How to embarrass Mayor Lewis using your purple shirts in Stardew Valley

One of the first people when you go Stardew Valley The mayor of Pelican Town is Louis. Despite his position of authority, Mayor Louis is a rather clumsy person and often finds himself in strange situations around town. In fact, one of Lewis' friendship quests tasks you with finding his missing Lucky Purple Shirts and carefully returning them to him.

While most players simply return the shirts to the mayor, there are countless opportunities to have a little fun with the situation and perhaps embarrass the mayor even more. Read on to find out where you can find the mayor's lucky purple shirts and all the ways to humiliate him.

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Where to find Mayor Lewis' lucky purple shirts in Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley Marnie Secret Text

In Summer 3, Mayor Lewis sends a letter to Farmer asking him to find his missing purple shirts and return them privately. You can find his missing shorts in an unexpected place: Marnie's bedroom. It alludes to a secret relationship between a compassionate animal lover and the town's mayor. To enter Marnie's bedroom, you must have two friendship hearts with her Stardew Valley.

Mayor Lewis and Marnie Choose to keep the relationship secret and stay secret. Whatever the reasons, Farmer now has the power to expose their secret romance. You can use it to return the shorts to Mayor Lewis or humiliate him for a reward of 750 gold and a friendship heart.

How to embarrass Mayor Lewis with his purple shorts

Here are some interesting ways you can humiliate the mayor Lewis Using your lucky purple shorts:

Give the shorts to Marnie

One of the first naughty things you can do with purple shirts Give them to Marnie. His feedback is priceless; He exclaimed, “Gah!” and nervously insisted that he had no idea what shorts were. Marnie's awkward reaction is evidence of her and Lewis' secret relationship. Fortunately, Marnie doesn't take shorts, meaning you can continue your quest to embarrass the mayor.

Add the shirts to the Luau Festival Soup

Louise's Missing Purple Shorts Quest is triggered in the summer, at the same time as the Summer Luau Festival. in Stardew Valley. All the residents of the city participated in this annual event the governorLewis is the perfect opportunity to joke. As Lewis is eager to impress the governor, the prank becomes even more hilarious.

The highlight of the luau festival is a communal potluck, where all the villagers, including the farmer, add an ingredient to the soup. To embarrass Mayor Lewis, you can easily Add his lucky purple shirts to the soup. Doing so will elicit a unique response from the Governor and Lewis.

After tasting the soup, the governor commented that it was a bit tangy, but the taste was quite good. He then pulls the infamous purple shorts from his bowl, leaving Mayor Lewis and Marnie stunned. The governor, clearly disgusted, declares this the most disgraceful act of his life and flees. The mayor shouldn't be embarrassed that his privates were used for this prank, but luckily, you don't get caught.

Display shorts at Fair Grange

Fair Grange

If that doesn't sound good enough, you can save the purple shirts until the fall, when they're annual Stardew Valley fair takes place. This is the main attraction of the event Fair Grange Display, Where you can showcase your nine best items, from high quality produce and gems to artisan goods and crops. You can take this opportunity Display Mayor Lewis' purple shirts To see the whole city.

After seeing her shorts on display at the Fair Grange, Mayor Lewis is visibly upset and offers you 750 star tokens To keep things calm. Marnie nervously refers to the shorts as “purple lettuce,” subtly acknowledging your joke.

Wear the shorts yourself

Another way to embarrass Mayor Lewis Wearing his purple shirt himself. Shorts can't be worn directly, you can combine them using a gold band sewing machine. This creates a wearable version of the shorts that players can equip and walk around Pelican Town.

If Lewis caught a player wearing his purple shirt, he would clearly be shocked and angry. Marnie, however, would react with a sneer, showing a more playful attitude towards the situation. Interestingly, there are no other villagers Stardew Valley Regardless of whether or not you care about the shorts, this means it's a harmless way to embarrass the mayor. After this, you can simply return the shorts and claim the 750 gold reward for completing the quest.

How to get another pair of Mayor Lewis' purple shirts

Stardew Valley's 1.6 update added a new, quirky twist to the Mayor Lewis' Shorts saga. By befriending Mayor Louis Stardew Valley and By placing the ladder in his bedroom, you can unlock the secret basement. Here, you'll have to navigate through a maze of barrels until you reach a hidden room. Inside this room, you can find Another pair of Meyer's lucky purple shirts.

As soon as the shorts are picked up from the floor, A flying pair of shorts will start attacking you. Make sure to bring some food or healing items so you don't lose the battle. You can repeat this daily challenge to collect as many pairs of lucky shorts as you want.

Stardew Valley

February 26, 2016

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