The tragic banner trend of the Genshin effect should lead to a drastic change in one element

Ganyu recently reached the milestone of over 500 days without a character rerun banner Genshin effect. Meanwhile, it took longer than Shenhe's last re-run. These two Cryo characters are considered top-tier in their respective team roles, so overall, this is sad news. Genshin effect Players waiting to expand their roster with more Cryo characters.

Ganyu and Shenhe finally re-enter the banner Genshin effect There are bound to be highly celebrated moments for players waiting for these special characters, no matter how long it has been since one of them re-runs. but, Genshin effect With the much-needed rework on Cyro Element, bringing it up to the standards of the latest meta could make Ganyu and Shenhe's reworks worth the wait.

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How the Genshin effect can make Ganyu and Shenhe worth waiting for again

Ganu and Shenhe have already reached high numbers Genshin effect’s character-re-waiting list, but unfortunately, these numbers will continue to grow before these characters run their time again. This is because the event will be in the banner Genshin effect Another few update versions have already been leaked, and none of these leaks point to Ganu or Shenhe appearing in the rerun banners. So far, 5-star characters have already been leaked Genshin effect5.2 and 5.3 banners, so unless Ganyu and Shenhe are available in a dedicated event, fans may have to wait until at least version 5.5 to get these two characters.

While the wait for Ganyu and Shenhe will continue to grow for the foreseeable future, Genshin effect Giving the cryo element a much-requested rework could make the wait for these characters even more worthwhile. Recently, fans have been calling for a rework Genshin effectThe cryo element with the main points of criticism for this element is that its reactions and synergy with other elements cannot compete with the latter meta. Genshin effect.

Why fans are calling for a rework of Genshin Impact's cryo element

Fans have started debating what some of the main reasons are Genshin effectCryo Element deserves a rework because it lacks elemental reactions with Dendro, its freeze reaction is often useless against bosses, and its synergy with physical damage usually requires players to compromise on investing in other elemental reactions in their team composition. So, overall, unless players are committed to playing as a specific cryo character, most team compositions can benefit from investing in other elements and their reactions.

Geo and Anemo also lack elemental reactions with dendro in
Genshin effect

It's time to start considering character and element reworks for the Genshin effect

While there is no dearth of geo characters Genshin effect As with the current Cryo character rerun situation, Geo is still in the same position as Cryo, with fans calling for a Geo rerun. Genshin effect Because this element also suffers from limited elemental reactions. Especially with the new World Level 9 and updated enemy variety in the Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater, time Genshin effect Considering elements of buffing old characters and underperforming is higher than ever.

Genshin effectThe meta has changed a lot over the years, and unfortunately, some things haven't been able to keep up with the latest meta. This has become an increasingly problematic trend Genshin effectFar from any particular character suffering from power creep, the Geo and Cryo elements are largely considered in need of a major rework. So, instead of discarding these old characters and elements, it's rational time. Genshin effect To balance combat to keep up with the changing times and make some old characters relevant again.

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