The leaker claims that Mortal Kombat's 1 year 3 plans have been scrapped

Key takeaways

  • Rumors claim that NetherRealm has scrapped plans for more Mortal Kombat 1 DLC due to poor sales of the Khaos Reigns expansion.
  • The leaker adds that there might be another cameo fighter or two released, as the studio had already started work on them.
  • The T-1000 from Conan the Barbarian and Terminator

    Movies will be added to the game soon.

According to an alleged insider, NetherRealm has decided to cancel its plans for another one Mortal Kombat 1 Story expansion and a wave of DLC fighters. Earlier this year, Mortal Kombat 1 released its first story-based DLC expansion, titled Khaos Reigns. This new storyline picks up where the end of the base game left off, with the world Mortal Kombat 1 Threatened by an alternate version of Havok who aims to unleash chaos in the multiverse.

Khaos Reigns presents a new version of the classic Mortal Kombat The characters are Noob Saibot (a twisted version of Sub-Zero who has been tamed by the Titan Havok), Sector (who has been reimagined as a loyal member of the Lin Kuei clan inspired to restore Bi-Han), and Cyrax (a very noble Lin Kuei. who eventually blames and joins Scorpion's rival Shirai Ryu). Same as before Mortal Kombat 1 The DLC pack, Kombat Pack 2, includes three special guest characters shout outGhostface was just added earlier this month. The masked assassin will soon be joined by Conan the Barbarian and the T-1000. Terminator movies.

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However, it looks like Kombat Pack 2 may be the last batch of new content Mortal Kombat 1According to at least one leaker and Reddit user by the handle of_FateUnknown_. During a discussion about a recent rumor on r/Mortalkombatleaks, _FateUnknown_ stated that there would not be a Kombat Pack 3, later clarifying in another thread that both this fictional Kombat Pack and a second story campaign were originally planned for the game. NetherRealm decided to scrap them. They add that there may be another Kameo fighter or two released, as Netherrealm had already started work on them before this decision.

Mortal Kombat 1 Kombat Pack 3 has been reportedly scrapped after low Khaos Reigns sales

When asked what made NetherRealm cancel its future Mortal Kombat 1 DLC plans, the alleged leaker cited Khaos Reigns' poor sales. Many other Reddit users in the comments are not surprised, claiming that the former Mortal Kombat 1 The DLC was offered at a very high price and expressed disappointment about the expansion's weak plot. Some have said they are waiting for Khaos Reigns to be offered at a discount before trying it for themselves.

Of course, this is all a secondhand account from an alleged leaker, with no way to know if their claims are true until NetherRealm makes an official announcement. Even if this rumor is true, Mortal Kombat 1 There are two more Kombat Pack 2 guest fighters to be released in the form of Conan and T-1000. After that, it remains anyone's guess what NetherRealm is going to do with its next fighting game project, be it another one. Mortal Kombat Sequel or long wait Injustice 3.

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