Ways to Prepare for Shining Rayquaza


  • Prepare different Poke Balls to capture the shiny Rayquaza, as the choice can affect its appearance.
  • Equip wisely placed items for a 5-star raid battle, avoiding Life Orbs for safe and effective options.
  • Use type advantages like Fairy and Ice to counter Rayquaza's Dragon type during battle for better strategy.

One of the most iconic shiny Pokemon of all time, if not the most iconic Shining Rayquaza. Originally appearing in Generation 3 as a Box Legendary Box for Pokemon Emerald, a shiny version of Rayquaza will now appear. Pokemon Scarlet and Purple Your prints. With such legendary Pokemon on the roster, players are lining up for the upcoming battle.

Departing from the usual formula of 7-star raid battles, this charming shiny dragon has a few things that even experienced players need to prepare for the upcoming battle. Between the more fun aspects of getting a guaranteed shiny and the actual work required to take down such a legendary Pokemon, there are five things players need to prepare before shiny Rayquaza Paldea arrives.

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5 Choosing the best poke ball

ideal award


This is an easily overlooked aspect of any promoted Tera raid Pokemon. Players must ensure that they have a choice of poke balls or at least one specific ball. It can make the difference between a shiny rayquaza caught in a perfectly matched luxury ball or a shiny rayquaza in a nest ball. It is true that this part of capturing the legendary dragon does not affect the actual battle, but if the players are not properly prepared for victory, the battle may not even be worth it.

This is a simple feat for players with a lot of cash or league points in hand. However, having a favorite Poke Ball for Rayquaza is more important than others Pokemon Games. With the recent loss of resetting for shiny legends scarlet and purple, Some players want a shiny racquet on the ball that isn't just a cheesy ball. Maybe they'll want theirs on one of the rare apricorn balls. If this is the case, they should make sure they have the chosen Poke Ball in their bag before the raid begins.

4 Choosing the best placed items

Simple strength and healing buffs are best

Pokemon Scarlet Purple Life Orb Scazer

Players should note that Rayquaza's 7-star attack will not be very difficult, and will instead be a more manageable 5-star. However, despite the lower difficulty, it's still important to have a well-equipped Pokemon for battle. Since your raids are more of a marathon than a sprint in terms of battle, it's important to figure out which items to give Pokemon and which items to leave in the bag.

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Overall, it's best for everyone involved Do not use Life Orbs. Although the damage bonus is tempting, the cost of reduced HP per turn is high. Unless players are coordinating as a team, using the Life Orb is an unnecessary way to take damage for middling returns. The safest and most effective options include: Shell Bells For continuous healing, type-based items that increase STAB damage, and expert belt, Which increases super effective damage.

3 Use type advantage in battle

Make powerful choices

Tera Fairy-type Garchomp in Tera Raid in Pokemon

Since Rayquaza is a Dragon Tera type with a raid shiny, there are some good options to counter this Hoenn-bound Pokemon. While players can use their own Dragon Tera type, it can be more dangerous than choosing Ice or Fairy, the other two weaknesses of Dragon-types.

As most promoted raiding Pokemon have coverage moves, it's likely that Rayquaza will Iron Head to deal with Fairy and Ice types, both of which are weak to Steel-type attacks. That said, Fairy Terra types are probably the safest due to the abundance of strong Fairy types and their immunity to Terra-enhanced Dragon-type attacks from Rayquaza. flutter mane, In particular, is a strong option. While Rayquaza may appear in-game with some strategies focusing on certain Dragon or Ice Terra types, Fairy is the safest and strongest option based on current information.

2 Power up Pokemon

Make them strong enough for 5-star

Hydregon in Pokemon Scarlet and Purple

While the 5-star raid includes level 75 Pokemon instead of the level 100 Pokemon featured in the 7-star, players still need to properly max out their Pokemon's stats before diving into the raid den. Maximizing the HP stat, either attack or special attack status, and the PP of related moves are all important ways to set up a Pokemon for the upcoming battle.

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Depending on what Pokemon players decide to use for Rayquaza, the key is to fully invest in EVs and use Bottle Caps to improve the relevant IV. Beyond anything else, however, the simplest step to powering up any Pokemon is to get it to level 100.

1 There is only a single shiny Rayquaza

One and done

rayquaza ivs no problem

Like many other promoted raid Pokemon, only one Rayquaza can be caught per save file, meaning players can only catch this legendary shiny once. Although a Rayquaza found in a raid will almost certainly have the same nature and stats for each player who holds it, it can still only be held once, though players can fight as many times as they want.

Since players can only hold one, Victory only needs to successfully obtain a shiny Rayquaza once. While the rewards for defeating Rayquaza multiple times can be valuable, catching a shiny Rayquaza in the perfect Poke Ball is the real treasure players are after.

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November 18, 2022

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