The end of Megumi's powers of the series, explained

This article contains spoilers from the Shinjuku Showdown arc of Jujutsu Kaisen.

Key takeaways

  • Megumi Fushiguro inherited the 10 Shadow Technique.
  • Megumi had the ability to reach Gozo's level of power.
  • Sukuna's takeover cut Megumi's growth at JJK.

Megumi Fushiguro formed the main trio Jujutsu KaisenYuji and Nobara together, and fans can easily tell that this character was very important to the series from the get-go. In fact, this character was written so well that he was consistently the most popular character among fans JJKWhich of course says a lot.

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Everything about Megumi, from her demeanor, to the powers she possessed, made her incredibly exciting to fans. Of course, during her journey as a magician, Megumi faced many ups and downs, but, in the end, she definitely went on to become a powerful person. Fans have been wondering how strong Megumi was at the end of her journey, and the answer to this question may surprise some.

Megumi Fushiguro's Potential in Jujutsu Kaisen

  • Megumi gained 10 shadows
  • Megumi held the possibility of reaching Gozo's level

When Megumi was first introduced in the story, she wasn't that powerful. At this time, he was a grade 2 mage, which was definitely nothing special. However, it is safe to say that Megumi proved that her power was far beyond that of a Grade 2 mage. Indeed, it didn't take long for Megumi to fight and defeat a special-grade finger bearer, and he certainly did that with some style. Megumi was destined for greatness, and a lot of that is down to the fact that she was born into a genin clan. Even among Genin, he was incredibly special, as he possessed the Inherited Cursed Technique of 10 Shadows. Megumi learned to use the 10 Shadow Technique to some extent at the beginning of the series, but as time went on this control became more and more advanced.

Winning by dying and winning by dying are two different things! – Gozo

Megumi revealed her true power in the story as it progressed, and it's safe to say that fans were completely shocked by the level of power she wielded. In fact, it wouldn't be surprising if Megumi was destined to reach the upper echelons of power in JJK. Gozo, the strongest modern mage, clearly stated that Megumi had the ability to match her and that definitely says a lot, how strong Gozo really was. According to Gozo, in the past, a magician from the Genin Clan, who had access to the 10 Shadow Techniques, went head-to-head with the leader of the Gozo Clan, who, like Gozo, had access to both shadows. Eyes and Infinite, and this fight killed both of these people. Essentially, they were evenly matched, and it showed that Megumi could reach the same level as Gojo.

He was given all the tools he needed, meaning fans will see great growth from him over time. It's safe to say that Megumi made a lot of progress in Jujutsu Kaisen. For example, when Megumi fought the Finger Bearer, she managed to tap into her domain extension, putting her life on the line. Megumi began to show signs of real development, and it's safe to say that at this point, her proper development as a mage began.

As the story continued in the Calling Game arc, Megumi's growth continued as well, and she once again demonstrated why she was a worthy contender for the future's strongest. He was incredibly dominant in the calling game, battling some of the most powerful ancient wizards. Megumi's incredible performance, however, was cut short, when Tsukuna handed her over from Yuji Itadori, and essentially took over her body.

Megumi's stability in JJK was a matter of deep concern

Megumi was cut from the story

Megumi tells Itadori and Nobara that it's okay about Gozo's letter.

Once Sukuna was transferred to Megumi, the latter began to stabilize. Tsukuna took a shower to essentially suppress Megumi's spirit, and from that point on, there wasn't much she could do. In fact, it was a shocking decision for the writer to cut Megumi out of an important part of the story and ensure that her growth is stunted.

As long as Sukuna was in Megumi's body, her entire character arc was beside the point. His relationships with Tsumiki, Yuji and everyone else, along with all the dreams and hopes he had, were pushed aside and he was used as a tool for Sukuna. It would have made a great plot point if there was more to come from Megumi in the future when she was freed from Sukuna's clutches. But, as Jujutsu Kaisen kaisen ended, Megumi was essentially a tool for half the story, and it definitely spoiled her character a bit. Fans had high hopes for Megumi, but all of that was destroyed in the story when Tsukuna took over.

You've changed since I last saw you, Megumi! – Gozo

Tsukuna used Megumi's body with ease and had great control not only over her own shrine, but also over Megumi's 10 Shadows. Fans saw that Sukuna used incredible powers in her body, and she used these powers to kill many magicians. In fact, Sukuna even faced off against the strongest modern mage, Gojo Satoru, and held his own in this battle, which is an admirable feat. Ultimately, it was thanks to Megumi's mahoraga that Tsukuna was able to kill Gojo and advance her plans. He then used Megumi's body as a vessel to restart the suspended incarnation process and took his true form with Megumi at his core.

Again, this was the writer's hint that Megumi wouldn't play any major role in the story, and that's exactly what happened. In the end, Yuji and all the other magicians had to free Megumi and make a deal with Ryomen Tsukuna. Once Tsukuna is dealt with by Yuji, Megumi finally returns. In the end, Yuji's domain expansion proved to be a great success and after the King of Curses was defeated, he was torn from Megumi's body.

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Sukuna was shattered into nothing, while Megumi was finally saved. After this point, the series only ran for three or four more chapters, before finally wrapping up. Clearly, Megumi never got a chance to fully grow in the series, and all the potential she had was wasted. But, the fact is that the author chose to end the story despite knowing that it would spoil Megumi's character and went ahead anyway. That doesn't mean Megumi didn't grow from this experience with Tsukuna. Now, he's definitely a lot stronger, but the problem of his character arcs being stable still remains.

How Megumi could benefit from being Sukuna's vessel

Megumi could learn from Sukuna


It's safe to say that Megumi had her character arc ruined JJK Finally. However, his time with Sukuna was not wasted. Spending time in the same body as Sukuna must have taught him a lot. For example, when Sukuna used the shrine on Yuji's body, it ensured him access to the shrine as well, as Sukuna's technique was deeply embedded in his body.

Now, there is definitely the possibility that Megumi will tap into the shrine, but whether or not that will happen remains to be seen. After all, Megumi doesn't need a shrine to grow from this experience. The fact is that Tsukuna used the 10 Shadow Technique on Megumi's body just like a total master. Now, Megumi knows how to use the 10 Shadows Technique properly. Megumi can now use things like fusion and create beasts like Agito. Megumi can potentially control Mahoraga much better than before and learn how to adapt to different situations just like Tsukuna.


Whatever Sukuna used on Megumi's body should come naturally to her through muscle memory just like Yuji. Unfortunately, fans will never get to see all of that JJK has officially come to a conclusion, and there is no room for a sequel for now.

The final chapter of Jujutsu Kaisen, JJK 271, was finally released on September 29, 2024. Fans can read the series on the Manga Plus and Shonen Jump apps.

Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen


the creator
Gege Akutami

Number of episodes

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