Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – Cotton Candy Hunt Quest Walkthrough

throughout The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomSide quests take Zelda to places that might otherwise be unexplorable, or blocked until requirements are met. In the second part of a two-part quest series An echo of wisdomThe Cotton Candy Hunt is a side quest that takes players to ruins in the southern region of Farron Wetlands to find the source of a familiar voice.

The ruins are blocked off until you start the Cotton Candy Hunt quest, but once inside, you'll soon discover a puzzle-filled maze that leads to a familiar boss from an earlier side quest: Smog. This guide explains how to start this quest, how to get through the Hidden Ruin dungeon, and how to defeat Smog in his second appearance – although it has the same boss mechanics, you'll have to fight Smog from a new perspective this time.

Echoes of wisdom cotton candy hunt quest location

Zelda echoes of the Wisdom Cotton Candy Hunt quest location

To start the cotton candy hunt quest An echo of wisdomthere are Two prerequisites.

  • FirstYou should have Let's complete the quest Let's play a gamewhich begins at the East Temple west of Seaside Village.
  • SecondYou should have Completed the first four dungeons of the game To unlock the second half of Rifts, then Complete the Pharaoh Temple dungeon.

Once you have Faron Rift SealThe local Deku scrubs start looking for any way they can get their beloved cotton candy back – and someone seems to have found an entire monster made of cotton candy nearby.

Talk to the Deku Scrub on the northeast side of Scrubton who has two green buns on his head – Just south of the sweet spot. Your goal in this quest is to find the floating cotton candy thing that the scrub is describing, which as it turns out, is not the Smog – Thunder Cloud boss you encountered at the end of the Let's Play A Game quest.

Cotton Candy Hunt Quest Walkthrough

It's not cotton candy – it's a recurring boss

Follow the route on the map above to find out Giant Deku Scrub Statue surrounded by torches. Kill the nearby Drippitune to stop the rain and Light these torches to reveal the entrance to the ruins hidden beneath the statue.

Go through the door to enter the first puzzle room. Like the East Temple dungeon, This dungeon contains puzzles that require Zelda to fill a yellow box with sparks.

If you didn't learn Spark Echo in the Eastern Temple, Use a bomb or bombflower to destroy one of them and take its echo. This is an invaluable tool in this dungeon, as it lets you skip many of the puzzle mechanics by summoning Sparks directly into the yellow boxes.

If you'd rather not tease this puzzle mechanic, you can
Readjust the path of the spark in the room by summoning crate and boulder echoes
So that they normally travel in the yellow box.

Enter the room to your right that unlocks after completing the puzzle to enter the next puzzle room, sparks on the lower level under several spider webs. Using an echo that creates fire (such as Ignizol Slime Echo), Fire the spider webs and defeat the enemies in the roomThen turn your attention to the top-right corner.

The Three sparks are required to activate the yellow box in this roomSo either by Using your Spark Echo or by Rerouting the sparks in the roomFill in the yellow box to enter the room on your answer.

Here, you can Hit the yellow box if you use a long range summon ability which Tri gets after reaching level 2. Hold Y to charge the Spark Echo, and release aiming at a 45 degree angle towards the yellow box on the other side of the chain to unlock the path forward.

You'll enter a sidescrolling underground section with lots of Strandtula enemies and some sparks in the underwater section. Continue to the right of the room and use your own Strandtula to go up to the far-right, then continue to the water section.

you can get
treasure chest
Jump up using the Strandtula or Platboom to get up and dodge or jump over the sparks that are moving around the platforms. The chest contains a clean
20 rupees

You can use Bind the skill to move an existing spark to the yellow boxbut Can't call Sparks directly on it Thanks to the climbing wall in the background. instead, Summon a spark on the ground on the left side, Fasten itAfter that Jump across the crates to place it inside the yellow box. This one is essential Two To open the way forward.

Enter the room on the right Fight the smog boss one more time – but this time, it's in a sidescrolling environment instead of a top-down one, changing the strategies players can use to reroute the boss through its interview stages.

Cotton Candy Quest Boss: Smoke, again!

Indeed, the smoke returns once more to the hidden ruins, and as before Using potions or smoothies that provide lightning proof is a great idea to combat this. After the boss tells Zelda that she can't resist the replay, the battle will begin Smoke clings to environmental platforms and shoots lightning bolts his way

for the First stepActivate Swordfighter Form with your Electricity Proof effect activated and either slash at Smog's origin or shoot arrows in its path. After a few hits, it should It transitions into an intermediate phase and splits into three smaller cloudsSpread around the room.

As before, have your goal Reroute each cloud by placing echoes in their path to collide. Each cloud will stick to the nearest surface and shoot Zelda with lightning bolts to move forward with it. you Cannot bind to these cloudsYou can simply place things to adjust their path.

Eventually, each cloud will merge with the others and It turned into smoke again. Once the owner is fully back together, Enable Swordfighter Form, take another lightning proof smoothie or potion, and deal damage until you go on a second interval.

This time, you need it Reassemble the five separate clouds around the field. Follow the same strategy and reroute each cloud to collide with others to reach the final stage.

After doing this mechanic a second time the smoke won't explode againSo summon a strong Echo (eg Darknut lvl 3 Echo), enable Swordfighter Form, and slash away. Eventually, the boss will admit defeat a second time.

Cotton Candy Hunt Quest Rewards

After defeating Smog a second time, the boss will once again drop Rupees and a bunch. Heart piece rewardLet's play a game where you have to go out of your way to get 2/4 heart pieces for a new container making this and its companion quest.

Better yet, your reward for going back to scrubs and telling them what happened Curious Relic Assistant.

Curious remains is one of the best accessories in the accessory An echo of wisdom Because this Significantly reduces damage taken when equipped. It replaces an ancient relic in your inventory (the prize from Let's Play A Game), but its effect is so strong that you won't notice it.

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