The Greatest PC Games For Every Year Of The 2000s

While the 2000s was the true end of PC gaming’s dominance over having the latest and greatest titles, you still got to play some of the best games ever made. Plus, you still had a lot of PC exclusives or timed ones throughout the early to mid-2000s, and those were usually incredible.



15 Best PC Games Of All Time, Ranked

Both legacy games and newcomers alike have earned their spot.

There have been a few years with such close competition that picking the best game is a very tough call with the stellar releases that came out. Many of these games are still played today, with a vast community that continues to make content for them.

2000: Deus Ex

One Of The Best Games Ever Created

The 2000s started off in the best possible way by releasing a game that should be in the top five of every outlet’s best games of all time list. That game is Deus Ex, an immersive sim masterpiece with expert level design and gameplay that will never age. You can play this game time and time again and always try something new.

It’s a real shame that most younger gamers probably won’t play this game because the graphics do look horrid by today’s standards. A remake akin to System Shock would be nice, but once you get past the graphics, you’ll be completely sucked in. Deus Ex is even a game that has been homaged repeatedly with the famous code 0451 used in numerous titles.

2001: Max Payne

The True Start Of Remedy Entertainment

Most of the best games in 2001 released on consoles only, but there were some amazing PC titles. Serious Sam: The First Encounter is a big favorite that still holds up today, but objectively, the best PC game that year was Max Payne. On the surface, Max Payne is a fun, slow-motion third-person shooter, and while it is that, it’s the style that really put this game over the edge.

Remedy’s trademark style started with Max Payne with its noir storyline and comic book-like cinematics that was unlike anything you’ve seen in such a dark, violent action game. Like Deus Ex, Max Payne 1 could use a remake for modern players, and thankfully, it is getting one by Remedy itself.

Bethesda’s Legacy Grows

Once again, a lot of the best games in 2002 were on consoles, with some, like Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, releasing on PC a year later. You had a few PC bangers, like the first Battlefield and Splinter Cell, but you can’t top Morrowind. The third installment of Bethesda’s legendary Elder Scrolls series, Morrowind looks better than ever, using traditional 3D graphics instead of the visual look of Ultima Underworld in Daggerfall.

The world and quest design remains top-notch, as expected from the developer, and in terms of pure role-playing, you could argue these older Bethesda games outshine the newer ones. Since Bethesda games have such amazing modding support, Morrowind is more accessible to modern gamers than other great PC games of the era.

2003: Beyond Good & Evil

An Undisputed Classic


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Thankfully, 2003 is when many PC ports released fairly quickly after the console versions of games. Two of the best games of the year, Beyond Good & Evil and Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, received PC ports the same year as the other versions. While Sands of Time is fantastic in its own right, you can’t deny how great and truly special Beyond Good & Evil is.



19 Best Single-Player PC Games

If you are looking for a fun solo experience, look no further than the best single-player games available on PC.

A full-blown adventure title with a vast game world, Beyond Good & Evil has great and memorable characters, fantastic writing, fun exploration, and heartwarming moments that many other games try to pull off but fail to deliver. The best version has to be the recent 20th Anniversary Edition, which has brand-new content that teases the upcoming sequel.

2004: World Of Warcraft

What Resident Evil Did For Horror Is What World Of Warcraft Did For MMOs

One of the greatest years in gaming has to be 2004. In regards to PC games, you had Half-Life 2, a certified classic, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, one of the greatest RPGs ever made, but the PC game of the year has to go to the title that the gaming world would not be the same without, World of Warcraft.

It’s hard to comprehend just how much WoW impacted the entire gaming industry, from the overall MMO genre to even the subscription-based model that nearly every gaming platform uses now to gain monthly revenue. People got married due to this game, and it has continued to stay relevant through frequent updates over 20 years later.

2005: Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

A Stealth Game GOAT

As much as FPS fans would love to see Fear win PC game of the year, due to its slow-mo action that still holds up, you can’t beat one of the top three stealth games ever made. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory is the peak of the franchise, with some of the best levels ever crafted for a stealth game and so many options at play.

The lighting was the best video game lighting ever up to that point, and it still looked good a decade after release. You can’t forget the amazing Spies vs. Mercs multiplayer mode, the best multiplayer for a stealth game, right next to Ubisoft’s own Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. Unlike other Splinter Cell games that have sadly been delisted on Steam, Chaos Theory is still available and is a must-play for any stealth fan.

One Of The Greatest Bethesda Games Ever Made

The 2006 game of the year would be The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, but that was only on the Wii and GameCube. When looking at PC games, the game of the year is obviously Oblivion. There are two big favorite games for Elder Scrolls fans. The old-school fans tend to go for Daggerfall, while the more modern tend to go for Oblivion, and it’s not hard to see why.

Sure, the open world is absolutely amazing, and so is the RPG mechanics, but the game has a charm you can’t help but love. Its jank and voice acting with numerous flubs take you back to a more innocent time in gaming history when you could tell the developers had more fun. Plus, the modding community’s great, making replaying the title even more tempting.

2007: Portal

One Of The Best Puzzle Games Ever Made

Like 2004, 2007 was jam-packed with fantastic games, especially FPS titles. You had Call of Duty 4, Metroid Prime 3, BioShock, Halo 3, Crysis, but also The Orange Box. Containing Half-Life 2 and Episode One, the set introduced Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and the brand-new IP Portal.


8 Best Linear Games On PC

Here are the best linear games on PC!

Portal is one of the most well-crafted games ever made. It’s not necessarily an all-time great like Deus Ex but well-crafted in terms of its short, concise campaign that’s about as well-designed as you could get in the medium. Sprinkling in and teaching you new gameplay mechanics at every turn, Portal is a title anyone can beat, but it remains satisfying to figure out its various puzzles to the end.

2008: Fallout 3

Bethesda Takes The Slight Edge

Many of you would probably pick Grand Theft Auto 4 as PC game of the year, but it’s not happening due to the atrocious now-defunct Games for Windows Live multiplayer, which pales in comparison to the still active multiplayer on console. As such, Fallout 3 gets the W here. Even though Fallout: New Vegas is the fan favorite of the franchise, Fallout 3 is about on equal footing to it, similar to Mega Man 2 and 3.

New Vegas has far superior role-playing with more choices, but Fallout 3 has a better, more polished open-world map. No area feels half-assed or tacked on, unlike what you could say about New Vegas’s map. Once again, Bethesda kills it with the modding support, making Fallout 3 a game people continue to play today.

2009: Left 4 Dead 2

A Top Two Multiplayer Zombie Game

Despite being released in 2009, Left 4 Dead 2 remains a top two multiplayer zombie game alongside Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. There’s just so much variety when playing that it never gets old. The core cooperative mechanics are fantastic, highlighting the fight-or-flight system that’s in the name of the game.

To boot, Left 4 Dead 2 is best played on PC because the modding community and custom-made campaigns are what really kept this game alive year in and year out. That’s the problem nowadays with the most critically acclaimed PC game of 2009, Modern Warfare 2, in that the multiplayer’s straight-up unsafe on PC now.


Best Zombie Games

Zombies being in video games is almost as old as the gaming industry itself, and here we look at the best games with the living dead in them.

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