Veillguard Dataminer finds Inquisition romance cut material


  • Dragon Age: The Villaguard may feature a cameo from the player's Dragon Age: Inquisition love interest.

  • That's at least according to unused dialogue that was datamined by a fan.

  • In the final game, Solas and Dorian are the only love interests that appear.

Ahead of the launch, BioWare surprised fans by confirming that Dragon Age: The Velgard won't let us import our world states from all previous games. Instead, we can only carry over three options from Dragon Age: Inquisition. We were told that the team could improve on these choices, but now that most of us have beaten the game, some have found a slight lack of feedback.

However, it seems that one of these choices was going to be more effective: who we romanced. In the endgame, anyone who doesn't meet up with Solas in Inquisition gets a letter from their love interest, and Dorian romancers get an extra line of dialogue even though he and the Inquisitor are both in the game. Now, looking at the game files, it looks like this was pretty much planned.

Dragon Age: Vilguard cut content can let us meet our Inquisition love interest.

That's a bit better than the codex entry

It was found by Twitter user @MINRATHOU, who was digging around in Velgard's subtitle files. Here, we can see that there are several lines of dialogue that all seem to set up an introduction to the Inquisition's romance interests, Bar Solas. It makes sense – it's hard to imagine them leaving their beloved Inquisitor to go to Tevinter on their own.

It's unclear what's going on in this scene – and if no audio was recorded, it may have been scrapped fairly early in development – but it shows that these cameos were thought out. Ultimately, Veilguard became very light on Cameo, as fewer options could be imported.

This cut is far from the only piece of content that players have datamined. As we covered earlier, there is also evidence that additional judgments were to be imported at some point, including our judgment at the Well of Sorrows.


Dragon Age: The Velgard is the long-awaited fourth game in Bioware's fantasy RPG series formerly known as Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. A direct sequel to Inquisition, it focuses on Red Lyrium and Solas, the aforementioned dire wolf.

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