Any Dragonite

Any Rapidash

Any Zebstrika

Any Arcanine

13x Symbol Ticket (Genetic Apex)

Collect the 3 electrode cards

3x any electrode

Electrode icon

Collect 5 Gardevoir cards

5x Gardevoir (#132)

Gardevoir icon

Collect 5 Charizard cards

5x Charizard (#35)

Charizard icon

Collect 5 Mewtwo cards

5x Mewtwo (#128)

Mewtwo icon

Genetic Apex Secret Themed Collection

These are collections They are hidden until you collect all the cards in themBut they still give rewards when fully completed. Here are all the secret theme collections for Genetic Apex.

The name of the collection



Complete the Kanto Pokedex!

All 150 Kanto cards

Meow (#283)

48x Wonder Hourglass

Immersive 4

Charizard East (#280)

Pikachu East (#281)

Mewtwo East (#282)

Meow (#283)

48x Wonder Hourglass

12x Pack Hourglass

20x shop tickets

Genetic Apex Museum 1 (Mewtwo)

Bulbasaur (#227)

Cubone (#239)

From Goal (#242)

Ghising (#243)

Dragonite (#244)

Pidgeot (#245)

Ditto (#247)

Porrigan (#249)

36x Wonder Hourglass

12x Pack Hourglass

10x shop tickets

Genetic Apex Museum 2 (Charizard)

Disappointment (#228)

Pinsir (#229)

Charmander (#230)

Rapidash (#231)

Lapras (#234)

Alkazam (#236)

Slowpoke (#237)

Meowth (#246)

36x Wonder Hourglass

12x Pack Hourglass

10x shop tickets

Genetic Apex Museum 3 (Pikachu)

Squirtle (#232)

Gyarados (#233)

Electrode (#235)

Diglett (#238)

Nidoquine (#240)

Nidoking (#241)

Eevee (#248)

Snorlax (#250)

36x Wonder Hourglass

12x Pack Hourglass

10x shop tickets

The legendary flight continues

Articuno East (#275)

Zapdos East (#276)

Moltres East (#274)

36x Wonder Hourglass

12x Pack Hourglass

Legendary bird symbol

Gym Leaders of Kanto Region 2

Erica (#266)

Misty (#267)

Blaine (#268)

Koga (#269)

Giovanni (#270)

Brock (#271)

Sabrina (#272)

Lt. Serge (#273)

48x Wonder Hourglass

12x Pack Hourglass

10x shop tickets

Every legendary island theme collection

Pokemon cards Flababe, Floet and Florges from the Legendary Island expansion.

Here is each themed collection presented with legendary island expansions, how to complete them, and what the rewards are.

The name of the collection



untouched forest

Any of the following 5 Pokemon including duplicates









3x Emblem Tickets (Mythical Island)

untouched forest (cover)

calm lake

Any 7 of the following Pokemon including duplicates





Gyarados East

13x Symbol Ticket (Mythical Island)

calm lake (cover)

burning desert

Any 10 of the following Pokemon, including duplicates





the volcano

7x Emblem Tickets (Mythical Island)

Scorching Wilderness (cover)

Forgotten ruins

Any 10 of the following Pokemon, including duplicates




Legendary Slab (#65)

15x Symbol Ticket (Mythical Island)

Forgotten Ruins (cover)

Catching bugs





Scolipede, Galvantula, or Volcarona

12x Wonder Hourglass

2x Emblem Tickets (Mythical Island)

2x shop tickets

Pokemon that fly

Any 5 of the following Pokemon

Aerodactyl East






Pidgeot East


the volcano

12x Wonder Hourglass

2x Emblem Tickets (Mythical Island)

2x shop tickets

Attack with 20 damage

Any 5 of the following Pokemon



the fruit


May East




12x Wonder Hourglass

2x Emblem Tickets (Mythical Island)

2x shop tickets

Little Pokemon

Any 5 of the following Pokemon








12x Wonder Hourglass

2x Emblem Tickets (Mythical Island)

2x shop tickets

A tree of rest





tree of rest (cover)

flower traveler




12x Wonder Hourglass

2x Emblem Tickets (Mythical Island)

2x shop tickets

Use Pack Stamina to unlock 60 Mythical Island Booster Packs

Open 60 Legendary Island Packs

Legendary Island: Mew (Playmate)

Legendary Island: Mew (card sleeve)

Mew (Pokémon Coin)

Legendary Island: Mew (cover)

Collect 3 Mew cards

3x Fruit (#31)

Mew (icon)

Collect 3 blue cards

3x Blue (#67)

blue (image)

Legendary island secret themed collection

The name of the collection



Mythical Island Museum 1

Executor (#69)

Serperior (#70)

Salandit (#71)

Vaporeon (#72)

Dedenne (#73)

Marcado (#74)

36x Wonder Hourglass

12x Pack Hourglass

10x shop tickets

Mythical Island Museum 2

Mew East (#83)

Aerodactyl ex (#84)

36x Wonder Hourglass

12x Pack Hourglass

10x shop tickets

Mew East Museum

Mew East (#32)

Mew East (#77)

Mew East (#83)

Mew East (#86)

36x Wonder Hourglass

12x Pack Hourglass

10x shop tickets

Legendary island adventure story

Legendary Slab (#65)

Construction Campaigner (#66)

Mew East (#83)

Celebi East (#85)

Celebi symbol

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