How long does it take to beat the Ace Attorney research collection?

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The Ace Attorney Research Collection Ace Attorney is the eagerly awaited spin-off from the mainline Ace Attorney series, in which you solve crimes and protect the innocent from a ruthless legal system. Instead of playing a defense attorney, though, the investigation has you taking on the mantle of Miles Edgeworth, the series' most famous prosecutor.

These games follow a shorter timeline and barely touch on the courtroom, but they still feel like the classic Ace Attorney titles. These include lengthy confrontations with villains and helpless witnesses, and challenges of logic and patience. If you're looking to complete these two classics, you've got plenty of time ahead of you.

How long does it take to complete an Ace Attorney investigation?

Eustace Winner insulting Edgeworth's intelligence in the Winter Wing from Ace Attorney Investigations 2.

The Ace Attorney Research Collection is comprised of two separate titles: Ace Attorney Investigation: Miles Edgeworth and Ace Attorney Investigations 2: The Prosecutor's Gambit. The first was initially released worldwide for the Nintendo DS, while the second didn't make it out of Japan until the launch of The Complete Collection.

According to howlongtobeat.comThe two games are expected to spend very different time:

At the time of writing, not many players have voted on the combined collection, and as a result, the collection fluctuates wildly from the stated time to beat. About 36 hours to more than 60 hours.

Having played the game ourselves, we can say this Playing the entire collection is highly likely to take upwards of 50 hoursEspecially on the first playthrough. If you already know some of the solutions or you are quick to find solutions in a guide, you can expect the games to take much less time to complete.

are Five cases per gamefor total tenAnd each will take a long time to complete. Special cases, such as the fifth from the first game and the fifth from the second and the second from the fifth, are particularly notorious for being incredibly long and difficult, so your mileage may vary from case to case.

How long does it take to get 100% to Ace Attorney Research Collection?

Manfred von Karma trying to intimidate Gregory Edgeworth from Ace Attorney Investigations 2.

In addition to the basic task of completing all ten cases from the games, there are also Achievements To collect for the most complete of amateur prosecutors.

While there are many to complete, it's not too difficult to get every achievement – the collection allows you to Immediately start any individual section of any case From the very beginning in the game, so it is very easy to read the description of the achievement, and immediately go to the specific moment when you need to complete it.

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