Wilderness Specialist Timed Research Award

the fun of Pokemon GoThe Wild Areas Global phenomenon is expanded with the introduction of Beyond Wild Areas Expert Timed Research. Completing tasks will earn you much-loved items like rare candies and lucky eggs to help improve your team and gain more experience towards level 50. The best thing about all this is that if you visit it is fresh every day of the week. Conditions to unlock it.

This additional Timed Research is only available to those who have completed a Skilled Trainer Special Research at some point Pokemon Goof Wild Area Events and has earned either an Electrical Specialist or Poison Specialist badge. Depending on their choices during the Wild Area Global Event, you'll find the following Wild Area Timed Research, as well as all the rewards and top tips you'll get for completing the research to finish these tasks quickly.

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Pokemon GO: Wild Area Expert Time Out Research

Pokemon GO Beyond Wild Area Expert Timed Investigation: A Team Go Rocket Balloon flies high into the sky.

The Pokemon Go Beyond Wild Area Expert Time Research will run daily from 6am to 8pm local time. It will be repeated every day from November 25, with the last of these timed researches appearing on November 29. Make sure you complete the previous day's research so you can get all the rewards. It should not take more than two minutes of play each day.

As for how to complete it quickly, you can take advantage of GO Rocket Balloons to complete these two tasks at once, then power up a single Pokemon to finish the challenges in a matter of minutes. Include an accomplished trainer special research if you choose the electric route, and grass or fairy types if you choose the poison route.

Pokemon GO: Wild Area Electric Expert Research by Time

Timed research


Power up an Electric-type Pokemon

Ultra Force x15

Defeat three Water and/or Flying-type Pokemon

Max Potion x3

Defeat a Team Go Rocket member

Max Revive x3

Rewards for completion

  • Rare Candy x3
  • Stardust x1000
  • Lucky Egg x1

Pokemon Go: Wild Zone Poison Expert Timed Investigation

Timed research


Power up a Poison-type Pokemon

Ultra Force x15

Defeat three Grass and/or Fairy-type Pokémon

Max Potion x3

Defeat a Team Go Rocket member

Max Revive x3

Rewards for completion

  • Rare Candy x3
  • Stardust x1000
  • Lucky Egg x1

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