For what seems like an eternity, the sim racing genre has clung to a tried-and-true formula, and Assetto Corsa Evo That makes the story stronger. It retains most of the basics from its predecessor Assetto Corsa Competizione, while improving on aspects you'd expect from a sequel — visuals, audio, and force feedback.

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Still, it's a challenging title to experience due to its nature, even if you're a diehard arcade racing fan. On top of only eight tracks and 20 cars in Early Access, there are many restrictions on aspects like handling and controls that affect your driving. As such, building a strong foundation in base-level concepts will help you learn how to play and allow you to easily transition into other sim racing games.
Know your tire condition
one of the The main culprit behind your car's misbehavior is the tiresEspecially their temperature during the race. You can monitor their current information Near the speedometer in the bottom-right corner of the screenDisplaying the pressure and color of each tire.
Color temperature indicates: Red means too hot, and blue means too coldBoth of those can reduce grip or risk blowouts. Ideally, you want to keep these tires green, meaning they are completely stable, and change the pressure according to the track — Add pressure for more precision, and lower it for less heat generation.
Follow The Race Line
For beginners and rookie settings, game features A race line showing the trackHighlighting a safe path to victory. Although optional, It is a great strategy to follow the recommended path Because it teaches a fundamental aspect of racing: going in through corners.
While the race line is still not the most optimal route you can take during a race, it is honest and reliable to the point. This allows you to easily avoid penalties and crashes. On top of being a good teaching mechanic, It clearly shows you any upcoming modes from a mile away, letting you brake safely ahead of time.
Don't overestimate your breaks
Assetto Corsa Evo's braking power focuses on realism rather than exaggeration. It means You will often find yourself understeering the vehicle when entering a turnThrowing it off track and wasting your precious time and condition. of course, Your braking power depends on what you are drivingBut you can combat this loss of control by approaching a turn at a lower speed.
Turns are, by far, the most important part of any track They are common for overtaking, speeding, and accidents. Thus, you want to ensure the maximum grip of the tire when you enter one, which you can do so Avoid trail braking and slow down the car beforehand.
Adjust the controller sensitivity
As a sim racing game, your inputs must be precise to be sure You don't needlessly lose those milliseconds of lead. Therefore, when booting the game, you can access the control menu and change the four main properties of each driving-related setting. Deadzone, Saturation X, Saturation Y, and Curvature.
These characteristics determine how sensitive your inputs areAnd although you can keep them untouched, changing them to suit your needs Makes the racing experience much smoother. The main properties you should look at are deadzone, which changes the input-registering range of your controller, and curvature, which modifies the input response curve.
A small deadzone can be useful To prevent unnecessary inputs caused by slight movements or faulty controllers. On the other hand, with a higher curvature value, your inputs are less sensitive at first but more responsive when you push or steer hard. Like, you can Set the curvature accordingly for things like gentle throttling.
For racing wheels, you can keep a negligible deadzone for ideal precision, and if you're on an Xbox or some other game controller it's fine to increase that value.

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Understanding the punishment
To teach discipline or avoid deliberate deception, Assetto Corsa Evo relies heavily on its intensive penalty system. The game continues with automatic penalties Time loss for immediate disqualification based on various violationsCollisions, including speeding through the pit lane or blocking, cutting corners, driving in the wrong direction, and going off track.
Most likely, you will receive one Ten-second penalty for your first violationBut repeated violations will result in one of three sanctions — Stop and go, drive-thru, or disqualification. Stop-and-go and drive-through penalties are primarily time-related and force you into the pit box, while disqualification is fairly self-explanatory and absolute.
Minor collisions are usually not penalized, and will only be Negatively affects your security ratingWhich is usually metric when joining multiplayer lobbies. Indicates a low security rating You often bump into other cars during the raceAnd the lower the security rating, the less likely it is to join the lobby.
If you go off-track and actually gain them instead of losing time and speed you will receive no warning or penalty.
Differentiating each car and its variants
When you go to pick up a car from a garage or rental car, you may see some vehicles Similar models and performance index (PI). At first glance, they may seem similar, but there is one important detail to note — Yellow text in the bottom-right corner of each livery.
This text reveals different types, viz ABS, traction control, tuning type, interior, and other features. In most cases, you will come across the same car multiple times, this text only makes a difference, and although subtle, They can play a big role in the race.
Effect of weather conditions
In addition to adjusting the environment, Weather plays a strong role in determining your raceAffects tire grip, track visibility, and more. Before starting the race, you can choose one of seven weather conditions — clear, scattered clouds, broken clouds, clouds, rain, rain and heavy rain —. Each wetter than the last.
These situations force you to change your perspective Choosing the right tires to adjust your cam mode. For example, rain not only reduces traction but can also form puddles, increasing Risk of aquaplaning and accidents. In general, wet weather makes racing more difficult, but if you want to purely learn the layout of the track, keeping the weather clear is a solid option.
If you want to practice in difficult conditions, opt for showers, rain, or heavy rain.
Get your license as soon as possible
Obtaining your various licenses is the main course of advancement In Assetto Corsa Evo, because it unlocks new car classes for you to buy or rent. Start the game with you Six early vehicles and their variantsAnd the main way to unlock and purchase many of them is to get a driving license and credits.
To get your license, you can visit the academy You will find a series of Grand Prix (or GP) events. As you successfully complete each one, you automatically Get their respective licenses and expand the garage. If you're looking to expand your collection with more exciting and challenging cars, completing GP events is definitely the way to go.
Don't worry about fuel consumption
One thing you will notice while driving the car is how it slowly depletes its fuel tank. Actually, it's too late You can usually drive up to six minutes with three liters of fuelAnd considering that most tanks have at least a 25-liter capacity, You can complete the entire race with a full tank.
Keep in mind, though, that you still need it Take a pit stop to change your tires and fix the condition of the car. However, if you are worried about getting stuck on the track due to low fuel, you don't have to worry about it.

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