Overwatch 2 offers 10 holiday cosmetics, including three skins, via Twitch drops.
Fans can earn Winter Wonderland rewards by watching streamers for up to 15 hours.
The featured skins are Ugly Sweater: 76, Gingerbread Ana, and Reindeer Orissa.
Overwatch 2 Ugly Sweater Soldier: 76 is offering 10 different holiday cosmetics as Twitch drops, including Gingerbread Ana, and Reindeer Orisa Epic Skins. Fans can earn these and more Winter Wonderland cosmetics by watching for up to 15 hours. Overwatch 2 Streamer now through January 7, 2025.
A winter wonderland Overwatch 2The Christmas event, often marked with activities, game modes, and cosmetics. this year, Overwatch 2 Winter Wonderland is offering tons of rewards through in-game challenges, which can be completed by playing normal games and returning holiday favorites like Mei's Snowball Offensive and Freezethaw Elimination.

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but, Overwatch 2 Players can pick up even more holiday-themed cosmetics without logging into the game. Now starting January 7, fans will watch any 15 hours Overwatch 2 Streamers on Twitch can earn 10 different Winter Wonderland-themed cosmetics at regular intervals, including three epic skins: Ugly Sweater: 76, Gingerbread Ana, and Reindeer Orisa. With an Overwatch coin worth over $30, players won't want to miss out on these freebies.
How to get Overwatch 2 Winter Wonderland Twitch drops
Connect someone's Twitch and accounts, then watch either Overwatch 2 Streamers now through January 7, 11:58 AM PST, to earn the following cosmetics:
2 Hours: Relaxing Snowglobe Spray
3 Hours: Relaxing Reindeer Namecard
4 Hours: Winter Chic Widowmaker Player Icon
6 Hours: Spider Chick Weapon Charm
7 hours: Shaking snowglobe spray
8 hours: Cozy Cassidy player icon
9 Hours: Winter Chic Widowmaker Namecard
11 hours: Ugly Sweater Soldier: 76 epic skins
13 hours: gingerbread ana epic skin
15 Hours: Reindeer Orissa Epic Skin
This is the biggest Twitch drop campaign ever Overwatch 2 has ever held. Among the awards, Ugly Sweater: 76 and Gingerbread Ana are older Overwatch 1 Skins, while reindeer were issued in the first year of Orissa Overwatch 2So fans may already have some of them. That said, sprays, namecards, and other cosmetics are new this campaign with three legendary skins available in Merry Marionette Echo, Cozy Cassidy, and Winter Chic Widowmaker. Overwatch 2 Through the Winter Wonderland challenges now.
The Avatar: The Last Airbender event is also live Overwatch 2 Until December 30th, giving players more than a week to earn more cosmetic rewards, including the Epic Katara Mei skin. Combined with the legendary Casual Hanzo skin also available from Winter Wonderland challenges, Overwatch 2 Fans can get a total of eight skins – half of which are legendary – for the holidays absolutely free.
Overwatch 2 The current 2-2-2 roll queue team structure will also be running until January 7th with the first use of the current 6v6 gameplay experiments. The second experiment, min 1, max 3, is currently planned from January 21 to February 4. , so fans should have ample opportunity to show off their new skins to multiple players in these tests.