Why Marvel Rivals 'Null could become the game's most powerful adversary


  • Knull could surpass Doom as an antagonist to Marvel rivals because his cosmic powers span across galaxies.
  • Knull targets Groot for his restorative powers, aiming to create a force unstoppable even by the heroes.
  • The battle between Doom and Null in Marvel Rivals is not only about power but also about emotional resonance with fans.

in Marvel Rivals' Attempting to be more than a hero shooter, at the core of its gameplay is a story that centers around a cataclysmic event called “Timestream Entanglement”. The incident was caused by a feud between Doctor Doom and his 2099 counterpart, who have conflicting views on who is the rightful owner of the Doom Mantle and the future of their homeland, Latveria. In this conflict, a host of timelines are severed and forced to merge, creating a Chronoverse that sees an army of heroes and villains now with the choice to continue their conflict with each other or pursue the greater good. While Doom and his 2099 counterpart are definitely the cause of the timestream being messed up Marvel RivalsHowever, another Marvel antagonist may be even more powerful than him – Knull.

in each character Marvel Rivals There is a story, and that story ultimately plays into the overarching story of the game. The main character in Knull's Marvel Rivals The story is Groot, who Knoll believes holds the key to majority dominance. Unfortunately, if Knull manages to get his hands on Groot, it can see not only the collapse of planets but entire galaxies, as Knull's power is inherently cosmic in nature, unlike Doom's. This may eventually lead to Doom rising up as Knull Marvel Rivals' greatest adversary, and if his plan succeeds he will likely be an unstoppable threat.

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Why Knull becomes the most powerful antagonist of the Marvel Rivals

Unlike Doom, Knoll's potential for destruction spans galaxies

At the end of the day, Null or Doom ends up being the more powerful opponent that doesn't come down to the strength of their power, but the level of their power. Unlike Doom, Null's powers are cosmic in nature. Doctor Doom is incredibly intelligent and immensely powerful, but his powers often only work in planetary contexts. Knull, on the other hand, is powerful not because of the direct, physical damage he can do, but mainly because of his ability to subdue and corrupt living beings from within. Just as an infectious virus is able to spread between hosts, Knull can easily spread his influence across entire galaxies if he gets his hands on the right host.

Knull wants to corrupt Groot's restored power in the Marvel Rivalry

As it turns out, Ma Marvel Rivals' story, Knoll has his sights set on one of Marvel's most beloved characters: Groot. Knull believes that Groot's life-giving and restorative powers will give him an unbreakable edge in dominance over the multiverse, if he is able to corrupt Groot. Groot's regenerative abilities combined with Knull's symbiotic essence would potentially create a force so deadly that even Marvel's greatest heroes and heroines would struggle to oppose it. Doom will also have a hard time defeating Nool, as the longer his newfound power is left unchecked, the harder it is to reverse what he started.

At the end of the day, Null or Doom ends up being the more powerful opponent that doesn't come down to the strength of their power, but the level of their power.

In corrupting Groot, Null would become a formidable antagonist even outside of the game, as Groot's corruption would resonate emotionally with fans on a level that many other characters in the Marvel Universe would be impossible to reach. Doom is certainly an iconic Marvel villain, but the main threat he poses is to the Marvel heroes and heroines who oppose him. However, Knull himself poses a threat to players, especially those who have allowed Groot to top their list of favorite Marvel characters.

With the potential for Knull to leave a devastating mark, not only on the Marvel Universe but on its fans as well, Marvel Rivals Shaping up to present a story that can have a more lasting impact than it initially appears. Finally, the battle between Knull and Doom for the title Marvel Rivals' The most powerful opponent depends not only on their individual abilities but how those abilities resonate within the game's story. May be the primary architect behind Doom Marvel Rivals' timestream tangles, but Knoll cleverly waits behind the scenes with his eyes on one of Marvel's most beloved characters, whose corruption will potentially spell the end of Doom itself.

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