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Kill the smaller monsters first in Supervive
How to kill giant monsters in supervive
Kill monsters or creep camps Survive Allows players to level up, giving them more abilities. Demons will also drop gold as well as healing consumables such as Viv Beans. Finally, they drop upgrade scraps, duplicates, and shards, all of which can be used to upgrade items.
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All in all, then, within the farming monster Survive Very important, and it may seem easy, to many beginners Survive Probably missing a big trick to save time and gain an advantage over other teams. This is also important to know Allies can gain XP from monsters their allies last hitBut only if they are in range.
Kill the smaller monsters first in Supervive
On reaching the creep camp Surviveit is Best to kill the smaller monsters first For some reasons:
- Little monsters Give XP on deathPotentially allows players Level up before the big encounter. This is especially true for reaching level 2.
- Some of the smaller monsters are healers. Attempting to kill the older ones is fruitless leaving them alive. Kill the healers first!
- These little monsters You can get shields many timesSo the way to get them out quickly Damage is not wasted.
After taking out the smaller creeps, players can then move on to the bigger ones.
A quick way to kill any monster is to push them into an abyss with some abilities. Their loot will spread across the land and gain XP.
How to kill giant monsters in supervive
The big monster in the camp is very strong, in both conditions Damage and health. However, they have one A major weakness Not many beginners know this battle royale game.
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Use abilities when they are stable
When these units are channeling their signature abilities, a Pink circle will form around them, and it will say surprising above them. This is their moment of weakness.
by Using the ability in them at this timeTheir big attack will be canceled, and they will take one The bulk of the damage. In addition, v. The cooldown of the used ability will be reversed. Therefore, players should save the ability until the monster is staggerable, and then effectively use it twice. It is necessary to kill the monster quickly Survive.
There is a level cap, meaning players can only level up by killing higher level monsters. Wait for a new day for monsters to respawn and level up.