Why another maximum marine Ancient Weapon may be inspired by Uranus

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  • Uranus, there is a powerful ancient weapon, IMU and may delete the countries.

  • A piece of ship looks like a ship, as shown in the ship at the maximum of the ship.

  • Annel potentially enabled Aran Maxim from Erensh, is able to create aran Maxim from Erenes, both of the big destruction.

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A piece IS CURRENTLY INS WITH ARC 7999999999999999999593939 OUT RIGHT RIGHT NOW. Albp checks all boxes A pieceReveal this encouraging war, incredible causing anonymity, or a great knowledge.


A piece Chapter 1139 Review: Gol D. River's left-hand man appears

A piece of 1139 Charage WHAK CHAKS OF GRAGES OF PARCH ACCOUNT. The Holy Noy calls another member.

Fans had just got to see the most important page in entirety A piece In the very end of A piece Chapter 1188, and more enjoyable invoices definitely turned into the way. But now, now fans have a lot of things for controversy, especially about the previous chapter performed in the previous chapter of the story. Been given that the Maurk's three worlds are portrayed A pieceFans can certainly make sure the old weapons are present, there are present. In fact, this weapon is similar to the ship in order to maximize Maxim.

Ancient Weapon Uranus really is?

IMU and URRAUS a piece

  • Ancient Weapon Uranus is with IMU

  • It can erase countries

The old weapon Uranus is a very powerful weapon that was made long ago in the story. This weapon was almost very useful about centuries ago, and had just been reactivated. The given Uranus is an ancient weapon, it was very likely that it was a special use of the people of the old kingdom and were special use for them. Asbastasa was revealed in the story during the sheet A pieceThe old weapons are so powerful that they are enough to evaporate a shot entire island from them. According to crocodile, the ancient weapon plunind told him to control the whole world, without many problems. Of course, all three ancient weapons are able to destroy the entire world, it means this powerful power.

It is said that that weapon is able to destroy the entire islands. – crocodile

In a piece recently, Chapter 106, Odo, performed old weapons Uranus Uranus. It is safe to say that this weapon is now in EU's imagination, and has been for a long time. But they had only one issue that energy source was no longer present. So Vygaxa was incredibly important for them. Once she developed a mother's flame, York sent a part of the world to the world governor and used it to use the old weapon Uranus. The first goal of the old weapon has become lambumia, which has just enclosed the family.

Imu ley has a piece of a piece of 1123

The power of the ancient weapon was like that it raises the whole country, the whole countryside, just leaving a distance in the ocean. Effects were so hard that water level was increased 200 meters in 200 meters and a lot of the islands.

How Ships may be inspired by Maxim Uranus

A piece Chapter 1138 shows the ship with ship Mixim


Fire drowned on land, and people touched their desires and touching prohibited sun. Was prayed in bondage, and the sun appeared. God came very angry to the earth, and with a great snakes, in death and dipped the world in death. They would never meet again.

The second world

Breathe inside zero and the enhanced God sent evil angels. The sun has no longer and spreads the fire of war. The men of the moon had dreamed, dreaming of full-paints.


A piece: Why Pluton can be a huge whales

Pluton is an old weapon. It is possible that the plott is a bright in a piece.

The people killed the sun and became gods and gods, and the sea must be killed. They would never meet again.

Third world

In chaos, there is zero. The shadow of the terrible shadow remembers the promise made by the promise, and heard the sound of the fractured moon. The sun dances and laughs, which leads the world to its end. The sun will return again, and the new morning will come. Certainly, this time, they will meet again.

On the scelate of the albaff, one could clearly see the first and second world, which is both more important in a piece. In the first world, people found the power of fire and stopped creating a mother's flame. The king got up and the wars were wandering in the world. It caused the glory of the rain, perhaps the pillar of mother became sources, and prayed for the dead. That is what happened, and admires know that the sun has picked the coming of the earth and completely destroyed the serpent of fire.

Harley Albef Balance a piece 1139

Interestingly, in favor of the first world, the fans could see a floating ship that is similar to the ship Mac Matey. It is clearly a advanced piece of technology that exists very before, and possibly are advanced technology only by the first world. If hell is attacking both the fires and the serpents on earth's snakes, it is certainly important, and add to explore and with ancient weapons.

As far as Uranus go, it's already known that it is a ship that flies up the clouds, and driven by motherwathery. It is enough to destroy the power countries and the entire continent, the whole world drowning. The ship in the season is also a flying ship. Perhaps, it was used to use Uranus from Nikice Chandra, so saw two gods attacking on it. This is especially possible because a settled city in the earth was an advanced city. The only reason the moon came to earth fleeed from sources.

This is anonym and how he can do much better to make the ship maximum. Annek, as known is a biken. In the moon, where the winged city was sitting. Annel has clearly knowledge and how far on – how he was able to create a large devastating version of the ark.

The ship Canxime can destroy all nations, and the same can be done. El his ancestors were probably inspired by their weapons. This is the fact that both of them are proof of two flight ships and what the sun is more difficult and what the sun is more attractive, which is the flames of the egg, which is the flame of the mother. Maker was driven with a white whites, using annel's own power. Clearly, the concept is the same, only the power source and craftsman is a little different.

A piece is available to read via VIZ media. Chandles can be read in whole and in the color and Manga Jumps Plus Plus Plus applications and can be read on femons in manga plus apps. Release date for another chapter of one piece, a piece of 1139, 025 is set to 1139, 025.


A piece

Release date

October 20, 1999.


Fuji TV


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