Key takeaways
- Halloween is an ideal time for a dazzling hunt for Ghost-type Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
- Mismagius, Annihilape, and Golett are the standout scary flashers to catch.
- Mimikyu's bedsheet white outfit makes it the perfect flash for a Halloween hunt.
Halloween is right around the corner, so many glittery hunters are in Pokemon Scarlet and Purple Looking at a suitably terrifying Pokemon for shiny prey. While many options fall under consideration of the season, only one clears the competition. The stars of most of these hunts will be Ghost-type Pokemon, exemplifying terror, creepiness, and general Halloween vibes.

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While ghost types make up the smallest amount of the National Pokédex, there are plenty of great shines for players to try. Mixed in with classic choices, new favorites, and some iconic shiny ghosts, there are plenty of ghost-type Pokémon and their lines on the shiny hunt. Scarlet and purple.
13 Mismagius
Wicked Mustard Witch
- Type: Ghost
- Introduction to generation: 2
While Mismagius and Misdreavus don't have the most ideal glitter palette swap, with the perfect opportunity to go the magical green route, this line of fantasy ghosts definitely fits the Halloween feel.
With Misdreavus' origins as a ghostly, howling monster and Mismagius' distinctly witchcraft leanings, this old pair of demons is perfect for this season.
12 Annihilep
Angry beyond the grave
- Genre: Ghost/Fighting
- Introduction to generation: 9
A subtle color change, the slightly bluer hue of Annihilep adds to the ghostly nature of this shocking Primepep evolution, with cooler tones making the burning red glow of this angry spirit more apparent.
With knowledge so profound as a result of PrimePep being so enraged, it literally died, Ennihilep's debut Scarlet and purple It has served as more than a great conclusion to the classic Pokemon, it is ideal in many Tera raids. Annihilape is ambiguous Luigi's the mansion Look Will definitely work for players who want something scary and functional.
11 Gollet
Haunted Automaton
- Type: Ghost/Earth
- Generation Introduction: 5
A generation 5 ghost, golet and golark have solid scary bright colors. The muted teals and blues of their base plating and their bright yellow eyes shifting for dull and dark purples with bright green eyes. As these two haunted machines return to Terrarium of the Indigo Disc DLC, players with access to this sliver of Unova should have no problem finding them.
With such a unique combination of ghost and ground, it's no problem to spot a golet or a golark in the polar biome, as those two types rarely appear in this cold location.
10 Palosand
Beautiful black sand
- Type: Ghost/Earth
- Generation Introduction: 7
Returning to Paldea and found on its many beaches, Sandygast and Palossand, with black sand glittering counterparts, add an air of grandeur to this Halloween hunt. Outside of the usual fabulous glossy looks, this sandcastle duo definitely fits the theme of the season, as they're one of the few glittery ghosts going for a surprisingly dark, black palette.

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Since the glitter colors for Palosand are so harsh both in nature and in the environment, it's impossible to miss this giant pile of sand when you decide to shine it, making it a very easy shiny prey from above.
9 Rotom
The original Poltergeist
- Type: Ghost/Electric
- Generation Introduction: 4
The more iconic ghost-type Pokemon, Rotome, and its many variants are perfect for players who want a shiny that can effectively serve as six shiny Pokemon in one. Swapping its iconic blue and orange base look for peach and pink, this electrifying menace is very easy to hunt down. Scarlet and purple than in the Sinnoh remake.
Reputed to be somewhat of a fake legend in games since it first debuted, Rotom has grown in fame and notoriety since then. Pokemon Games, as ever sword and shield, Players technically get Rotome as the first Pokemon, as it has the player's phone.
8 Gengar
Classic ghost type
- Type: Ghost/Poison
- Introduction to generation: 1
Perhaps the most famous ghost-type Pokemon, and one of the most famous Pokemon in general, Gengar is essential for shiny hunts, if not for shiny itself but simply for the iconography of the Generation 1 ghost.
While Gengar's shiny home is nothing to write home about, having this rare ghost is a reward in itself. Featured in many Halloween events Pokemon Over the years, having this mischievous ghost as a shiny prey definitely adds to the holiday.
7 Flutter said
The Goth Misdrevus
- Type: Ghost/Angel
- Introduction to generation: 9
An older version of Misdreavus, Flutter Mane's glowing forms continue in the same spirit as its more modern counterpart. With red details, demonic eyes, and the addition of a bit more green to the usual yellow, this prehistoric ghost captures aspects of witches and things that go bump in the night.
While it is readily available for Pokemon Scarlett players after the game, purple Players with fellow Scarlets owners still have a chance to capture this competitive threat.
6 Ceruledge
Haunted armor
- Type: Ghost/Fire
- Introduction to generation: 9
more easily accessible to purple Players, the shiny Ceruledge may not live up to the palette swap with its counterpart Armarouge, but the burning eye is still a welcome change. Ceruledge offers a bit of a challenge for flashy hunters, especially since Charcadet has a similar small swap with blue eyes.
Fitting as a haunted weapon aspect to any good haunted house or castle, a great choice for your raids and for picking up items in the overworld, this gruesome evolution of Charcadet fits well into a Halloween hunting lineup.
5 Daskal
The Red Reaper
- Type: Ghost
- Generation Introduction: 3
One of the most iconic ghost-type Pokemon of the Hoenn region, Duskull, and its entire evolution line, offers a fiercely terrifying shiny prey for anyone looking for a touch of serious Reaper energy.
Going from charcoal gray to deep red, the bright colors remain on both Duskull and Dusclops while swapping to cool blue tones for Dusknoir.
4 Litwick
A deadly flame
- Type: Ghost/Fire
- Generation Introduction: 5
Striking a fine line between cute and creepy, Litwick and its evolutions are essential for ghost-type glitter hunters, let alone glitter hunters during Halloween. With Litwick as a life-stealing haunted candle, following a lampant in a similar vein, and Chandelier as a haunted chandelier, they're perfectly on the haunted house theme.

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Although the chandelier has the harshest glowing change, going from ghostly purple to fiery orange, Litwick swaps its purple flame for a wish-o-the-wisp-inspired blue flame, adding a more eerie feel.
3 Houndstone
A friend till the end
- Type: Ghost
- Introduction to generation: 9
Some of the new Ghost Pokemon added to the fitting are both Graveyard Monsters and Skeletons, Houndstone, and Graveyard. Scarlet and purple.
Taking the same idea of Litwick away from his trainer, Graveard and Houndstone certainly fit the scary-but-cute angle, both for Halloween and for players looking for a golden glow.
2 Fantamp
An unfortunate trick-or-treater
- Type: Ghost/Grass
- Generation Introduction: 6
One of the most famous Pokémon for its deeply unsettling and somewhat creepy Pokédex entry, the Phantom is simply essential for fall-themed, Halloween glitter hunts, ghost-type specific or otherwise. Phantump and with a beautiful shine to its growth, turning from the classic tree colors to some autumn, it is also a great hunt in general.
As Fantamp's Pokédex entry suggests, this Lost Soul-transformed tree feels like a little graveyard addition to the Halloween glitter hunt, playing the role of trick-or-treater. While its counterpart, Pumpkaboo, is truly the perfect Halloween-themed ghost type in every aspect, it unfortunately doesn't make the cut. Pokemon Scarlet and PurpleEven with DLC.
1 Mimikyu
Domestic dress
- Type: Ghost/Angel
- Generation Introduction: 7
Definitely the most Halloween-themed ghost Pokemon available scarlet and purple, Mimikyu captures every aspect that a flashy hunter desires for such a themed hunt.
By turning faded Pikachu yellow into a suitable bedsheet white, Mimikyu's design, scary-yet-cute factors with deadly Pokedex entries and lore, and fitting the Halloween theme with the gimmick of Pokemon literally dressing themselves up, there's none. A more perfect choice for Halloween glitter hunting than Mimikyu representing the ghost type.

- issued
- November 18, 2022
- OpenCritic rating
- fair