How to get journalist stash in burnt forest area

Journalist stashes are a great way for players to collect special items to send on bounty hunts hunter 2 special edition. However, retrieving items can be a bit of a problem as there is always a threat to the stash. The same is the case with the journalist stash located in the game's Burnt Forest area, as players will have to go toe-to-toe with a fire poltergeist to obtain the items.


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STALKER 2: How to get the journalist stash near the northern checkpoint

The journalist stash near the northern checkpoint in STALKER 2 is hidden in a hard-to-reach place, so let's see how to get to it.

How to get the reporter stash in the burnt forest area of ​​Stalker 2

Players will need to travel to the area southwest of the Army Warehouse to reach the journalist cache in the Burnt Forest area. hunter 2. The path to this stash isn't locked or hidden behind a traversal puzzle, but it's still tricky. On your way to the stash, players will encounter many anomalies and dangers before receiving a great armor as a reward.

Here's how to get the Burnt Forest Journalist stash in Stacker 2.

  1. On your in-game map and head towards the location of the journalist stash marked in the image above.
  2. On your way, there will be a flash anomaly that blinds you for a split second and inflicts burn damage. Make sure to predict its spawn position and get away before it explodes.
  3. Players will arrive at a deserted house structure with burnt grounds and a trapdoor leading underground.
  4. There will be fire anomalies in the area, so carefully make your way down to the bunker.
  5. After reaching the bunker, you must defeat a fire poltergeist that moves from room to room burning your health bar.
  6. Once the creature is defeated, open the stash to retrieve a high-end armor called “SSP-100M SIRCAA”.

Now, players must carefully return to the surface and escape the area with the flash anomaly to escape with the item in their inventory.

To upgrade the SSP-100M SIRCAA Armor, players must progress through the game and meet a highly qualified technician, as neither Diode nor Lens can upgrade this piece of high-end equipment.

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