Although it may be seven years old, fans are still discovering new and weird mysteries in the world. Red Dead Redemption 2. In an effort to create the most realistic, immersive open world ever, Rockstar spared no expense. The result is a game full of quirky, memorable characters, beautiful scenery, and strange, mysterious mysteries that remain unanswered to this day.
Most of these secrets are hidden in plain sight, though many players don't discover them until they take the time to look. This is most true in the abandoned town of Pleasance. Located between the rolling plains of Scarlett Meadows and the foreboding mire of Bayou Nwa, players can ride through this ghost town half a dozen times and never stop to investigate it further. But taking the time to dismount and look around reveals one of the darkest stories Red Dead Redemption 2.
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Nearly seven years later, the Pleasance remains one of RDR2's scariest mysteries
As it appears in the game, Pleasance is a long-abandoned settlement on the outskirts of Bayou Nwa; A dilapidated echo of a town that was once home to a modest population of citizens of Lemoyne. There is an unsettling air of mystery about any ghost town, but a recent discovery Red Dead Redemption 2's subreddit had fans seeing the entire city in a new light.
It seems that the residents of Pleasance never actually left but instead are located in a cemetery within the city. A handful of graves litter the overgrown cemetery, but one notable feature of the grave markers is a great reason to explore the town in depth. Each grave has the same date of death listed; Everyone at the Pleasance died violently on the exact same day. The causes of death often include gunshots and stabbings, but what happened on September 17, 1883 was nothing short of a massacre.
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by the events of Red Dead Redemption 2 In 1899, the Pleasance was abandoned for nearly 16 years. Anyone who follows true crime material will attest to the fact that putting together a cold case is nearly impossible, and there are no solid answers about what really happened in 1883. But Rockstar left fans with plenty of clues to piece together a few different possible sequences. of events.
The first clue to notice about the Pleasance mystery is the timeline of events. A decaying sign on the outskirts of town welcomes visitors to the settlement and it was established in August 1883. It lasted only a month before the city was completely destroyed. Whatever caused the genocide hit the community hard and fast, which leads to the first possible theory surrounding the fall of happiness: the disease
In many places around town, messages are written on boarded-up doors and windows. Ominous warnings “defiled with sin,” “sick with sin!” The reading is carried around the city. and “Avoid the plague!” Given the impression that the city was abandoned due to disease, but the violent end of the city's citizens reveals that this was not entirely the case. It could be that a novel disease was spreading in the city and the victims were killed to prevent further spread or as a mercy killing if the disease was serious enough to warrant it. But like all mysteries Red Dead Redemption 2Things may not be what they seem.
Was Pleasance a town of devil worshippers?
Significantly, the city's church has no notable liturgical precedent. There is no cross, religious symbol, or anything that serves as an identifier of any established religion in the city. This would have been an extreme oddity given the time period and location, and Rockstar has proven time and time again its dedication to historical detail and making the game feel as authentic as possible. If these symbols were removed, it was for a reason.
Some have speculated that this, along with the numerous references to sin in the graffiti, is a sign of some sort of occult activity such as Satan worship going on in Ananda. It certainly wouldn't be the first time red dead The series leaned into supernatural elements. Proponents of the occult theory claim that the city either destroyed itself in an act of religious violence, or that outsiders from the nearby city of Rhodes came and drove away unsavory characters who dared to venture near their lands.
Other theories surrounding the city include the Night Folk, as the city borders their territory, but these theories don't hold as much water. Such a brutal act is consistent with the way the Night Folk act in the game, small details about the carnage don't really match their MO, the tombstones indicate that guns were used in many of the murders, and the Night Folk don't seem to use guns in any of the encounters in favor of more silent weapons like bows and knives. . Also, the fact that there were any bodies to bury is very different from the behavior exhibited by the Night Folk, who seem to be taking the corpses of their victims to create gruesome displays of carnage in the swamps.
What happened to the people of Pleasance, or why the settlement lasted only a month before it was turned into a ghost town, will never be clearly understood. And that's the beauty of the world Rockstar has created. In real life, mysteries aren't always solved and tied up with a neat little bow. Sometimes, the best one can hope for is to find a satisfactory theory explaining the questions. Even for a game that strives for realism and immersion, this might be one of the most realistic things ever. Red Dead Redemption 2.