Yoruichi reveals a new form of Shunko technique – the Raijin Senkei – during the intense battle.
Shunko combines Hakuda with Kido to increase physical prowess and offensive power.
Yoruichi's lightning-based shunko technique, inspired by the Shinto god of thunder, showcases his incredible talent.
Although Yoruichi has been an important part of the Shinigami's defense against Yowatch's attacks, she has mostly served in a supporting role, helping in the ultimately unsuccessful defense of the Soul King Ednius and in the setup that enabled the Shinigami and their allies to return. After Yowach the Palace of the Spirit King transformed it into a welt. In the finals of Bleach: Thousand Years of Blood War Part 3 – ConflictYoruichi eventually joins the fight as she uses Sternritter D – The Deathdealing, Askin Knock Le War, which not only manages to defeat Ichigo, but incapacitates both Chad and Orihime as well.
During the battle against Nakka Le War, Yoruichi revealed a new aspect of the Shunko technique that he and Soi-Fon used in their battle during the Soul Society arc, Shunko: Raijin Senkei. What is it, and how does it work?

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Quick recap: What is Shunco technology?
A powerful Kidō-based power-up
Shinigami combat has four pillars:
Hakuda – hand-to-hand combat
Zanjutsu – sword skills
Kidō – Literally “Demon Arts”, various offensive and support spells employed by Shinigami
Hōhō – Footwork, referring to quick defensive movements of which Shunpō (“flash step”) is an important aspect.
Shunō 瞬閧 (literally “Flash War Cry”) is a technique invented by Yoruichi Shihoin that combines Hakuda with Kido, resulting in a dramatic increase in all physical abilities. The user pulls the kidō on his arms and legs, tearing off the standard shinigami shihakushō cloth at the shoulders, so the Onmitsukidō's uniform, called Keisen Shōzoku, is sleeveless. Soi-Fon initially believed herself to be the pioneer of this ability, but during their battle, Yoruichi revealed that she had invented and named the technique long ago. Shunko is not only a technique used to enhance one's physical abilities, but it can also be used offensively, the use of Kido also makes for a powerful projectile combat option, as well as defensively if the user focuses their reiatsu on a specific area. of their bodies.
Types of Shunko |
user |
element |
Soi-Fon |
air/wind |
Yoruichi |
lightning |
Yushiro |
the fire |
When mastered, the kido wielded at the user's side takes on a special elemental form, and in Yoruichi's case, the reishi surrounding her become like lightning when performing the technique. When Soi-Fon revealed her mastery of Shun in the battle against BG9 in the events Bleach: Thousand Years of Blood War Part 2 – IsolationHer reiatsu took the form of a rapidly swirling wind that formed a vortex that swirled around her indefinitely. Soi-Fon dubbed this powerful, endlessly spinning Shunko the Mukyu Shunko 無窮 瞬閧 (“Eternal Shunko”). Yoruichi's electricity-based shunko is a technique she calls Shunko: Raijin Senkei 瞬閧 雷神戦形. (“God of Thunder War Form”).
Raiden's battle form
Flash goddess is the god of thunder
In Shinto mythology, Kaminari-sama, also known as Raijin, Raiden, Raiko, or Narukami, is the god of lightning, thunder, and storm (hence the ancient deity. Mortal Kombat franchise), usually depicted with a fierce facial expression standing atop a cloud with the sound of a den-den die's drum. with tomoe symbols written on them floating behind him. Yoruichi is known as the “Flash Goddess” in Soul Society for her Shunpo mastery, and her talent is incredible, she is actually the one who taught Byakuya Kuchiki how to perform the technique. While preparing the Raijin Senkei, Yoruichi manifests a prismatic network of lightning bolts as she uses her reiatsu to wear Kidō's limbs, creating a ring of lightning behind her with various drum-like nodes seen in most depictions of Shinto deities. Which is based on form and its capacity.
Yoruichi unleashes a pillar of electrical energy that surrounds the opponent. This would have killed Askin Knock Le War if not for his script's ability to alter the lethal dose of the substance he ingested, which eventually made him immune to Yoruichi's attacks as he developed immunity to her multiple reiatsu. Yoruichi's ability seems pretty powerful, but it's not actually the final stage of Shunko's technique development, and there's the final “Ace-in-the-Hole” that many fans who read the manga have been waiting for. To see the final stage, Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War Part 4 – CatastropheWhich will probably air sometime in late 2025.

Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War