- The Book-Book Fruit is underrated but powerful, with abilities such as creating illusions and trapping enemies in books.
- The fruit's potential is only limited by the user's creativity, making it a versatile and powerful force in battles.
- Despite being a weak user in one piece, the Book Fruit can be a game-changer when paired with a powerful ally for support.
Hundreds of Devil Fruits are scattered around the world a pieceOne or two of these fictional powers are bound to fly under the radar. With a laundry list of strange abilities these Devil Fruits offer the consumer, it's especially hard to tell just how powerful the fruit can be from the name alone. A fruit like the Paw-Paw Fruit, despite sounding incredibly weak and depressing, is actually one of the most powerful forces of all. a piece.
A power that flies under a piece Community Radar is a textbook fruit. Powered by Big Mom Pirate, Charlotte Mont-d'Or, Book-Book Fruit feels like it should be one of the weaker fruits in the series. However, this fruit is very underrated and may be one of the strongest fruits in the entire series. In fact, with a strong a piece A character who runs it can make up for a character who can't stop it.

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A Piece: Charlotte Mont-d'Or and Book-Book Fall
An underrated ability
The Books-Book fruit gives the user the ability to manipulate and control books. For example, Charlotte Mont-d'Or from Big Mom Pirates can blow books into the air, using them to give herself the ability to fly. However, this power can also trap a victim within a book, both physically and mentally. Amazingly, the Book-Book Fruit can trap a character based on the book's story in a delusion, or inside a real giant book, like a large prison cell.
We will crush you like a piece of dirt! —Charlotte Mont-d'Or to Luffy
On paper, it doesn't seem like much. a lot a piece Devil Fruits give the ability to trap enemies in some sort of borderline unbreakable way, like the Art-Art Fruit. However, this ability, when it was shown in the Whole Cake Island arc, was able to lead to Luffy's initial defeat on the island. Although Charlotte Mont-d'Or had a little help from her siblings, this ability was one of the main things in slowing down the Straw Hat captain.
Book-book fruit is limited by the creativity of the user
Apparently, Charlotte Mont-d'Or is not very creative
First, as seen by the audience a pieceAny power that gives direct control over matter is usually a surprisingly powerful ability. For example, something like the mochi-mochi fruit is incredibly powerful, despite the substance controlling it to be weak. With enough books and a user who can use Haki, it wouldn't be far-fetched to see a Book-Book Fruit user beating his enemy with giant weapons made of books.
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On top of the potential for greater physical strength, underrated a piece The Devil Fruit's other abilities should not be underestimated. The illusions and prisons created by book-book fruit are extremely difficult to escape, except by extreme measures, such as burning the book trapped in them. It's almost impossible to get caught in a bookish fruit, when under proper supervision. to find a way
In a way, this makes the book fruit perfect a piece Devil fruit in terms of utility. The fruit also offers some other, largely undefined abilities, such as communicating with books and summoning certain objects and characters from books. These abilities, no matter how vague, are just the icing on the cake for an already exposed Devil Fruit.
The book does not necessarily have to be the fruit itself
The ultimate support fruit
Additionally, Devil Fruit is also one of the best “support” Devil Fruits, based on Buk-Buk Fruit's power set. As Charlotte Mont-d'Or has shown, the user of the Buk-Buk Fruit does not need to be extremely powerful for the Devil Fruit to be useful. When paired with a powerful ally who can incapacitate enemies after falling into confusion, the book-book fruit can be on the same level of power as Sugar's toy-toy fruit.
He has a versatile power that can make things quite interesting. – Drive to Charlotte Mont-d'Or
Finally, book-book fruit a piece One of the most creative Devil Fruits on the show. The fruit itself appears to have very high abilities through its use of trapping people in various novels. However, due to its poor user experience, many fans fail to see the full potential of this wonder a piece devil's fruit