Former Mass Effect director's new sci-fi game canceled, studio shut down

Key takeaways

  • Casey Hudson's Humanoid Origin studio closes and cancels a sci-fi game due to industry challenges.
  • The shutdown adds to a wave of cutbacks in the video game industry.
  • Fans hope that despite the current shutdown, Hudson can find another studio to develop a new sci-fi title.

Adding to the seemingly relentless layoffs and terminations that have plagued the video game industry since 2023, Mass Effect Developer Casey Hudson's development studio Humanoid Origin has shut down and canceled its upcoming sci-fi game. Hudson had firmly established an impressive legacy after the success of the original Mass Effect trilogy, but it seems that broader industry issues have proven too much for the giant's new efforts.

Considered one of the best science fiction role-playing games of all time, the first Mass Effect Quickly amassed a devoted audience that continued to follow the series with its second and third entries. Led by Casey Hudson, The Mass Effect The game franchise cemented itself as a classic franchise in video game history, however Hudson chose to move on from the series and focus on other opportunities. Unfortunately, for Hudson and others, that new journey has come to an abrupt end.

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In a public post on LinkedIn, Casey Hudson of Humanoid Origins announced that the studio will be closing. The statement notes that “broad challenges in the industry” have caused the company to face a financial crunch that has led to the end of operations. Humanoid Origin thanked its team members for their incredible work on its now-cancelled sci-fi RPG and lamented that its sci-fi universe would no longer be complete. Despite the studio's best efforts to “shield” itself from the broader issues affecting the video game industry, Humanoid Origin has joined the likes of other game studios that have shut down in recent months.

Humanoid Origin Studio Closes, Sci-Fi Game Cancels

Dozens of AAA and indie game studios have announced canceled projects, workplace restructurings, and major cutbacks in the gaming industry, with Humanoid Origin and its unpublished title being the latest casualties. Audiences are skeptical that this unfortunate trend will ever end, and many are worried about the long-term implications for studios and their teams and projects. At the time of writing, there has been no direct statement from Casey Hudson on the shutdown, but it has been a long time Mass Effect Fans and fellow gamers are keeping their fingers crossed that Creative will find his way to another studio and continue to bring new sci-fi experiences to life.

As workers and fans alike close yet another studio, some remain hopeful that the coming years will see more stability. Such as the demand of sci-fi games Mass Effect remains high, so there's likely an audience for Casey Hudson's unreleased project. Whether the industry veteran and his fellow team members will be able to find a new home to fully develop the title remains to be seen, but fans. Mass Effect And the Humanoid Genesis team is hoping for the best.

mass effect

Mass Effect

Created by
Casey Hudson

Year of creation

BioWare, Edge of Reality, Demiurge Studios, Direct Right

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