The Halo Infinite transition map features a nostalgic Roster Teeth tribute

Key takeaways

  • Halo Infinite's new transition map pays homage to the legacy of Rooster Teeth, known for Red vs. Blue.
  • The Easter egg on the map is a tribute to the Rooster Teeth podcast set and the company's cultural impact.
  • It wouldn't be surprising to see more Rooster Teeth Easter Eggs in future Halo games.

A brand new map for Hello infiniteThe infection game mod offers a nostalgic tribute to the production company Rooster Teeth. However Rooster Teeth closed its doors for the last time earlier this year Hello infinite A tribute is a great way to pay tribute to a company.

The Rooster Teeth Company was behind Red vs Blue. What started as Halo: Combat Evolved Machinima eventually became a web series that ran for 18 seasons, catapulting the entire company to success. Red vs Blue That came to a conclusion earlier this year, with (but not related to) the company's closure. Over the years, several Rooster Teeth personalities have had voice cameos hello games, showing how much the company was admired by both Bungie and 343 Industries. This latest Easter egg is a good reminder of how important the rooster's teeth are helloculture of the last two decades.

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It was recently noticed by Redditor MonkeysxMoo35 that the new Hello infinite The transition map, Studio Fear, created by community member UnknownEmerald, has a set that will be very familiar to Rooster Teeth fans. For those unfamiliar, this is the set of the Rooster Teeth podcast, which ran between 2008 and 2024. As this set has evolved over the years, this edition has Hello infinite The latter represent iterations, and certainly cannot be mistaken for anything else. While there will be some players who don't get it, it's nice to see this reference included.

Halo Infinite Transition Map Rooster Teeth Easter Eggs

While Rooster Teeth's closure was unfortunate, it's a testament to the legacy that it's still popping up. hello Games to some extent. Machinima itself is an almost lost art at this point, reaching its peak in the mid-2000s, and Red vs Blue It was one of the few that lasted long after this point. While this is purely speculation, it's not unreasonable to suggest that gamers may see more Red vs Blue Or inside a rooster tooth Easter egg hello Games in the future. The longer it's been around, the more likely it is that there are people working on it hello who grew up Red vs BlueWhich is good to think about.

The hello The franchise has had a lucrative few years. Earlier this month, it was revealed hello Developer 343 Industries is changing its name to Halo Studios, and moving to Unreal Engine 5 for all future projects. While it seems like every game in existence is hopping on the Unreal Engine 5 train right now, Ma helloIn that case, it can be a blessing. This allows the developer to bring in people with experience with the engine without having to train on their own slipspace engine as before. with many hello With the titles confirmed to be in development, there is much to see in the future of the franchise.

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