God of War Tires deserves more than most DLC boss fights


  • Tyr deserves more screen time in the next God of War game because of the untapped potential in his character.

  • The character of Tyr is an important part of Kratos' life and represents the end of his journey to find peace.

  • Despite the challenges of integrating Tyr into a future game, exploring his backstory through flashbacks could be a viable option.

God of War Ragnarok's Valhalla DLC is undoubtedly one of the best DLC experiences ever made due to its engaging gameplay and ability to deliver a compelling story that ties together the character arc of one of gaming's most beloved characters, Kratos. A highlight of Valhalla's gameplay is the boss fight against Tyr, who played a major role during it. God of War RagnarokWho's story but ultimately his character was a fraud the whole time – only undermined by the fact that he was spying on Kratos and his friends in Odin's guise. Now, he deserves a second chance at the spotlight in the future god of war the game

When it comes to Tyr, there is a wealth of untapped potential that almost begs for him to get more screen time in the future. god of war the game It seemed that the players got to know more about Tyr and even developed a relationship with him God of War Ragnarok's story, but once it was revealed that he was a fraud, all of that essentially went out the window, leaving room for another shot at it. If nothing else, as a god who values ​​wisdom, justice, and peace above all else, Tyr offers an interesting perspective that, ironically, counters the violent history of Kratos and Atreus. This, of course, is not to mention the compelling nature of his own story that is separate from the two protagonists, which are already primed and ready for an interesting story.

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God of War deserves more screen time after Ragnarok's Tyr Valhalla

The real Tyr of Ragnarok, God of War, was also not revealed until the end of the main story

While it is possible to see Tyr in his human form God of War RagnarokThis is only for a short period during the game's epilogue. On top of that, since Valhalla's story is largely centered around Kratos' character arc, there's little time to flesh out Tyr's character, especially when every interaction with him during the DLC is an intense boss fight that leaves players breathless. the room This alone is enough of an argument to suggest that Tyr is more deserving of the other god of war The game, especially his backstory is somewhat comparable to Kratos.

Tyr is one of the most important characters in Kratos' life

While Kratos finally seems to have made peace with his past in the end God of War RagnarokIn the Valhalla DLC, Tyr remains a parallel for the Kratos character, and is therefore one of the most important allies of the beloved hero. In a sense, Tyr represents the end of the journey for Kratos, who over the last two games has gradually transformed from a vengeful god to a father striving for peace. For the next game to go more into Tyr's backstory or his struggle with his choice to abandon violence could serve as a deeper reflection of what Kratos has been through, thereby adding to the story.

When it comes to Tyr, there is a wealth of untapped potential that almost begs for him to get more screen time in the future. god of war the game

The main issue is giving Tyr more screen time in the future god of war Since the game is wrapped in Norse saga for Kratos, and Tyr is connected to Norse mythology, it can be difficult to integrate it into one. god of war A game that is different from this. It is said that if god of war While there may be an ongoing story that spans the mythology, the tire can certainly find a footing in another game, regardless of what it's based on. At the very least, perhaps Tyr's character could be further explored through flashbacks in the next game, perhaps showing him continuing to guide Kratos (or Atreus) after the events of Valhalla.

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