Filat 4 and New Vegas 2 should not be mutually exclusive

The future of the future to fall Uncertain at the moment, but hopeful of some announcement in the future. Despite no official revelations, Bethesda leader Duddy just got a new confirmation to fall The game is next on the company's to-DOT list Elder Skrone sees the light of day. Unfortunately, this possibility means a long wait ahead consumption.But there is always a chance that the announcement could come sooner than expected.

in each to fall The game, the location, has served as the heart of each new story. since Consumption 4's boston setting and Consumption 76The explorer is revolutionary, every entry made from each other in the franchise. Speculation about the setting consumption. It's complicated, and many theories and hopes point in the direction of a return to the West Coast. If Bethesda brings ArchieG to California, it could open the door for a long-awaited return to the city of New Vegas next. to fall.

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Filtout 5 could serve as a partial sequel to New Vegas

Revisiting the best beloved cities of a franchise

Bethesda retains ownership to fall Brand since then consumption.but Fault: New Vegas'Development was filled by Obrodielian Entertainment, while the former acted as publisher. New Vegas It quickly proved to be a standout entry in the series and could become a favorite among many fans to fall. Whether in the city itself or in the surrounding Mojiv desert, New Vegas Just brought a mix of fresh ideas while lying from two games to fall's New California Republic. California's gaming connections helped the Friends franchise feel more connected overall, and the return to the state would benefit greatly from the inclusion of new Vegas.

Except New VegasIn every other sold-out property to fall The game is set on the East Coast.

It may not be the new Vegas Sickle, but there is another great option

full-bottom New Vegas 2 Would be ideal, but that seems unlikely, at least at this point. however, consumption. Potentially the city could include its own side map that players can find if they venture out into the desert. even better, consumption. A return to the West Coast might be the perfect excuse to center around a fresh new Vegas-centric story.

It doesn't have to be “true”. New Vegas For the coin to be worthwhile, and a decent sized expansion would definitely be better than anything. Bethesda has yet to confirm a return to the West Coast, but if that's the chosen route, New Vegas is unlikely to be ruled out. Although the tension between Southern California and New Vegas is still wide and the tension between New Vegas is still wide, so the location cannot be panned in the base game, but the DLC is highly possible. the best to fall DLCs ​​have taken players into all new areas, and this is where New Vegas could easily make an appearance.

in each to fall The game, the location, has served as the heart of each new story

A return to New Vegas is imminent

The City of New Vegas location in future games may be in doubt, but fans of this entry can still look forward to Amazon Prime's live-action series. At the end of the first season, a thriller rejoices that its story is going to the city of Pratsky. The photos are possibly revealing New Vegas The city of Novew can prove that the next season 2 can have big moments for life.

of season 1 to fall Post-Nuclear takes place in Los Angeles and the West Coast. If the games and shows plan to become asternless, the return to New Vegas may be more likely.

Season 2 season to fall While the series may not be a game, it's an exciting development to visit the new Vita in any capacity, if done right. Of course, to actually explore New Vegas to fall Games will be prioritized, but only time will tell what Betada has planned for its next chapter.


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