Indiana Jones and the Monkey Business Mystery Guide to the Great Circle

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While exploring the Fascist Armory Indiana Jones and the Great CircleYou'll see a locked tool room warning of monkeys nearby, which triggered the monkey business mystery.

Basically, Indy needs to follow the trail of the monkeys as they have stolen many essential items including the key to the tool room. If players want to unlock the room, and collect useful materials from inside, make sure to complete the Monkey Business Mystery.


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Indiana Jones and the Monkey Business Mystery in the Great Circle

As in A Child's Play Mystery in Indiana Jones and the Great CircleIndy will find a clue that sends him on a treasure hunt. However, in Monkey Business Mystery, you are following the monkey trail and trying to find the key instead of the actual treasure.

To trigger the quest, go to the Fascist Armory and make sure to wear the Royal Army uniform, otherwise Indy will need to sneak in or fight. After leaving the boat at the nearby dock, crawl under the wire fence to enter the Fascist. weapon Approach the nearby two-story building and go to the second floor.

How to trigger monkey business in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

There should be a board on the second floor with a monkey warning. Take a picture of it with your camera to trigger the monkey business mystery. You can also read a note nearby that all the keys to the tool room are gone, indicating that the monkeys took them. Now that you have all the information you need, it's time to hunt down the little thieves.

Where to find monkeys in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

From the second floor of the building, go back down and crawl through the same hole you used to enter the Fascist Armory. Turn left and climb the broken wall to find a deeper part of the water. Jump in and proceed towards the patch of land next to the sunken building.

There, Indy will find some monkeys playing with fascist paraphernalia. Approaching them will cause the animals to scatter, leaving you free to explore freely. On the cliff where the monkey was jumping before, you will find Tool room key.

Return to the building and open the tool room using the key to complete the monkey business mystery Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Inside the room, players will find Slugger II A skill book that increases damage from charge-up attacks when unlocked for 900 adventure points. Inside will be other useful items, such as a pair of bandages, money, weapons, and bullets.

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