The strongest works in Dragon Quest 3 HD Remake

The beautiful Dragon Quest 3 remake comes with all the charms of the original, plus all its own extras. Many of the best mechanics from the old game return to this one, with a few refinements to others and an entirely new mechanic thrown in for good measure.

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Combat has been drastically shaken up from the original, with all new abilities added to old professions as well as new professions with unique abilities. Some professions have more combat utility and overall use than others, though none of them are completely useless.

10 Gadaabout

An incredible investment

Gadabout hangs around for one reason, and one reason only: To turn into a sage. It is the only class that can do so without using a book of words of wisdom, and thus the only way to consistently produce sages is when the gadabout reaches level 20.

But getting that Gadabout to level 20 can be an interesting endeavor, because the Gadabout doesn't always do what you tell it to do. Sometimes, a badabout has its own agenda, and while that agenda doesn't always hurt your lineup, it almost never helps it.

9 businessman

The merchant doesn't have any discernible combat talents, at least none that other classes don't excel at. They can hold their own, and they're not harmful, but they're going to carry through more difficult encounters.

What a merchant does At the end of each battle you get extra gold. This will add up over time, and eventually, you'll have a lot more money to bring the merchant along than you would have otherwise.

8 thief

Sticky fingers

A thief has more combat utility than a merchant, and has some unique things they bring to the table. But overall, they are also a little lacking in the combat department, compared to most other classes.

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But, like the merchant, the thief has a bonus at the end of a battle. While this doesn't happen every fight, the Thieves will sometimes grab you an extra item at the end of a fightThat can make a meaningful difference, especially over time.

7 magician

Exploitation of vulnerabilities

Mages are a difficult profession to rank, as they can be wildly effective. But they solve every problem in exactly the same way, and if they run into a problem with their mind, they're going to be helpless.

In the right condition and with good care with your mind, Mage can deal incredible damage. They can tailor their spell casting to exploit the monsters' weaknesses, dealing heavy damage with every attack.

6 Monster Wrangler


Monster Wranglers are a new addition to Dragon Quest 3 Remake, and they are one of the most versatile professions in the game. They are able to fill multiple roles, which cannot be said for many other businesses.

Monster Wrangler can act as a secondary healer, single-target damage dealer, or multi-target damage dealer, all in one. It is necessary to constantly focus on improving your maximum mana to fill this role, but they can Bring a great deal of value to the lineup.

5 warrior

Taking one for the team

A warrior can bring a few different things to the table and do so without using an extraordinary amount of mana. A warrior is capable of dealing a meaningful amount of single-target damage with normal attacks while not requiring additional defense.

But when a party member needs help, Warriors can get in and tank damage for themEnsuring they survive until they heal. A warrior has enough health to take multiple shots that another character will be in serious danger, and in a wipe, is often the last character standing.

4 Martial artist

Infinite critical damage

The martial artist is going to be a very frustrating character to use in the early levels, as they are vulnerable for most of the time. But once they level up more times and have some proper gear and abilities, that changes dramatically.

The A martial artist can deal critical hits with more consistent attacks than any other professionAllowing them to deal outrageous damage in the blink of an eye. And, their weaponry is separate from other characters, ensuring you don't have to make tough choices when taking them into your lineup.

3 the priest

life saver

The Priest is the most straightforward support-class in the gameWith almost all of their important spells perfect for healing allies, supporting allies, or debuffing enemies. With enough mana, they're going to be invaluable to the party.

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Including a priest in the lineup means that one member of the party isn't dealing damage most of the turn, but their ability to keep every member of the party on their toes and work well with their abilities makes up for it.

2 sage

The best of both

Rishi means, in essence, A combination of mage and priest. This means they get all the weakness-exploiting spells that a mage uses and all the support-oriented spells that make a priest so valuable.

This makes Sage one of the most useful characters in the game. They are also the only professions that cannot be created directly; In order to make a Sage, you either need to get Gadabout to level 20 or use the Words of Wisdom book at Alltrades Abbey.

1 hero

The one and only

Hero is the only profession that is going to be included in each and every lineup; After all, they are the main characters. The The hero has a wide selection of abilities and spells Any class available, maybe save sage.

This allows the hero to fill a single-target damage, multi-target damage, or support-type role. They can tailor their damage to whatever situation arises, and while they may not be as great in a support role as a Priest or Sage, they can work in all but the toughest fights.

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