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Where to find purpose
How to deflect a crusher ball
Dragon Ball: Sparking VoidThe campaign lets you relive the iconic Dragon Ball story through the eyes of multiple characters. Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's What If Branching Paths, known as Sparking Episodes, allow fans to play out different versions of events from the anime.

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Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's What If feature gives players the ability to change the story by completing the side objectives of each mission. In this instance, the reason you fight and defeat Jeice instead of Burter is because you need to distract Jeice's Crusher Ball technique. This guide will show you where to find the objective and how to deflect the crusher ball technique.
Where to find purpose
You will need Select the 'Arrival on Planet Namek' chapter In Goku's Saga. You will notice Green branch path icon next to the imageWhich indicates an alternative route opportunity.
The objective shown in the menu tells you that you must defeat Bertrand and Jace, without showing you an alternate objective.
To find the complete objective list with optional objectives, Start the mission and load into the encounter. From there, simple Open the Pause menu and navigate to the Battle Details option. While the main objective will always be the same as shown on the chapter selection screen An optional objective is hidden within the in-game menu.
The battle details option menu will be the same as in all other branch route chapters.
How to deflect a crusher ball
Perception is a defensive ability that can Counter/parry attacks from enemies And there is Able to counter special moves If done correctly. To deflect the crusher ball, Press and hold the perception button (Circle on PlayStation and B on Xbox) When Jeice queues up his technique.
Before attempting to deflect the crusher ball, there are A few things to note:
There will be perception Costs two skill count pointswhich can be seen under the icons of the characters.
Crusher Ball Cost three kilo gaugeSo allow Jeice to charge your gauge.
Fighting Jace will trigger a dialogue where he will be angry that he is losing. After a while, he will launch a crusher ball.
Perception does not resist basic ki blasts and will be stunned if you are hit by them. Be aware.
After successfully deflecting the Crusher Ball, Jeice will panic and flee the encounter, swapping out for Burter. Now that Jeice has escaped, here's what you have to do Defeat Burter to complete the main objective. Once defeated, the story will proceed as usual with Jace fleeing to Captain Ginyu's side instead of Bertrand.

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Dragon Ball: Sparking Void – How to teleport behind enemies
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