The best characters in virrstu files enchas of enling


  • Virtuuahar Driver 5 RVIVER provides perfect netted and minor character tweak, maintaining the familiarity of Vietoha-fighter with.

  • Elean, Worp, and the Takash Arashi received the gameplate adjustment to balance his power and weaknesses.

  • Players can enjoy a variety of sets in a visa fighter डू, with every unique fight style and strategies.

Virtu Kerdue is an ender of ordia defined version. It twitters the best netcade and small netcade and a small eye character character, but the embryoned force is a week of corruption.


Crossing 83 combat games

With the recent resurrection of the combat-popularity, these thericks are time to get the shot in the modern console.

For those for the Vistuh fighter groups, it is one of the most deepest fighters. Virtu Kidlest Orel is a higher expression sport where each character is fully different and can play in different ways. This is one of a perfect fight sports to play if you are a fan of Martial Art.

Cry 10

Wolf Wellld Field

Wolf Situ is a Visgava Fighter 1 Revised

Wolf Situ is a Visgava Fighter 1 Revised

The country of origin


Suzy Stitch

Pro wrestling



Taka was dominated by his throw game, but his mighty throw was either modified or deleted. Wolf Housefield has a very strong rose options now. Equipped with the 9- and 10-freamers to close the letters, he earned more low throws to make his crime more unexpected.

The Kombo game of wolf is the combo game middling. He will have to punish opponents with stolen and destructive throw.



Elean a punch punch against Pie in the Sarthgua file. Amendment.

Elean a punch punch against Pie in the Sarthgua file. Amendment.

The country of origin


Suzy Stitch

Kung Fu Monkey Seals



There was an absolute terror in Beta, a 1p + KP was an unlimited loop that was patch. In any case, many light characters, like a weighed, has increased, making her more durable. Illin uses monkey coggso-foos that keep them less in the floor during the standing switch. She moves quickly, stays less, and is difficult to hit.

Elin does not cause much damage, but he has strikes quickly from an ankary angle. Her Unexpractic style style is excellent for the obstacle of opponents. She is a great character to take the beginners, and no one wants to run in a skilled Eelian.


Taka Sarashi

Pushing from the ring from the ring from the rings in the fullness file.

Pushing from the ring from the ring from the rings in the fullness file.

The country of origin


Suzy Stitch




All the whole of their weight is one of the most difficult character in Cambo, all the most difficult character in the combo. After weight adjustment in the Visuthi file, he damages more, but as super mob wuts, he lives in his own intellectual class.

Taka leaves from the defense of opponents. His 4p + k, a great hit-check move, is a prime example. Although it is not as strong as a time, it is still a great tool for reacting a forecasting way. The gripillilling game of Taka is not enough as the Lord, but still a pure part of his crime.


Singh Rufile

Erodo to jan kneeling in the lion file. Modifier

Erodo to jan kneeling in the lion file. Modifier

The country of origin


Suzy Stitch

Kung Fu Montis style



Out of other high competitive characters, the lion has not changed a lot. Her overall sports plan is short, fast, and embarrassment strike to make chips chips on the opponent. He is one of the more frustrated characters to deal with, which is difficult to read many movements, and he has excellent mix-up options.

4: 77


Current Comfort Sports turning up to 30 years of match in 2025

These classic battles games in some 20225.

The lions of the lion is the output of his damage. Once the players are more familiar, the ability to punish an effectively becomes a premium skills, and there are lions in the region.


Shun di

SHUN DI Vistua hit the AOD in the abdomen in the Vistua file. To amendment.

SHUN DI Vistua hit the AOD in the abdomen in the Vistua file. To amendment.

The country of origin


Suzy Stitch

Kung Kung Kung Fu


Long Dairy Mix Ups

An unexpected one way is a way to describe shun di's crime. He is killing the Kung fuce and goes unconventional way. His movements are large, when fighting from a remote makes him most effective.

Drinks alcohol while maintaining distance from the opposers. More shun di drinks increases her damage. He also unlocks the broad stroller pool because he sees more intoxicating, provides more ways to confuse your opponent.



Monk monetrously ENabing Sarab Riblo.

Monk monetrously ENabing Sarab Riblo.

The country of origin


Suzy Stitch

To Jeet kun


Neutral, all the end

If you are a Bruce Lee's Fan, You are in luck – Representative Break of Jeannet Cotta stays one of the best characters in ENHO. Jackie has excellent distance control and impressive speed. In the neat, he traps, he remains a versator character.

In practice, Jackie can imitate some high-noxal characters because of her simple but effective playstick. Many combatants can be like many combatants, gecky tits like many combatants, and any two jacies players are at the same time, alike.


Brad burning

Brand knee knee in voting winning rate.

Brand knee knee in voting winning rate.

The country of origin


Suzy Stitch

Mooka Thai


Mid-chain pokes

Everyone's favorite Engomaniac has been a great increase in Visao WIDE RIR ODU. Bradle depends on the powerful strikes to control the distance, control the distance. He motivates a regret but does not stop after he does not stop, 'away from me'.


The virman's combatance ENCIV Reveno: Beginning Tips

Before ditching for a desired queuing, before diving for a wired clay, what is everything you need to know the upper hand in your opposition!

P + g such as p + g such as a kept in a full capacity of a bridge body of p + g. Since his factors demands so much respect, the land is postponed from the opposition while neglecting them at least. P + G is also one of his best options that are for the wages of mix-up-heavy characters like L. Bleze.


Gus Hinatomy

Say Jozo Visha Dira inir Inir Inir Inir Inir Irodo.

Say Jozo Visha Dira inir Inir Inir Inir Inir Irodo.

The country of origin


Suzy Stitch




Dependence and wide diversity sacrifices for punishment. First he can mix his opponents in four different ways, but that has been removed on behalf of the huge improved strike.

The roundly practically hardest character to split in ort orelo. Modified. He has a unique capacity that allows him to try a countertax form. This counter-grappling, joint with her increased strike game combines one of the most frightening characters to contact him.


Akira Yuki

Akira is snatched on the wall of KIR Omo's wall in a monk file.

Akira is snatched on the wall of KIR Omo's wall in a monk file.

The country of origin


Suzy Stitch



Mid -adgaag

Perhaps the strongest Character 5 amends in Visgava Fighter is the Moscote, Achira. While KKRIA does not flash and sets a limited step that is difficult to use, his damage is in the maximum game.

Although he does not have many moves, Acacra did not throw away, makes them too far away to surprise him. He also considers in his rapid movements to apply pressure. In any case, it is easy to remember input while pressing pressure as Echira.


VayncEa Lewis



The country of origin


Suzy Stitch

MUAY Thai and Vale Tudo


Boot switch

On the surface, Vancea looks like a hard character. It is an egaret saying that he has a second stand – the kitchen is essentially two characters. However, opposite to road Fights, opposgregation with fits, does not need to be continuously switched between the stand to get you out of the Visan.

Vancuna has an offensive and defensive stand. Offensive stand is very directly straight, pop-up patterns and jugs are available. Defensive Stansley takes time to master but automatically fills and moves that it may be difficult to cut. Vancuna is simple and effective, yet have options to deal with all situations.

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