How to recruit Minthara without betraying the grove

Baldur's Gate 3 is an action-packed, story-rich RPG where a player's choices shape a story of betrayal and friendship, survival and sacrifice, and the lure of absolute power.

Before patch 5, players had to side with the goblins and kill a bunch of innocent tieflings living in the grove if they wanted Minthara on their team. It seemed like a high price to pay to recruit just one character, so Larian Studios added another way to recruit Minthara that required fewer kills.


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Updated by Matthew Weidman on October 24, 2024: The recent release of patch 7 for Baldur's Garte 3 Added modding for console players along with other updates. It breathed new life into the still popular game and has drawn many people back for more adventures. Those looking to chart a different course than previous playthroughs may be interested in fighting Minthara alongside their party. For those players, this guide is organized to show each individual step how to recruit tieflings and druids in Emerald Grove without killing them.

Temporarily make Mynthara an enemy

If she is completely hostile, she will never join the party

Baldur's Gate 3, including Mynthara player character

  • Location: Inside the Goblin Camp
  • Act 1

Mynthara is Banere run run, And when the game begins, the followers of the absolute. She is very aggressive and has a cruel attitude towards others. Minthara can be first encountered inside the Ain Forest Goblin Campwhere she plans to attack the Emerald Grove. While she is still in camp, the players need it too Steal something, or attack him without starting a dialogue.

It causes him to be “Temporarily hostile.” When she engages the party in combat, and remember, Use non-lethal attacks when she's down to low HP to knock her out instead of killing her. That way, after being knocked out, the game doesn't treat him as dead. In order to recruit Minthara later, it's essential that she survives during Act One, so make a save (or two) to make sure she has a status effect before facing Minthara.

Don't kill his allies

She can't watch them die, or she becomes an enemy outright

Baldur's Gate 3: Blind the Absolute Guide

  • Location: Inside the Goblin Camp
  • Act 1

Once upon a time Mynthara Temporarily hostileIt is important that he does not witness the party killing any of his allies. If she does, she may become outright hostile and therefore unable to recruit. There are several goblins in the room with him, along with a scrying eye.

It is very important to do Just deal non-lethal damage to all of them while Minthara is still conscious. Additionally, remember that ranged attacks and spells can still kill enemies while non-lethal damage is active, so focus on using melee attacks against goblins while Minthara is still in combat.

Minthara fainted

Don't kill him

Mynthara recruitment bg3

  • Location: Inside the Goblin Camp
  • Act 1

Minthara must remain alive to join the party later, as she cannot be revived by Withers or any spells or scrolls if she dies before joining the player as a companion. As with goblins, players need to be careful and make sure they don't use ranged attacks or spells to drop to 0 HP. She also obviously can't be pushed to her death in the pit, because if that happens she'll die permanently.

Reach Moonrise Towers

Players must wait until Act 2

Baldur's Gate 3, Minthara and Player Character Embrace

  • Location: Moonrise Towers, on the southern edge of the Shadow-Cursed Lands
  • Act 2

Although players meet Minthara in Act One, they cannot ask her to join their party as a permanent companion until they reach Moonrise Towers in Act Two. This will likely take place several hours after the fight against Mynthara at the Goblin Camp, as Act 1 has a large amount of material. Once they start Act Two, players must make their way to the Moonrise Towers at the southern end of the map.

There, they need to pose as absolutists and infiltrate the grounds of the Ketheric Therm. Once inside, there will be a cut scene where Ketheric Therm sentences Minthara to death for failing to recover. Mysterious Artifact.

Help Minthara escape

She has many ways to survive

Moonrise Towers from Act 2 of Baldur's Gate

  • Location: Moonrise Towers, on the southern edge of the Shadow-Cursed Lands
  • Act 2

When Minthara is being led out of the main hall, players can choose to rescue him by starting a fight. It's a tough fight because all the cultists will be hostile, and even with Mynthara fighting with a full squad, the fight won't be easy.

To avoid this battle, go down the stairs and talk to him in the Moonrise Towers Prison. It triggers “Decide Minthara's Fate” search If they manage to pass a skill check for intimidation, deception, or persuasion against the two guards, the players can leave Moonrise Towers with him. Players can also fight their way out of prisons, and save gnomes and other prisoners at the same time.

No matter how Minthara escapes, she goes to the player's camp and asks to join their party as a friend. She may not be the easiest person to deal with, but any player who successfully romances her will discover that Minthara is suspicious of the Absolute and its actions.

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