Optimized PC graphics settings for LEGO Horizon Adventures

As Horizon fans eagerly await the third game in the series, they have a little spin-off to help ease the wait. LEGO Horizon Adventures Released on November 14 for all major platforms except Xbox. Don't be fooled by its cute, LEGO-like visuals — the game is built using Unreal Engine 5, which means it will push modern hardware to its limits.

While console players don't have to worry about tweaking graphics settings, PC players aren't so lucky. If you are looking to squeeze more performance out LEGO Horizon Adventures Without sacrificing much visual quality, you're in the right place. Copy the settings below, and you'll just be able to break the coveted 60 FPS mark.

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LEGO Horizon Adventures Doesn't offer a very robust graphics settings menu like some Nixxes ports, but it does offer a decent range of tweakable options. Carefully adjusting these settings can help you achieve a smooth framerate, allowing you to focus more on gameplay and less on performance issues.

Ideal graphics settings

Graphical options


Recommended setting

window mode

This setting determines whether the game uses the entire screen or only a portion of it. Windowed fullscreen uses the entire screen while allowing for easy Alt+tabbing.

Fullscreen with window


This setting determines the resolution of the game. Select Native to ensure the game is displayed clearly; Otherwise, it may appear blurry.


Frame rate limit

This setting determines whether the FPS cap is applied. Enable it for a smooth frametime graph, or disable it for maximum framerate.

Personal choice

Vertical sink

This setting determines whether the monitor's refresh rate is synced to the game's framerate. This may introduce a slight input lag. Enable it, eg LEGO Horizon Adventures Not an action-oriented game.



This setting determines which upscaling technology is used. Players wishing to use native anti-aliasing (AA) should select DLAA. Nvidia users looking for upscaling should choose DLSS, while TSR is available to all GPU vendors.


DLSS preset

This setting determines the quality of DLSS. The lower the setting, the blurrier the game looks. For 1080p, it is recommended not to go below the quality setting.


Frame generation

This setting determines whether frame generation technology is used to increase the framerate. This is only available when DLAA or DLSS is enabled. Do not use it if the base FPS is below 60, as it may introduce ghosting.


the light

This setting determines the quality of various lighting effects, such as global illumination, indirect lighting, and more. Selecting High or Epic will enable ray tracing. This setting has the greatest performance impact. Choose High if you want to experience a developer-friendly environment. If you're prioritizing performance, select Low.


the shadow

This setting determines the resolution and viewing distance of dynamic shadows.

the epic


This setting controls the quality of various visual effects such as fire and explosions.

the epic


This setting controls the quality of the reflection. Selecting High or Epic will enable ray-traced reflections. Select High as it makes the reflections look better. Only select Medium if you are desperate for more performance.


Post processing

This setting controls the quality of various post-processing effects, such as motion blur, depth of field, and bloom. Set it low to make the game look clearer.


Don't forget to turn off camera shake, which can be found in the gameplay tab. You'll have to scroll down a bit to find it.

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