The Gamer Game of the Year Hub

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With 2024 coming to an end, we've put our noses to the grindstone and sifted through hundreds of releases to identify the standout titles. We were blessed with another strong year of games, which ultimately makes the process of whittling down the GOTY lists even more difficult. But don't cry for us, We are already deadWe do it for the love of the game(s).

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The Gamer Game of the Year Hub – 2023

This is the landing page for all GOTY lists written by TheGamer's team. Check out our amazing opinion!

2023 saw Baldur's Gate 3 take the lion's share of GOTY nominations. If we're honest with ourselves, that was probably inevitable. It takes years less sure It seems there are tons Great games duking it out for the top spot. Not only are there plenty of great Triple-A titles vying for a prime spot on everyone's list, but some of the best independent games have made a real impact this year. Watch discussions unfold as this hub is updated daily with every new GOTY listing.

  • Meg Pelliccio, Executive Editor

    A collage of Kunitsu-gami, Metaphor and Broken Sword Reford for the 2024 GOTY list.

    Overseer of TheGamer's mentoring efforts, Meg has cultivated a refined taste in games. This is readily apparent in his GOTY list, which includes a grab bag of everything from adventure titles to humble indie hits. huge JRPGs. This is a diverse list that is lined up with some very excellent choices. If that's not enough to tempt you to read it, I'll let you in on a secret: this may be give The Give Majima a shout or two. Shocking, I know.

    Game of the Year Editor's Choice, 2024 – Meg Pellicio

  • Sam Woods, Senior Editor

    Editor's Picks - Featuring Sam Woods Balatro, Animal Well and Astro Bot

    Sam Woods is an editor extraordinaire at TheGamer, and he's brought us a GOTY list that rocks. proven A balance between indie darlings and triple-A hits. Whether it's an RPG, platformer, FPS, or something that steps outside the typical boundaries of a genre, you'll find that Sam has a place in his heart for it. The real question is, does he have room for it on this list? The only way to find out!

    Game of the Year Editor's Choice, 2024 – Sam Woods

  • Hilton Webster, staff writer

    Top 3 games of the year for Hilton Websters, Sorry We're Closed, Dragon's Dogma 2, and Umrangi Generation vr, left to right.

    Hilton is one of the newest staff writers at TheGamer, and he's already established himself as an insightful, charismatic voice. the best A taste in games. In his GOTY list, you'll find plenty of anime-inspired goodness, a dash of creepiness, and just a dash. the fall Sonic. This is a must-read list!

    Game of the Year Editor's Choice, 2024 – Hilton Webster

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