How to get and use tar pudding deviant once in a human

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Once human'The Way of Winter update adds a lot to the game, with enough content that will keep new and seasoned players busy for hours. The update also introduces several new Deviants for players to catch, including one called Tar Pudding. Tar pudding is a field distraction Once human which can help extract fuel and work in fuel refining facilities. If you're having a hard time finding it, this guide can help you catch a Tar Pudding Deviant. Once human and explain how to use it for fuel extraction.


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How to get tar pudding once in a human

There are two ways to get inside Tar Pudding Deviant Once human. The first one is by Defeating Rift Entity in Avalanche MonolithWhile the second requires you Complete the Deviant: Tar Pudding quest.

Clear the Avalanche Monolith

The Avalanche Monolith Located in is a level 25 area Vena Fjord In the northern regions of Nalcote. To access the Avalanche Monolith, you need to activate it Four Rift Anchors Spread across the Vena Fjord area.

Inside the monolith, you'll meet the icy version Trentwhich you previously encountered at the Gaia Cliff Monolith in the first season of the game. Defeating the Monolith Rift Entity will immediately reward you with the Tar Pudding Deviant.

Total Distraction: The Tar Pudding Quest

Like Deviants like Gazocchio and Ice Pot, Tar Pudding has his own Deviant quest that you can get by talking to him. Lowe at Camp Igloo. He will then ask you to visit him Amber strandsA closed area in the first phase of The Way of Winter scenario. As such, you can only complete this quest in stage 2, making the Tar Pudding challenging to obtain early.

How to use tar pudding once on humans

Tar pudding disturbed once human

Once you capture the Tar Pudding, you must place it inside the Security Unit Cold area exposed to blue light. Tar Pudding has no other requirements and it is enough to increase its mood and strength.

Tar pudding is one Area DeviantThis means it manages your territory and handles tasks around your base. this Excellent in extracting crude oil or fuel, which you can collect from its security unit. It is an efficient method to obtain resources such as portable mixed fuel Once human.

Furthermore, the presence of tar pudding Speeds up the fuel conversion process Within the fuel refinery, optimize your resource production.

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