One Punch Man: Saitama's greatest feat, explained

Key takeaways

  • Saitama's rush sent him forward faster than light, catching his opponent off guard.
  • Saitama shatters the moon with a powerful table flip, displaying his fearsome strength.
  • Saitama destroys Jupiter with a sneeze and learns a time manipulation ultimate attack.

throughout A punch man series, Saitama has proven himself time and time again as the most powerful character in the entire setting. In all of his fights, he can only be said to be serious once, which shows how incredible his strength is since most of his opponents were the strongest villains in the setup up to that point. Despite being the strongest of them all, Saitama was always in another league.

Due to such incredible power, Saitama has pulled off some feats that are nothing short of impressive. A punch man standards, but are some of the most awe-inspiring moments in the entire anime/manga industry. So, let's go through the most impactful of these moments and see what they mean for Saitama's powers and how they work through his character.

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Saitama's light-speed fart

Saitama's flatulence gave him super speed


First appearance

A punch manChapter 168, “Awakening of the Gods”

Story arc

Rakshasa Sangha Ark

Saitama's fight against Garou was everything fans wanted to see since it was first teased. Of all the opponents the Caped Baldy faced throughout the series, the Cosmic Garou was the strongest, however, Saitama's growth eclipsed that of his enemy, forcing the Garou to retreat from the battle by opening a portal to Earth. He returns to find Saitama there with him, traveling faster than light because of the leaf while enjoying his victory by leaving his opponent stranded around Jupiter!

A leaf came out that sped me up to catch it!

Although undoubtedly one of the funniest things in the series, it was also one of the most impressive. Using only his stomach ache as fuel, Saitama unleashed a blade so powerful that it launched him through the void of space faster than the speed of light. Although it is unclear if he was able to make it before closing the portal to Garo or if he was able to immediately close the gap between Jupiter and Earth, it remains one of his greatest achievements.

Saitama disintegrates the moon

Serious table flip


First appearance

A punch manChapter 167, “Io”

Story arc

Rakshasa Sangha Ark

In the heat of the battle against the Cosmic Garou, Saitama began to perform several of his move sets, which he had never done before. These were all parts of his 'serious series', and redefined what power the series had, but Table Flip was one of the strongest of these. Digging just one hand into the ground on Jupiter's moon, Saitama brought it back with incredible force.

Being overpowered is… so boring.

The fallout completely tore up Io's surface, causing a wave of destruction that uprooted the moon's foundation. This was just a glimpse of Saitama's terrifying power, which he was later able to take advantage of by leaping between various pieces of rubble with light speed, setting the stage for his omni-directional serious punch.

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Saitama's serious sneeze

A sneeze that destroys Jupiter


First appearance

A punch manChapter 168, “Awakening of the Gods”

Story arc

Rakshasa Sangha Ark

In a moment that should put all power-scaling debates to bed, Saitama destroys an entire planet with nothing more than a sneeze in his battle against the cosmic Garou. He wasn't already fighting at his full strength as he held and protected the core of Genos in one of his hands, but the cold temperature of space did nothing but chill him a bit. This caused his nose to run throughout the fight.

Bring it on. I need a hand for you.

This caused Saitama to sneeze, which he and Garou managed to do as they stood face to face. Although he ignored his foe, the sheer force of the sneeze was enough to completely disintegrate Jupiter's surface, revealing the core beneath. It was at this moment that Garou finally realized that he was fighting no ordinary enemy and that his opponent's strength was far greater than anything he could have predicted.

Saitama learns the Ultimate Fist

Saitama learns Garou's strongest attack

Saitama and Garou

first appearance

A punch manChapter 168, “The Awakening of the Gods”

Story arc

Rakshasa Sangha Ark

While Saitama's incredible strength is no secret and everyone knows how strong he is, his skills are often overlooked. In the battle on Io, Saitama was able to perfectly mimic Garou's moves mid-battle, showing his aptitude for combat. However, most impressively, at the end of the arc, after Garou's powers are stripped from him, he teaches Saitama his final technique, which the latter is able to perfectly duplicate after only seeing it once.

I can't believe it. Your martial arts are awesome, Garu!

Although this move lacks the destructive output or specs of the others in the series, it is one of the strongest because it gives the user the power to manipulate the flow of time. Using this attack, Saitama was able to travel back in time to deliver an almighty punch to the past-Garou as Saitama unlocked his cosmic form, ending the threat before it began. This alone is the most impressive thing he has ever done.

A punch man Can be streamed on Netflix and Crunchyroll.


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A punch man

One Punch Man is a series originally created by manga artist One and later digitally illustrated by Yusuke Murata. This satire-like anime follows the story of the superhero Saitama, who becomes so powerful that he is able to destroy enemies with one hit. It seeks to find a new direction in life without being satisfied with the lack of challenge.

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