Key takeaways
- One Tears of the Kingdom player found a way to skip half of the Oromowak Shrine puzzle by launching them into the air with a rocket cart.
- While this was done entirely by accident, at least one other fan had previously stumbled upon this unorthodox solution to the “successfully failed” Oromuwak Shrine puzzle.
a sly The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom The player has just found a way to complete the game's A Launching Device puzzle using an extremely chaotic solution involving a rocket cart. Their “successful failure” serves as another reminder of the immense freedom Tears of the Kingdom offers to its players.
One is part of the launching device Tears of the KingdomSet the shrine of Hebra. This puzzle is found at the Oromowak Shrine, located at coordinates -3080, 1618, 0243. It lays east of Lake Tottori. The easiest way to find it is to follow the road southeast from the Lucky Clover Gadget Stable and keep an eye out for the rocks on the right. The temple itself is surrounded by thorns that players need to burn or climb over.

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Tears of the Kingdom player solves the Oromowak Shrine puzzle with a rocket cart
And when layout Tears of the KingdomThe Oromowak Shrine is designed to encourage players to launch themselves into the air twice at the end, Reddit user Minoiboisoy recently managed to complete the puzzle with a single long jump. They did so entirely by accident, as their intention was to take the Zonai rocket from the first ramp to the middle platform by attaching it to a nearby mining cart. But because they attached the rocket to the right arm of the wagon, they launched the entire contraption into the air and away from the railway on which it was supposed to slide.
This went better than expected, as the rocket was tilted enough to the left that it sent the cart flying to the very end of the level, completely crossing the lower midsection in the upper-right corner of the room. Video footage documenting this bizarre feat later surfaced on the r/Zelda subreddit, much to the amusement of many others. Tears of the Kingdom players. “Task successfully failed,” wrote one fan, chiming in on this feat of engineering.
Minoiboisoy is not the first player to accidentally leave half of the Oromowak shrine. Reddit user FemmePrincessMel stumbled upon this rocket-propelled solution in mid-May 2023, just days after the game's release.
This unusual way of completing the launching device serves to illustrate the main components. Tears of the Kingdom The puzzles are just as satisfying: the freedom. While all shrines have at least one straightforward solution, most can also be accomplished by thinking outside the box or experimenting blindly with the game's mechanics.